The way white people interpret Sodam and Gomorrah is that the people wanted the angels and that was their sin. White people see that sometimes cute young girls look like angels and thus any man who wants one as a bride is committing the sin of Sodam. White people see the same thing in any male of the white races that happens upon a woman who looks very good. They say this is a power imbalance and thus the male must be imprisoned or destroyed.
This is how white people see things. Their (demi)god is Jesus of the New Testament: who says males must have their gnitls severed from their bodies as the ideal in matthew 19 in greek (promotes mmaalleess becoming euniches). Their (demi)god Jesus says that the woman may fk whomever she wishes with no consequence (no stone), but if a maaaallleee looks at a woman he has committed adultery. See the difference: the woman is forgiven for the physical act. The man is condemned for the thought.
This is what whites believe: because it is what their god the New Testament (New Deal) believes.
The New Testament also decares there is no male nor female, all are ONE. A dissassociative reality. And everyone that follows Jesus gets a room in his mansion.
A room in the big house.
Is that what you want?
To have your gntals cut off from your body?
To watch your "wife" fk other men.
To give away all your wealth and disinherit your boys?
To be condemned to death for looking at a woman?