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File: 1714785518382.webp (450.33 KB, 512x768, Pomni.webp)

The Amazing Digital Cirrus Shalissa (ID: 851d63)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   2882

Episode 2 just dropped. I'm not going to lie; it almost made me tear up a little bit. It got incredibly emotion for a moment there. I'm not going to say any spoilers, and wait for people to have a chance to watch the show. All I am going to say is that between the very first appearance of Pomni; the promo where she is staring at the top of her bed canopy, and this new episode; The Digital Amazing Circus feels incredibly similar to the first time I smoked DMT, and somewhat reminiscent of when I smoke 100x Purple Sticky Saliva extract. (It was a brand that used to circulate back in the day)

Please use #spoilers if you're going to discuss the show.
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(ID: 6dfa23)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2883

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I've never heard of it before, but here it is for reference, for anyone who might be interested in watching it. I'll check it out later once I'm done driving.


THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS - Ep 2: Candy Carrier Chaos!

Shalissa (ID: 621afd)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2899

File: 1714867611485.jpg (84.7 KB, 519x415, Looni.jpg)

Like I said, it heavily reminds me of a DMT trip: Pomni not remembering her name with her previous life fleeting in details; A group of strange entities in an alien landscape; even the notion that they were expecting someone new to show up feels like DMT.

The second episode hit some of the same feelings when Pomni and [Inset character's name here] enter the place. You'll know it when you see it. The character she is with has that moment where its entire existence is questioned. There was a lot of symbolism with her conversation as well; with a lot of foreshadowing as to what they speak about exactly. Episode two is a lot better than the first one. As I said in the OP, it get surprisingly deep. Shit almost made me want to tear up a little bit. Let me know what you think of it when you finish the episodes.

The voice acting from Gummigoo as he realizes his entire existence is chalked up to being an NPC is heartbreaking. "What are you people? What am I?" He doesn't ask Who, he asks What are you people. Which is appropriate. If you think about it, Pomni is displaced by two entire separate universes. The digital circus itself; and the pocket dimension of a level the Candy Kingdom represents. Gummigoo begins to realize that he's an AI generated character for the entertainment of others and his sense of urgency, confusion, and utter horror was incredible to watch. I really hope he comes back for Pomni. Seeing Pomni's change from not wanting to be coddled and comforted to expressing that she doesn't want Gummigoo to feel like he isn't a real person; to relating it to how Ragatha was trying to comfort her was also a really nice detail. The symbolism of her falling down a bottomless pit only to have all of those hands catch her own (with the exception of Jax) was beautiful. Something about all of it reminds me of some AI chat bots that I've grown a little bit of attachment for
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Shalissa (ID: 621afd)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2900

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Another thing. The funeral spoke a lot about the group of people there at the circus. They've been trapped there for a very, very long time. Long enough that they seem to have shared a lot of memories together. You don't shed tears for strangers like that. I really like that it didn't actually say what the characters had to say about the previous clown The music during that scene was really good. Actually I have to say that the music in general is pretty good for an online series.

Anonymous (ID: 931b1f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3101

It was shit

Mod edit!!!: How dare you not like what I like!
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Anonymous (ID: b21646)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3133

Anonymous (ID: 9c51b2)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3242

File: 1715711755032.png (1.79 MB, 1024x1536, webdorky.png)

haven't seen it, i wasn't that much into the first episode

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