>shot a 97.2 on my dayqualMan I feel good about that. Managed to even outshoot the two who'd done this before. One being a former cop, at that.
Wasn't even a gun I'm used to. Near everything went a little to the left by virtue of just not being used to the glock trigger. I fucking hate glock triggers. Especially with their stupid fucking trigger safety.
The cluster high right was me trying to adjust for that, at the 25 yard line. A little more than I should've, it seems. Mostly high due to being prone, as it's surprisingly bothersome to get your sights to line up just right like that.
Funnily enough, I was losing about ~2 to 3 seconds every magswap portion thanks to being used to a CZ slide and pressing against that slide release, too. CZ slides are cut higher, thanks to the rails going inside instead of outside. So where the slide release was, is essentially the index for where my thumb'd go on a CZ. 'Least for my P09.
Personal safety paranoia says just go 'click' in case, so I'd waste a 'shot' so to speak before doing the reload.
Was also way used to mag retention, so every time I did that, my reloads were slow anyways. Though I found a good pace slightly quicker than most, so I didn't mind.
Only a 90 on my nighttime course, but that's because I was fucking blind for like half of it.
Guy had the bright idea to do it just as sun went down, technically giving us light, but I think it was worse f