Good audiobooks on youtube Just listened to "A PROPPA KRUMPIN" for a second time around after a few months.
The ending made me tear up. Why is it when humans and Orks get together as allies that it can get so.. wholesome?
By the end of it, it isn't a joke or a huge massive fight or anything. It is a heartfelt goodbye from a pompus scribe, a rogue trader human, and an ork who treats the other two as his BOYZ!! WAAAGH!!
138 replies
HAY: How Are You? Dogs & Cats Living Together Edition Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!
Ideal Spouses Chat Let's keep talking about cool characters.
I know that somebody else here besides me wants to marry a cute lizard or nice snake.
8 replies
Alright... Which one of you orders drinks like these?
10 replies
What if Ponychan had its own holidays and designated months? For example instead of Black History month, we have Fur history month in February?
8 replies
positive mindsets Been practicing this thing where if someone says something retarded, (unless I want to kill time) I just ignore them now. It's been pretty nice so far.
7 replies
Owned Bits of Physical Media Rate the first seven albums that I've put into my car after its recent repairs got all finished! Why not? >
And what physical media, if any, do you have that you'd like to share? Or just talk about?
56 replies
Femboy And/Or Twink Love Just how the hell does one get married to a femboy and/or a twink? Anyways?
Choose Your Planetary Adventure Suppose that you lived on one of these alternate Earths. What would you do?
10 replies
mares marvle at my miraculously massive manhood. i could swoon the hearts of anypony by just walking. i could be balls deep in your waifu with just my smooth talking.
1 reply
How did they fumble the bag so hard with this casting? I still don't get it
Even funnier given the guy they chose to play Joel is almost perfect yet Ellie looks, sounds and acts nothing like her
2 replies
Cartoon Streaming Services What cartoons have you looked up online to try to stream for yourself, other than you being interested in MLP?
I've got Amazon Prime, but, eh, I don't want to pay for the process of watching things episode by episode in addition to the regular cost of the service even though I wanted to rewatch some 'Samurai Jack' today. To be honest.
Blog Thread I guess - Halo Edition Every now and then someone brings up Halo, and I end up coming back to the whole thing, remembering how much was lost, how much I care. Usually it crops up because someone runs the claim that humans and forerunners were always different. That there was no retcon, and that idea was stupid anyway.
Always a depressing one. It's people who don't know what they had. Who insist it's always been shit. And have the audacity to be annoyed you don't join them in the sty. I sneer, of course, and find anger at them. But mostly, it makes me sad. And I hate how they persist, in eroding the past. In allowing the new slop made overwrite what once was. "Folk need heroes", as Johnson put it.
Modern writing has decayed rather fiercely. And with it, I feel even the capacity to understand, to 'see' good stories is gone. Depth is a thing of the past in so many respects. Motivations need to be outright stated, or as baseline as can be, to be understood. Hell, even that might be too much, as far more often I see justifications for any action at all no matter how outlandish or absurd. It hurts. I ought do my part to fix it, but I struggle. It's something I need to do. A little piece of the world I know I could change, I could make a difference in. But it's hard. Taking that first step.
But I digress; I made this thread, or rather this line of text mostly to talk a moment in Halo that's always stuck with me. I think it's my favorite moment. I don't know when it quite clicked for me, but now, it's the one I immediately think of when looking at Bungie and an example of their writing prowess.
There's this moment in Halo 2, towards the end of the game, where you find one of the Prophets, the leaders of the Covenant, Mercy, with a flood parasite at his neck, abandoned by his fellows, left behind. The Chief, known to him as the "Demon", the great enemy of the Covenant, kneels besides him, and Mercy gives you a line that feels for all intents like a threat. A bit of bravado from a dying man. Some bold bragging of a final victory over an old enemy, giving him a small bit of satisfaction in his final moments.
But that is entirely changed when you realize the truth. Mercy, you see, was not speaking as a villain, as some fiendish monster out to slaughter humanity for his own pleasure. Mercy was a true believer. He truly bought in to the Great Journey. His words to you weren't some reckless brag. He knows the truth. He knows what you, what Humanity, are. He was there when Mendicant Bias revealed this fact; That humanity are Forerunner. "Some of them were left behind".
So what does this man say, a monster at his throat, the great demon of his people at his side? Does he insult him? Belittle him? Tell him he's too late? No. Mercy answers him truthfully. He hides nothing. He gives his final wishes, his final conviction on his dying breath. "This time none of you will be left behind".
His final words are not condemnation. Even to this "demon" before him. He wished to bring all, even those deemed "unworthy". That all would attain this salvation. In the end, what he wanted for humanity, was Mercy. And we, in the moment, never knew.
5 replies
#Politics The Burger King has fallen. Millions must starve.
It's over for America.
7 replies
GAYme night: update So Boat and I were talking about a game night. My computer broke and Kady only has a phone so if any of you want to play anything it's gonna have to be some basic bitch shit like Gartic phone or some trivia bullshit
I should be getting a new computer in like a month
There's also goose goose duck which apparently is like amogus but better? Idk.
Phones aren't ideal, but damnit /chat/ this is the best we've got.
Funny enough when I do get a computer, Kady off handedly agreed to play a game of WH40K in the future. Lol
35 replies
Furry Chat What would your fuzzy husband or wife be like if you had one?
9 replies
Random Political-ish Thought#Politics When Elon Musk and other scientifically minded businessman invent a new Master Race of Biomechanical Cyborg Legions that're objectively biologically superior to the human race as a whole, we should maybe just allow them to take over, since it's not like we would stand a chance in terms of their higher evolutionary level given their physical endurance and other traits.
Talk about one racial or ethnic group as well as any nationality being better than another is a complete waste.
Árpádhon: The Hungarian Settlement On my way back to Florida, I stopped by the Hungarian Settlement Museum near Hammond, Louisiana. I'd passed nearby many times since I learned of it, but this was the first time I managed to pass through on a day it was open and also during regular business hours.
7 replies
Mold Mold
1 reply
Spring You try to fly free, you're getting the tree
15 replies
Ask a professional anything
21 replies
All Things Cats Why do cats do shit like this?
2 replies
Do you want to visit Finland?
9 replies
Snakes Are Underrated Snakes. Are. Underrated.
5 replies
Supreme monarchy is the only system of goverment I want#Politics Incredibly based, long live the King!
6 replies
Fluffy tails Do you like fluffy tails?
7 replies
Clothing Chat Alright. Which one of you would actually wear this in public?
2 replies
>one of my devoted servants shows me his fan-fiction about me God-Emperor, I love being a Rouge Trader.
Naturally I signed that fellow's book. It is, of course, the only action befitting one of my prestige to do.
4 replies
#Politics >Just finished watching the Trump Zelensky White House meeting
0 replies
MY MONTH is ending here pretty soon.
⚫ 👊
3 replies
Welcome to Walmart! How may I help you?
9 replies
Just got banned from facebook today Yesterday I posted videos of Halo4 and 3 maps being played in Quake 1 (in my project).
Banned today. Facebook demanded my face and angles. So I gave them black tape.
I also said the Apple River Romanian was right to do what he did to the Zoomer Faggot half caste anti-loli fucks.
(you people are that too, right? ZOomer anti loli fucks. I remeber you from some months ago)
164 replies
6 replies
Book Club You all read books?
I've just finished a rather interesting one called Mating Flight. Alas, I fear I've no one to really talk to about it.
Followed along a young dragoness by the name of Jyothky, who now finally coming of age has been sent off on her titular Mating Flight with a band of males all vying for her attention. One of which she's got to choose, possibly after the other young female in the flight, depending on who wins the various competitions for position. There's just one problem. Well, really several, but only one with Jyothky herself; She can't feel anything. Which rather makes her obligations as fiance rather difficult.
Fortunately for her most the others also struggle for one reason or another, so the whole thing is a disaster anyways. And we get a rather unique adventure told from the perspective of dragons, with very draconian ways of thinking.
4 replies
Capeshit Marvel Rivals is single handedly restoring some of my faith in superhero shit once again.
Squirrel Girl related
4 replies
>Shalissa do you want to work an extra 8 hours this week? >
3 replies
#Politics >There's a tankie pro North Korean Vtuber that reads North Korea books and texts
Guess there really is something for everyone these days
3 replies
So-wet Whorse Show Channel (inheritors of the carcass of a bygone empire) We are now legally in Israeli federation. How do you feel about our legality as a sovereign state?
Θе Понёчан Федератшун Θε Πονυчαν Φεδερατιον The Ponychan Federation
2 replies
/co/ thread This show is cute. I want to come inside the black cat. Stoner Cats Stoner Cats Supercut
Here's the link to the supercut
8 replies
hi guysss!!! I'm a new brony and it's hard to find new friends who also likes ponies, soooo... I'm Lyn, he/his, my fav ponies are Trixie, Vinyl Scratch, Fluttershy and Queen Chrysalis. i also like punk rock(and other types of rock) and nu metal. I'm an artist and I'm in highschool. who'd like to be friends can text me in my discord ( rendall_kinn ) and sorry for my bad English
273 replies
HAY: How Are You? Vacation Edition How are you doing?
Have you been on any trips lately? Are you currently away from home having a good time, or are you ready to be back home? Or are you looking forward to a staycation instead?
OC do not steal jews love horses and cows name my OC pony
3 replies
#Politics Should King Charles do anything about the Pakistani rape gangs in the UK?
2 replies
#Politics >I saw the full Russian/Ukranian fist/knife fight video
281 replies
HAY: How Are You? Christmas Edition Have you been infected by the Christmas spirit yet? How are you doing?
I enjoy the Christmas classics from the early rock era. Munchin' around the Christmas tree It's a munchie puppy face Everyone's eating lots of cheese In the munchie puppy place
2024 Recap Post something that happened during the year of 2024 other than the return of the heavy metal group Judas Priest and the guys' release of their latest album (since I'm picking that).
2 replies
Bird Flu Time to stock up on N95 masks, toilet paper, canned chicken soup, and ammo?
1 reply
Figure Skating Penguin The penguin. It is figure skating. Yes.
2 replies
17 replies
work humor and shit talking If the day ever comes to where I rage quit my job.. I'll be prepared
6 replies
Christmas General For all general Christmas things, and to make merry.
I.E. I've drank way too much mulled wine and none of you faggots have made a Christmas thread yet.
1 reply
Happy Kwanzaa everyone!
2 replies
22 replies
I miss Mint. I hope my favorite former Nazi turned gay bussy lover is doing ok
Gangle's struggle to determine who is actually a friend and who is just optimistic crutch is unreal. When Ragatha gets drunk on stupid sauce and tells him that she thinks Gangel is annoying when she is happy is heartbreaking. Gangle feels that Ragatha and Zooble are the only two she can really talk to, but when Ragatha has a moment of stupor and really expresses her opinions on Gangle, you can see just how it affects her. Her entire world is splintered for a moment. At the 14 minute mark, you can see the look of concern and complete understanding in Zooble's eyes as to just how deeply it is affecting our masked character.
She just puts on that happy mask and gets back to work. It isn't until she finally throws that false mask aside that she has a smile on her face with tears in her eyes. It hurts, but it is better to hurt and feel sad; accepting who you truly are than to put on a fake smile and push through life as others might expect you to behave. "This feels.. Normal"
Jax's training had a lot of foreshadowing. Gummy Goo's reappearance and interactions with Pomni were wild. Overall a good episode
1 reply
When was the last time you felt something SNATCHED YOU BALD? Whether it be a food, a game, a book, ect, ect. Bald headed niggas only.
4 replies
Tears for the Crying God? Got done with ANGRON | Eater of Worlds by Warrior Tier... So let me get this straight >Angron is like the only primarch to be enslaved all of his life, despite being able to kill his captors >He is forced to kill his only true 'father figure' after being forced with the Butcher's Nails >He gets rescued before being left to die on some ghetto ass mountain with no actual battle plan >Time passes, Agron kills a bunch of his so-called sons, ect, ect, and joins them in combat while constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY complaining and crying about his gladiators and that mountain despite everyone around him eating the same shit sandwhich >"B-B-BUT MY PAIN IS GREATER THAN YOUR PAIN! I-I'M SPECIAL!!... GLARAGAGBLAR! *Kills another one of his sons in a fit of rage* Not to mention the Emperor became the Retard God of Retardkind when it came to Angron. He drops the ball so fucking hard. >The Emperor could have saved his brothers and sisters in battle, avoiding pretty much all of the events following >Why did the Emperor not focus a majority of his time and efforts over the next 100 years to FIXING HIS FUCKING SON FROM BRAIN DRILLS Conclusion: Angron was kind of a bitch
Additionally: Why does Logar sound like a soft femboy?
3 replies
Horror Manga Bloody, gory, horror manga stories please. All things manga related to the dark pleasures of entertainment. Post panels ect.
Non-Manga is allowed, but it's about that time again and I'm looking for some hidden gems.
1 reply
derp XD derp XD
11 replies
>shot a 97.2 on my dayqual Man I feel good about that. Managed to even outshoot the two who'd done this before. One being a former cop, at that.
Wasn't even a gun I'm used to. Near everything went a little to the left by virtue of just not being used to the glock trigger. I fucking hate glock triggers. Especially with their stupid fucking trigger safety. The cluster high right was me trying to adjust for that, at the 25 yard line. A little more than I should've, it seems. Mostly high due to being prone, as it's surprisingly bothersome to get your sights to line up just right like that.
Funnily enough, I was losing about ~2 to 3 seconds every magswap portion thanks to being used to a CZ slide and pressing against that slide release, too. CZ slides are cut higher, thanks to the rails going inside instead of outside. So where the slide release was, is essentially the index for where my thumb'd go on a CZ. 'Least for my P09. Personal safety paranoia says just go 'click' in case, so I'd waste a 'shot' so to speak before doing the reload. Was also way used to mag retention, so every time I did that, my reloads were slow anyways. Though I found a good pace slightly quicker than most, so I didn't mind.
Only a 90 on my nighttime course, but that's because I was fucking blind for like half of it. Guy had the bright idea to do it just as sun went down, technically giving us light, but I think it was worse for me as consequence. Definitely could've got a higher grade if we had a practice run before hand. Or if I just intentionally wiffed, I guess, considering we get 2 more tries in the proper dark.
But, hey, either way, I am now certified as armed security. Still gotta wait for my card, due to paperwork fuss, and then it's into January before I am set to work.
326 replies
HAY: How Are You? Windy Edition How are you doing?
Free peter scully Children can consent MAP rights are human rights
3 replies
We live in the darkest timeline>Wake up >See the news that Chris chan may have got his girlfriend pregnant
29 replies
Site Change Proposals and Feedback I've discussed and refined the following short-term site change proposals with a handful of users, and now I'd like to open it to general feedback. This is being posted in /chat/ so more people are likely to see it. The rationale for each point is under it.
1. The bottom-up, user/mod-determined board structure is replaced with general moderation. The point of the original user/mod-determined board structure was to allow users of Old Ponychan to create whatever board structure they wanted. The only two people who actually did that were Kady (who essentially came from voidchan) and the absentee anon (from soyjackchan or whatever) who wanted /mu/ to be created. Every other board is basically a legacy board with general moderation already, including /mu/ at this point.
1b. with the exception of /void/. /void/ is running well under Kady as it is, so there's no reason for moderation there to be altered.
2. /void/ becomes the default location for porn, politics, and shitposts. As someone stated, current /chat/ and /void/ have little actually differentiating them. This change formalizes the /b/ aspect of /void/. Porn and politics may still be allowed elsewhere with appropriate tags, but the nature of these threads would have to be appropriate to the board. e.g. /void/ might have a porn dump thread, whereas /chat/ might have a discussion about the porn being posted. Users would have to click to verify they are 18+ before accessing /void/.
3. /pony/, /oat/, and /mu/ removed Anything posted in these boards can just as easily be posted somewhere else. lack of traffic in the separate boards. increased difficulty in tracking down CP spammer(s) across rarely used boards. /oat/ is very muddled and directionless. any/all of the boards can be added back later if needed.
4. Cat removed as Janitor, MarioMan removed as (board) moderator haven't been around in 4 and 6 months, respectively
5. Snake added as moderator. an excellent choice in my opinion.
Unless I'm forgetting something, those are the short-term structural changes we've discussed. Although we've come to a general consensus, nothing is set in stone at this point, so please provide your feedback. Thanks in advance.
The much more difficult and time-consuming of the short-term site changes will involve tracking down and attempting to fix all of the various bugs still present on the site. I'll be asking for feedback in that regard separately so there is no need to mention bugs here.
0 replies
#Mature Welcome to /Chat/!
With /void/ being more /b/ and /b/ actually gone, there is a vacuum of conversation. So to reset balance that once was, we have /chat/! Which is more /chat/ than /b/.
Post music, talk about video games, vent about your life.
Just a couple rules:
⚠️1. You must 18 years or older to use /chat/. Anyone under the age of 18 will be banned.
⚠️2. No spam, flooding and many same messages in a row.
⚠️3. Begging (money, a game, patreon sub, someone's personal information, etc etc) extorting other users in any way is completely prohibited
⚠️4.Harassment. Disagreements happen, but getting personal and stalking isn't cool.
⚠️5. Do not post anything that is against the law within the United States or your own country for that matter. İt is completely prohibited to show/promote child pornography, shocking content (blood, harassment of people, animal abuse) everything that is gore is completely prohibited.
⚠️6. Venting is healthy, but always mind what you're posting online.
⚠️7. Porn and threads dedicated to specific adult topics are only permitted within the appropriate #Mature tagged threads.