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Site Change Proposals and Feedback (ID: 2edc1a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8862Sticky

I've discussed and refined the following short-term site change proposals with a handful of users, and now I'd like to open it to general feedback. This is being posted in /chat/ so more people are likely to see it. The rationale for each point is under it.

1. The bottom-up, user/mod-determined board structure is replaced with general moderation.
The point of the original user/mod-determined board structure was to allow users of Old Ponychan to create whatever board structure they wanted. The only two people who actually did that were Kady (who essentially came from voidchan) and the absentee anon (from soyjackchan or whatever) who wanted /mu/ to be created. Every other board is basically a legacy board with general moderation already, including /mu/ at this point.

1b. with the exception of /void/.
/void/ is running well under Kady as it is, so there's no reason for moderation there to be altered.

2. /void/ becomes the default location for porn, politics, and shitposts.
As someone stated, current /chat/ and /void/ have little actually differentiating them. This change formalizes the /b/ aspect of /void/. Porn and politics may still be allowed elsewhere with appropriate tags, but the nature of these threads would have to be appropriate to the board. e.g. /void/ might have a porn dump thread, whereas /chat/ might have a discussion about the porn being posted.
Users would have to click to verify they are 18+ before accessing /void/.

3. /pony/, /oat/, and /mu/ removed
Anything posted in these boards can just as easily be posted somewhere else. lack of traffic in the separate boards. increased difficulty in tracking down CP spammer(s) across rarely used boards. /oat/ is very muddled and directionless. any/all of the boards can be added back later if needed.

4. Cat removed as Janitor, MarioMan removed as (board) moderator
haven't been around in 4 and 6 months, respectively

5. Snake added as moderator.
an excellent choice in my opinion.

Unless I'm forgetting something, those are the short-term structural changes we've discussed. Although we've come to a general consensus, nothing is set in stone at this point, so please provide your feedback. Thanks in advance.

The much more difficult and time-consuming of the short-term site changes will involve tracking down and attempting to fix all of the various bugs still present on the site. I'll be asking for feedback in that regard separately so there is no need to mention bugs here.

Anonymous (ID: ca8041)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8897

>as someone stated, current /chat/ and /void/ have little actually differentiating them.
I said. And I keep it.
>/pony/, /oat/, and /mu/ removed
I see them on the site. But if they are removed what happens to the content posted there?
By the way, what is the memory of the site and how much space is currently occupied by all the posts.

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8902

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>I said. And I keep it.
It was a good observation.
>I see them on the site.
These are proposed changes; not ones that have been made yet. If people don't like the proposals or have alternatives they would like to suggest, this is the place to let us know so we can discuss it.
>But if they are removed what happens to the content posted there?
Some of it will be transferred to /chat/ or /void/ depending on the nature of the threads. Some of them will be deleted. As far as how we determine which ones get moved, there are a couple of options:
1) Someone (me, Shalissa, or Snake) can go through and move them on a case-by-case basis as we see fit. This would be relatively quick but may end up moving more threads that people don't actually care about and clog up /chat/ or /void/ for a bit.
2) In a thread, we could ask for people to list other threads from /oat/mu/pony/ that they want kept, and then we only move the ones that are listed. The downside is that threads people might have wanted transferred would be lost if they don't speak up, happen to miss the request, or just aren't around when this all goes down.
>By the way, what is the memory of the site and how much space is currently occupied by all the posts.
I love the technical stuff!
size of all site files on disk: 1.8GB
size of database: 7.6MB

Shalissa (ID: 9acf73)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8914

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I say wipe all boards with the new updates. Start fresh.

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8917

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>>8914 Are you proposing wiping just those 3? or all of them?

Shalissa (ID: 9acf73)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8919

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I'm proposing that whatever boards you decide to keep in the new-world, to present them as blank slates. All old threads be thrown in the trash and the site begin anew.

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8920

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>>8919 The "new-world" is later. This is just near-term reorganization concurrent with the bug fixes I mentioned.
It's sort of the first step in that direction.

Shalissa (ID: 9acf73)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8921

File: 1730868652905.jpg (55.62 KB, 780x438, drew and a squirrel.jpg)

I know. It just seemed like a good enough time as any to mention that since the topic of keeping boards was brought up.

But if there are too many chefs in the kitchen, I'll just keep my mouth shut. Lol

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8923

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>>8921 It's cool, just letting you know. Would you be in favor of people proposing threads to move and then delete the rest?

Shalissa (ID: eb3121)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8925

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I was actually just thinking about that.

Anonymous (ID: ca8041)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8971

/pony/, /oat/, and /mu/
To be merged/united.

It seems the general problem is lack of population.

Some posts don't appear in recent posts. And as far as I understand the posts take up more space than the database. I propose (if it has not been implemented But I think it was. But I will propose it anyway) that the posted file is counted only once even if it is posted multiple times, this way it will save space. Idea (pre)taken from plus4chan.
On this occasion, I return to an older proposal (about a year old) in which I request that the types of files allowed on the site and their size be displayed.

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8973

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>It seems the general problem is lack of population.
Yes, that's certainly part of it. There are currently too few people to support the separate boards, which results in a negative feedback loop.
>Some posts don't appear in recent posts.
Yes that's a major issue with regards to activity.
>And as far as I understand the posts take up more space than the database.
Yes, that's true.
>I propose (if it has not been implemented But I think it was. But I will propose it anyway) that the posted file is counted only once even if it is posted multiple times, this way it will save space.
It sounds like you mean that if file A.jpg is uploaded once, and then again, the second time it just uses the resource that's already there. I'm actually not sure if it already does that since I haven't tested it, but I would assume it already does. If it doesn't, it should. That said, file size isn't really an issue at present at least. Currently the files are taking up less than 1% of the available space.
>On this occasion, I return to an older proposal (about a year old) in which I request that the types of files allowed on the site and their size be displayed.
Do you mean the maximum size?
In the upload window, it should already list the allowed file types, though I'm not sure all of them work at present.

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 6a4514)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8984

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If the cheese pizza spam is still being an issue and we only have mods from one part of the world would it not be easier to have one EU mod and one American mod?

Then the timezones wouldn't be a problem if the spam gets posted at like 3am US time or something

Shalissa (ID: df5adc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8985

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Allowing Eurotrash to moderate?

That's it! I quit. I'm running away and never coming home!

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8986

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>>8984 That's not a bad idea in general. But it doesn't resolve the spam problem, because part of the problem is that it appears without notification in boards no one checks.
>>8985 just think of it like the Beatles, or New Wave.

Anonymous (ID: 5a780e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9019

Are the spambots smart enough to click past a verification screen?
Could require new IPs to click a "are you over 18" or "hello accept our rules" type junkbox.

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9021

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>>9019 uncertain. probably.
It's not a bad idea on its own though.

Anonymous (ID: 597077)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9044

>The bottom-up, user/mod-determined board structure is replaced with general moderation.
One set of staff for the whole site is preferable.
>with the exception of /void/
I don't use /void/, so you guys can do whatever you want with it.

>/void/ becomes the default location for porn, politics, and shitposts

See above.

>/pony/, /oat/, and /mu/ removed

It'll be nicer to just have one board like /chat/ and let everything else that could be posted on the other boards there.

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9418

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If there are any specific threads from /pony/, /oat/, or /mu/ that you would like transferred to /chat/, please post a list of them here. The boards will be consolidated this weekend. Thank you.

Anonymous (ID: ca8041)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9433

I keep coming back to my old proposal that the three plates be United/merged.

⛵☎️ (ID: 2edc1a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9442

>>9433 There's no way to do that without bumping everything on /chat/ off the site.

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9502

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The first round of either low-effort and obsoleted threads have been pruned.
This is the second call for any specific threads from /pony/, /oat/, or /mu/ that you would like transferred to /chat/. Please list them here. The boards will be consolidated this weekend. Thank you.

Anonymous (ID: a8e140)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9653

>/pony/, /oat/, and /mu/ removed
Removing those pony boards would just make this exact site a regular IB rather than what Ponychan was

(ID: 2edc1a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9669

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>>9653 I agree to an extent. But the goal isn't to make this a carbon copy of Old Ponychan, especially since most of the people from Old Ponychan aren't here. Right now we're in the process of restructuring things, and this is part of clearing the way for something better in the future. This isn't to say that such boards can never return, and it definitely isn't to say that we're dropping "pony" from Ponychan, but as it is right now, these 3 boards aren't needed.
There is currently a bug with thread transfers. Once the bug is fixed, we'll continue with the transfers and consolidation.

Anonymous (ID: b1f6e4)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9715

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At current time, it is just an imageboard anyways.
While that can change in the future, depending on how things fare, it's not used anyhow.
The 'pony' aspect as it currently sits mostly revolves around theming and reaction images; Discussion can be found easily enough in a chat thread at that point.

If, down the line, ponies get a real good reboot, and discussion starts to become a significant portion of chat's traffic, by all means making a new board'd be sensible.
But it's not really worthwhile just keeping a board that gets a post maybe once or twice a month.If that.

!PipesTtB.A (ID: 60e6c7)Country code: gb, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9955

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I propose a /Pipes/ board

Said board would have Pipes as mod and only Pipes related stories and content allowed.

Also the worship of Miss Smiles but only if wheelchair bound girl pics are posted alongside her mention. Pivs of Mikies dick are also allowed

Anonymous (ID: 96ebe8)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10097

File: 1733431137422.jpg (194.01 KB, 769x687, E37647E9-35AF-4064-BA45-C80D34…)

This is you at this point…

!PipesTtB.A (ID: ce6f4d)Country code: gb, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10160

Post benis

@astral-observatory-kongara (ID: c98936)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11177

<Neil Patrick Harris you pull that nine card tarot draw and tell everyone a story about how being the inspiration and secret relative of the Phoenix Emperor of the Solar System isn't the proper place of a man or yourself.

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 007615)Country code: gb, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11700

File: 1739018203325.mp4 (104.96 KB, 640x288, John Marston calls you a gay a…)


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