Shalissa (ID: 79b746)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: No.13093
File: 1742695787174.png (1.04 MB, 1194x966, Hoodwink_win.png)

Additionally: I've thought about the term "Fair weather friends" for about a month now. For the longest time, I didn't have a word for it other than being fake and fictitious; it was a term that described so many people within my life that it just felt relieving that I finally had a bit of a buzzword (if I'm using buzzword correctly,) to call out what it was that I didn't like.
But, I think I can see the appeal now. Why the hell should I continually be ride or die for people that wouldn't do the same? And why should I expect others to deal with my own baggage? Sure, I'm the trillest mother fucker that you'll ever meet, but the idea of simply being other people's "fair weather friend" doesn't seem too bad either, or just accepting those types of people for what they are without any other expectations.
Most likely I'll still just be "That nigga" and remain true to my heart; offering my ear to anyone who needs it, and trying to make other laugh; but this past month has been an eye opener.