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HAY: How Are You? Halloween Edition (ID: 86d7b8)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8740[View All]

How are you doing?

Are you participating in any fun Halloween shenanigans?

🔴 HALLOWEEN EPISODES ☠️ 🍬 🏚️ | My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | Children's Episodes
256 posts and 215 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9109

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>>9108 wow, that's unfortunate

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The stories are always very convulated.

Is it your birthday tomorrow?

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>>9110 how long did the game take?

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I'd say around 30 hours.

Got any big plans?

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>>9112 that's a pretty long game, I always thought they capped out around 8.
no plans at all. a few long phone calls.

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Nah, they are really long - cause there's so much babbling.

You can celebrate with the house guests and Munchkin!

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>>9114 What if you just skip the text? Would it be possible to win that way? Is there a way to lose?
maybe. I hadn't told them it's my birthday. not sure I want to.

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I even do that to skip text that is useless (like flashback of stuff I've already done). You can lose by making too many mistakes in your thinking process (showing wrong evidence, etc.).

Really? I thought you have known her for years. Well, celebration with Munchkin then.

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9117

>>9116 Do you have to start over if you lose? Is it the kind of game where you lose on purpose just to see what happens?
I have. We don't hang out. That sounds good.

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Usually you have to start at the last major auto-save point (e.g., beginning of a witness cross-examination). The later games have different stuff happening when you go game over, in the earlier ones the judge just calls your defendant guilty and that's it.

You should get some nice dinner at least.

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9119

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>>9118 Do you ever lose on purpose? Were you trying to defend someone else?
I'll probably make a rice pot.

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Nah, not really. I'll be honest, I'll check a guide when I can't figure stuff out cause I'm more intersted in the story than the success.

Rice pot and a nice movie.

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>>9120 Are there any Japanese cultural things that don't translate well into other languages?
That sounds nice

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Yeah - the fact that the game is set in the US while it's very obviously in Japan.

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>>9122 anything like that in this game you just finished?

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In this one it wasn't that obvious. But in others there's scenarios in a traditional Japanese village - and they have to come up with explanations, like saying it's "Japanese immigrants", or when there's a Japanese festival, it's "Japanese culture becoming popular", and stuff like that.

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>>9124 haha nice

(ID: 2ab3cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9126

It reminds me of sushi being called 'donuts' in the Pokémon anime way back when.

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>>9126 I never got to watch that

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I watched the first three seasons at the turn of the century and that was enough for me.

Heading off for today. Have a nice afternoon!

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>>9128 have a nice evening!

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Good morning.

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>>9130 good morning; how's it going?

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All good, having some coffee. Still a bit before I start working.

Are you feeling better?

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>>9132 It's Monday! I forget.
a little bit, but mostly the same. I think the houseguests got sick as well.
Any idea how the week is going to shake out?

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Is it Monday for you already too?

Oh my, hopefully it won't get any worse at least.

More meetings, will be about the same as last I think.

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>>9134 Almost Monday.
I think it'll get better soon.
hopefully not too bad of a work week, then.
I'm doing some raiding in Trekville. I jumped ahead in levels again today.

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We'll see. The year is really rushing along.

Is trekville still fun in general?

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>>9136 it's almost over!
mostly, but it has its issues.

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Happy birthday!

Got any new ships again?

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9139

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>>9138 thank you!
no new ships, just a lot of upgrades. I won't get any more new ships for a while by the look of things.

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Why no news ships? Not enough dilithium?

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>>9140 I'm raiding a ton of dilithium from someone as we speak. I actually ran out of tritanium and latinum from all the upgrades! (although I have some tritanium reserves) I jumped from level 42 to 45 today over the span of an hour. But the next ship tier doesn't unlock until 46. The previous/current one unlocked at 42.

(ID: 2ab3cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9142

And it's tought getting to 46?

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>>9142 Honestly, no. Getting from 44 to 45 was a big hurdle. 46 doesn't have many requirements. But I'm out of resources to get there.

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Ah, I see. Well, I hope the resource farming is not too boring.

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>>9144 Thanks; it's actually not bad. went just about how I wanted it to. I was saving up gas/crystal/ore for weeks for today. And I waited for a ranked event that rewarded officer shards. and then I dumped all the resources while ranking up. I'm currently in 1st place! But I'll be staying here a while as I save up for the next jump.

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Well, you're making progress at least!

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9147

>>9146 I'm ranked 578 on the server now!

(ID: 2ab3cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9148

And how many are playing again?

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9149

>>9148 On this server there appear to be 2094 at present.
I think a lot of people have dropped out or gone inactive.

(ID: 2ab3cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9150

Still a lot players. But if there are many inactive ones, maybe that's why the merge servers.

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9151

>>9150 Yeah we aren't merging in this round of mergers, but we expect we might in the next one. 1/5 of our alliance is inactive and soon to be sent to the shadow realm.

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(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9153

>>9152 inactive accounts get put into stasis mode!

(ID: 2ab3cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9154

Makes sense. Well, maybe they'll return to play again after a break.

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9155

>>9154 some probably will!
what are you going to be doing in your off time today?

(ID: 2ab3cc)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9156

I don't know yet - find something new to play after Ace Attorney. Not sure what though.

Gotta work now, have a nice night!

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9157

>>9156 thanks; good luck with the meetings, and don't work too hard!

(ID: daa8aa)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9162

new thread: >>9161

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