EMF Scootaloo!G4/R19.jIE (ID: b8c053)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: No.396
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>>394I went to the Blind People Convention this morning. I'm not blind or anything I just thought it'd be cool to go meet blind people, y'know, at the Blind People Convention. So I went to the Blind People Convention and I looked outside and there were all these like, fluorescent glow-in-the-dark strips on the floor leading into the Blind People Convention and I was like, dude, why do you need fluorescent strips on the floor, this is the Blind People Convention, blind people literally can't see them. I went in and I asked the guy at the counter this and the guy at the counter was like 'yeah but all the staff here are only partly blind' and I was like 'really?' and he was like 'naw dog I'm fucking with ya it's just Geoff who's partly blind'. I didn't really know what to make of that.
And then man door hook hand car door because Europe far rope munches Britain fantastic Gabe Moist ferris wheel Arctic Tempest.
Alejandro by Lady Gaga.