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File: 1706063683794.jpg (1.3 MB, 1920x1554, Fexa coke.jpg)

Anonymous (ID: 6c8318)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 386

>You were going downhill for ages well before I called things off. It wasn't some small thing. And, really, you think that type of thing wouldn't have any long term consequences or dangers? That there's no problem with a confirmed alcoholic who regularly runs into major problems after drinking way, way too much living with you?
I actually was getting better after Japan for a while. I don't need to justify myself to you, but the reason I shit the bed in Japan a second time is because I found out some horrific news back home and relapsed. As for long term consequences or dangers; I can't deny that there is a risk when it comes to drinking. But I was actually on the cusp of something; like actually there. But I get it. That isn't believable. I'll give you this. If the shoe was on the other foot, I might not believe that either. Hell, I would have even met you half way; that I couldn't see you until I got my act together a little. But to say "We need a reset.." Was just as bad in my eyes as "I want nothing to do with you."

Anyway. That's my piece. Peace.

Anonymous (ID: 6c8318)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 388

God fucking damn it.
>Wrong password…

Anonymous (ID: 30b5a2)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 406

No one fucking cares you autistic cockmuncher. Christ you blog more than that fat bitch Czarina.

Anonymous (ID: 963d9e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 407

>>406 lol yeah you're right. You know what?
I'm going to stop blog posting and larping.

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