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Snake (ID: 42a0cf)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10275

>shot a 97.2 on my dayqual
Man I feel good about that. Managed to even outshoot the two who'd done this before. One being a former cop, at that.

Wasn't even a gun I'm used to. Near everything went a little to the left by virtue of just not being used to the glock trigger. I fucking hate glock triggers. Especially with their stupid fucking trigger safety.
The cluster high right was me trying to adjust for that, at the 25 yard line. A little more than I should've, it seems. Mostly high due to being prone, as it's surprisingly bothersome to get your sights to line up just right like that.

Funnily enough, I was losing about ~2 to 3 seconds every magswap portion thanks to being used to a CZ slide and pressing against that slide release, too. CZ slides are cut higher, thanks to the rails going inside instead of outside. So where the slide release was, is essentially the index for where my thumb'd go on a CZ. 'Least for my P09.
Personal safety paranoia says just go 'click' in case, so I'd waste a 'shot' so to speak before doing the reload.
Was also way used to mag retention, so every time I did that, my reloads were slow anyways. Though I found a good pace slightly quicker than most, so I didn't mind.

Only a 90 on my nighttime course, but that's because I was fucking blind for like half of it.
Guy had the bright idea to do it just as sun went down, technically giving us light, but I think it was worse for me as consequence.
Definitely could've got a higher grade if we had a practice run before hand. Or if I just intentionally wiffed, I guess, considering we get 2 more tries in the proper dark.

But, hey, either way, I am now certified as armed security.
Still gotta wait for my card, due to paperwork fuss, and then it's into January before I am set to work.

Chain (ID: fc0653)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10277

Nice! I hate Glocks and shoot them much worse than my Beretta M9A4.

Snake (ID: dbec44)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10279

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I honestly just despise striker fired guns in general with a passion.
But, alas, for this secjob, they want to use the standard fare I guess...

(ID: 1b04b1)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10286

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>>10275 I didn't understand half of that, but congrats!

Snowbell (ID: 07141f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10287

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>I fucking hate glock triggers. Especially with their stupid fucking trigger safety.
>The cluster high right was me trying to adjust for that

A reduced weight trigger disconnect might help with that. I use a 3.25 in my G19.

Snake (ID: 42a0cf)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10302

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Trouble with that is glocks not having a safety, at least to me. Though a 3.25 weight is not really horrible, in that respect, of course.
I like that first shot to be very intentional, with the rest more or less 'whatever'.
CZ covered that perfect. No safety, but the trigger on first shot is heavy enough it does the job. Follow up shots are crisp and clean. Even sports a manual decocker.

I'm probably overly picky, but it's not my glock anyways, so I can't do much to it.
Odds're good they're gonna insist it stay in a safe if not handed off to the next guy, when I'm off shift.

Chain (ID: fc0653)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10308

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>No safety, but the trigger on first shot is heavy enough it does the job. Follow up shots are crisp and clean. Even sports a manual decocker.
My Beretta M9A4 is like that too. And I like that it has an external hammer that I can block with my thumb when holstering.

Can you CC your personal pistol while on duty?

Snake (ID: 42a0cf)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10321

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Nice thing with mine is it has a decocker, so I don't have to worry about the hammer. Though you're right, easy enough to just block it, let go the trigger, and lower it the rest of the way. Dunno 100% if it's the way it works on semi autos, but on pistols, the hammer block should come up meaning even if you slip, it's safe.

>Can you CC your personal pistol while on duty?

Technically yes, but I'd have to provide the paperwork for the permit, and I haven't bothered to renew Alabama's after they moved to constitutional carry.
Probably should, considering it means I don't carry here in North Carolina, but a mix of laziness and not wanting to pay the fee, especially since I'll probably officially move here soon, meant I didn't have it at the time.

Chain (ID: fc0653)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10328

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Oh, mine has a decocker too. What I worry about with a Glock is if something catches the trigger when holstering. With an external hammer, it won't fire, because I use my thumb to prevent the hammer from getting cocked. There is a mod for Glocks to have this functionality, but it requires some gunsmithing: https://langdontactical.com/glock-striker-control-device-scd/

Snowbell (ID: 07141f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10332

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My first carry pistol was an East German Makarov, consequently so long as the trigger pull is somewhat less than 30 pounds I am satisfied.

Snake (ID: 42a0cf)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10334

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My first was a polish P83. That double-action was godawful, but the follow up single action was pretty smooth.
I still carried it for dominos a lot, just because it was smaller and slightly more comfortable in the car, sometimes.

Insidious intonations where they don't exist The Earthbound Fandom (ID: e2f072)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10338

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An accurate description of what it is to force an arabic simulation of yourself to take the wheel and act surrounded by radioactive noise. Have a preview.
>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Saffron City🍜

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