Shalissa (ID: ffcd1a)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1 No.10341
File: 1734385365991.jpg (91.49 KB, 564x820, bone lord.jpg)
So again, let me get this straight. The World Eaters who have the same code of honor and levels of loyalty to their own brothers, who watch them die in battle and at the hands of their 'father' in fits of rage; as well as through the practice of formal decimation of ranks are able to handle themselves better than old Crygron? I mean, I get that the Butcher's Nails are pretty bad, but the guy was unhinged and showed signs of being an emotional wreck even before the Nails were applied. It just ironic that despite the guy being mistreated all of his life and wanting freedom that he subjected the World Eaters to the same level of emotional and physical abuse to a ground of soldiers that were brainwashed into serving their Primarch as a demigod. I guess the cycle continues on.
And why wasn't the Emperor talking to arguably his son that needed it the most? Like damn, he could have played some catch with the dude or some Frisby or something.