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File: 1734484094124.jpg (51.47 KB, 736x736, gangel.jpg)

Shalissa (ID: f3a2ee)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10400

THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS - Ep 4: Fast Food Masquerade

Gangle's struggle to determine who is actually a friend and who is just optimistic crutch is unreal. When Ragatha gets drunk on stupid sauce and tells him that she thinks Gangel is annoying when she is happy is heartbreaking. Gangle feels that Ragatha and Zooble are the only two she can really talk to, but when Ragatha has a moment of stupor and really expresses her opinions on Gangle, you can see just how it affects her. Her entire world is splintered for a moment. At the 14 minute mark, you can see the look of concern and complete understanding in Zooble's eyes as to just how deeply it is affecting our masked character.

She just puts on that happy mask and gets back to work. It isn't until she finally throws that false mask aside that she has a smile on her face with tears in her eyes. It hurts, but it is better to hurt and feel sad; accepting who you truly are than to put on a fake smile and push through life as others might expect you to behave. "This feels.. Normal"

Jax's training had a lot of foreshadowing. Gummy Goo's reappearance and interactions with Pomni were wild. Overall a good episode

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