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File: 1739478079083.jpg (56.18 KB, 736x831, 1002009425.jpg)

hi guysss!!! (ID: 70ddf5)Country code: de, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11808

I'm a new brony and it's hard to find new friends who also likes ponies, soooo... I'm Lyn, he/his, my fav ponies are Trixie, Vinyl Scratch, Fluttershy and Queen Chrysalis. i also like punk rock(and other types of rock) and nu metal. I'm an artist and I'm in highschool. who'd like to be friends can text me in my discord ( rendall_kinn ) and sorry for my bad English

(ID: fab7bf)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11810

File: 1739504313897.gif (543.69 KB, 600x338, ff32ef5a919709c0411a4806389ee0…)

>>11808 Hi, Lyn! Trixie's pretty cool; I like her dynamic with Starlight Glimmer. I'm not sure Queen Chrysalis counts as a pony! but I'd root for her anyway.
What's a good nu metal song? What kind of art do you like to make?

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 0fc204)Country code: gb, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11908

File: 1739777138034.jpg (5.05 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

>Somebody getting into the fandom
>In 2025

I mean you're about 15 years late but welcome!

Urda (ID: bee44f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11909

File: 1739785876289.jpg (1.06 MB, 1932x2576, IMG_3283.jpeg)

The Year of the Irish ☘️

Anonymous (ID: ec262b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11954

Tell him he has to be gay

Anonymous (ID: 4f61ae)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 12063

File: 1740175853105.jpg (46.56 KB, 1280x720, 524ebd7e041620efcf6640b8d48aa9…)


Anonymous (ID: ec262b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12088

File: 1740247363474.jpg (85.51 KB, 708x960, Black metal possom.jpg)

i want to come inside, Rainbow Dash

Snake (ID: 02b121)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 12089

File: 1740250563395.gif (2.73 MB, 1280x720, 502318.gif)

I prefer griffons.
MLP dragons are also acceptable. Even if a little lackluster.

Anonymous (ID: ec262b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12093

File: 1740260974923.jpg (600.65 KB, 2560x1920, 1177826117.jpeg)

I want to come.
Inside rainbow dash?

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