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Fuck youtube Shalissa (ID: 178837)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   3850

They took down my AI generated video of Toga singing Monster by Lady Gaga. I can't get that back. I don't have a back up of the video, and now it's gone.

How the fuck is that a copyright infringement when it's an AI cover? People are allowed to make covers.
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Shalissa (ID: 178837)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3854

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People post videos all of the time with music thrown out there on the internet and youtube; and it isn't satire/parody/a cover at all. I'm mostly pissed off because my channel is small time. It's not like I'm even making money off of it. I just post stupid videos of game footage and the occasional video project I'll throw together. Youtube needs to get replaced already with something else.

⛵☎ (ID: 4462f3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3855

And now I can't sleep...

>>3850 it's pretty annoying, I know. But a couple of things. First off did they strike your channel? Second, the way it works is that YouTube compares your video to its database of submitted copyright material. If it detects the match, regardless of how small of a match, and even if it's in the background, if it matches detected then it gets claimed to whatever extent allowed by the person that submitted the copyrighted material in the first place. There's no real logic to it. It's just an automated process, assuming it wasn't manually assigned which I don't imagine it was. You can fight the claim and attempt to have it reinstated. You will probably win that. But I'm not sure it's worth the effort. If they decide to fight it then you might get a legal notice of some sort. Which I don't think is likely.
>>3854 different rights holders have different policies for what they do when they match with other people's videos. Some just claimed the revenue and allow the video to stay up. Some are dicks and take the videos down. You never really know until you try. Unless of course you have prior experience with certain rights holders.
Rumble is a good alternative. I should set up a channel there myself.

Anonymous (ID: 3ffd4d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3856

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It's why I really am debating starting to record any youtube content I enjoy...
Seems it all runs the risk of being removed, or, like the classic "Seven Vaginas", being horribly corrupted.

I'm pretty sure I could just get a heap of old disk drives, and start throwing stuff on to them.
Save piles of literature on the smaller drives, audio files on the medium ones, videos on the big drives.
Throw games in between.
Feels like it'd be good to have a backup database.

Shalissa (ID: 178837)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3858

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I just said "Fuck it" and "Thug Life" before reuploading the audio. I had to do some crafty stuff to get this audio back.

Shalissa (ID: 178837)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3859


I have no idea what any of that means

Shalissa (ID: 178837)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3866

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>it's pretty annoying, I know. But a couple of things. First off did they strike your channel? Second, the way it works is that YouTube compares your video to its database of submitted copyright material. If it detects the match, regardless of how small of a match, and even if it's in the background, if it matches detected then it gets claimed to whatever extent allowed by the person that submitted the copyrighted material in the first place. There's no real logic to it. It's just an automated process, assuming it wasn't manually assigned which I don't imagine it was. You can fight the claim and attempt to have it reinstated. You will probably win that. But I'm not sure it's worth the effort. If they decide to fight it then you might get a legal notice of some sort. Which I don't think is likely.
They put a strike on my channel, which the strike itself says will disappear after three months -- Which is horse shit. The song was covered by AI and could even been seen as parody if you really think about it. (Actually you don't. It's fucking TOGA singing Lady Gaga.) The video had been up for months. It wasn't until it hit like 300 views and some likes that it got nailed. I was thinking about submitting a complaint. It gave that option, but then I got lazy and fuck it, I'll just reupload whether these assholes like it or not.

>>>3854 (You) different rights holders have different policies for what they do when they match with other people's videos. Some just claimed the revenue and allow the video to stay up. Some are dicks and take the videos down. You never really know until you try. Unless of course you have prior experience with certain rights holders.

I've always been apart of the opinion that art should be free once released after a period of time. Those right holds are pieces of shit really.
>Rumble is a good alternative. I should set up a channel there myself.
I haven't heard of it.

I've actually been thinking about making a dedicated "Voidchan" / nupony youtube account and posting stupid shit on it.

(ID: 4462f3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3870

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>>3866 If it got a strike, don't just reupload it, because it can get another strike for the same reason. In fact just avoid anything related to Lady Gaga. I had a hunch that Lady Gaga might be one of the more copyright trollish creators, but it just depends on the managers, not Gaga herself. In general, if you can search youtube for an artist's songs, and you see that artist's songs on videos that do not belong to that artist's channels, you're more likely to be ok. If you only see that artist's channels in the search, they're probably shutting people down left and right

You could try reaching out to the person that issued the strike directly, and offer to manually remove it in exchange for removing the strike. basically tell them it was just a parody project and that you'll avoid any Lady Gaga stuff in the future. There's a decent chance they'll agree to it. and if they don't, then you can challenge it on parody grounds.

>I've always been apart of the opinion that art should be free once released after a period of time. Those right holds are pieces of shit really.

I agree.

>I've actually been thinking about making a dedicated "Voidchan" / nupony youtube account and posting stupid shit on it.

have you ever seen those 'simulated' ponychan videos? where they just take threads and read them with AI?
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Shalissa (ID: 178837)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3875

It's already upload and is the only piece of audio that exists of this cover. I appreciate the advice, but youtube can shampoo my balls with their saliva.

(ID: 4462f3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3877

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>>3875 It ain't YouTube that's the issue. It's Lady Gaga Inc. or whatever. But like I said, I get your frustration. I've had similar things happen before. Good luck!

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