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File: 1717162220126.jpg (99.37 KB, 539x685, I WONT PAY TAXES I WONT PAY TA…)

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 515f37)Country code: gb, country type: geoip, valid:   3927

>Women have no rights
>LGBT people have no rights
>Non muslims have almost no rights
>But you won't have to pay any taxes

What an interesting country the Taliban have built

Snowbell (ID: 3094c9)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3955

File: 1717210794811.jpg (225.73 KB, 708x1001, 1556491598598.jpg)

Also you get all the guns your goat can carry!

(ID: f3a72c)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3970

File: 1717226504422.jpg (93.91 KB, 1566x880, 150115.jpg)

>LGBT people have no rights
It's pride month in the Islamic world.

Anonymous (ID: c070a6)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4063

File: 1717532197734.webm (2.76 MB, 960x540, mechanical dragon lifted tail.…)

Pretty based, ngl
Alas, they probably'd kill me for my dragonlust.

Anonymous (ID: b33728)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4430

How does the Taliban expect to repay the country's debts and offer services if it completely abolishes taxes?

No schools to send your kids to.
No food.
Nowhere to live.

Snowbell (ID: 3094c9)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4433

File: 1718507380357.jpg (214.67 KB, 600x817, 1556552600801.jpg)


You seem to be laboring under the delusion that the Taliban wants to do anything other than live in caves and fuck goats. They don't expect to do any of those things as they would only interfere with tending to their goat harems.

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 164ec3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4447


People seem to forget that the Taliban are pretty much the Islamic version of Christian Purists.

You know, the type that would run off and make a compound somewhere where they don't do anything but pray 24/7 and think "society" is just a distraction from god

Shalissa (ID: a986ef)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4458

File: 1718578759287.jpg (23.43 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.5709155152_28gf.jpg)

Home schooling.
Food isnt dependant on taxes.
You can build your own house.

(ID: f3a72c)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4463

File: 1718618447628.jpg (113.52 KB, 854x935, beatnik_maud_pie_by_gonzaherme…)

all those poppies aren't going to grow themselves.

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