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File: 1717287827672.jpg (120.63 KB, 850x1358, 202d61f94e7b76f8b885c63a4544cd…)

Shalissa (ID: b5c178)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   3978

Snowbell (ID: 10076f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3980

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"Pride month" is just a plot by car dealerships to sell electric cars. No I will not elaborate.

(ID: fc8efa)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  3991

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Anonymous (ID: 23bbe4)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4003

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I completely agree with her.

Shalissa (ID: b5c178)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4004

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I personally don't mind the idea of a pride day/week/month. Sometimes people just want an excuse to celebrate. I just don't like what people do at those parades. It makes people like me and you who just want to live in peace look really badly.

It's like this: if you want to overly hypersexualize yourself or with a group of friends, then do it somewhere that isn't in a public place. Stick to your fetish clubs, shady rooms, sex chats, and whatnot.

Nobody is going to see a group of big hairy greased up men whipping each other and think "wow these people are normal, reasonable, and pleasant to be around." That's counterproductive to having acceptance.

Also: "I don't care who you hump. As long as it's not my chick." I love that
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Anonymous (ID: 23bbe4)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4005

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Well yeah that's the thing. I don't define myself by my sexuality. I mean I play it up on here every now and then just for the lels but it's not the core of my being. Gay rights are obviously important as fuck to me and having lived through the tail end of the time when it was not, in fact, okay to be gay and having had that steer my life decisions for a large part of my life.
Having a pride day, (I feel like when these things are dragged out past a single day they cease to have any meaning what-so-ever, it just seems juvenile to me) I'm all for but if it would focus on things like the historical struggle for gay rights, etc then it would appeal to me. But instead like she pointed out it's basically just been turned into a fetish showcase for gross sex-addicted people and it's being done in my name. And so it's like, oh cat's a fag so he must be all horny and fetish-obsessed all the time, etc.

Like imagine if someone turned black history month into a fetish showcase. Like what the fuck. People would be correctly outraged about that.

And then she touches on the cancel culture aspect and that plays bigly into it too. And that gets associated with me too. It's eternally my fault whenever woke nonsense gets shoveled into videogames even though I hate it, too.

The worst part is a lot of this stuff is perpetuated by "allies" and people who aren't even fags themselves. Sometimes it feels like some bizarre homophobic 4d chess. Just kicking the hornets nest and running away.

Shalissa (ID: b5c178)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4006

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>Like imagine if someone turned black history month into a fetish showcase. Like what the fuck. People would be correctly outraged about that.

Ahhh yes, the parades of black men and women getting enslaved by white people as they stroll down the street -- And vice-versa. It would be outrageous. (I'm not going to lie, I would be disgusted, but probably laugh about it at first. Like with those horse fetish people who dress up like horses and let people ride them. From what I understand at least those people have a private plot of land that they set up away from the normal public.)

>And then she touches on the cancel culture aspect and that plays bigly into it too. And that gets associated with me too. It's eternally my fault whenever woke nonsense gets shoveled into videogames even though I hate it, too. The worst part is a lot of this stuff is perpetuated by "allies" and people who aren't even fags themselves

This is part of the reason I don't volunteer the fact that I'm bisexual. (For a lack of a better word.) The LGBT community is doing a 180 when it's already starting to get seen as back for shaming someone's sexuality. LGBT folk have had more acceptance today, than the entire history of the United States. (canada for you)
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