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Anonymous (ID: f04590)Country code: sa, country type: geoip, valid: 1  4502

Dead site

(ID: 3d0853)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4503

File: 1718556451402.png (657.66 KB, 1280x720, allrar7.png)

Almost dead!

Anonymous (ID: f04590)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4504

Already dead*

(ID: 9dd9b8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4505

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Urda (ID: 2c52f4)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4506

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Shalissa (ID: 3beff4)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4507

(ID: 9dd9b8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4517

Yeah so here's the thing.

Of the people who were active on Old Ponychan, roughly 15% ever came here. Most of those also post on Ponyville. Of the remaining 85%, those who are still around in some capacity, all went straight to Ponyville. Ponyville already had a dedicated user group of about 25 users who have no interest in going anywhere else.

So if you have "Generic Thread #726" that you want to post, and you know that in addition to the 'shared' users, you can reach 4 unique users here, whereas on Ponyville, you can reach roughly 60 additional unique users, where are you going to post that thread if you actually want people to respond to it?

Let's take a 'hypothetical' user. You get an order of magnitude more engagement on Ponyville due to users*[chance to engage], and since you just aren't getting the results you want here when you post here, because the 8 people here don't respond to you as much as the 72 over there, you give up and start posting there exclusively. Anything you do post here, is not because it's your first choice, but rather it's something that isn't allowed on Ponyville. Eventually you stop coming here altogether. So now there's even less incentive for anyone else to post here either, as you become another dedicated Ponyville user and one less person who can engage with anything here.

So yeah, the site is dead. You're not telling us something we don't already know. The people who didn't already move to Ponyville exclusively all have one foot out the door already and it's just a matter of time before they leave as well. When people do come here to try to engage, dumbasses redirect them back to Ponyville. because stupid fucking retards don't understand that telling people to post somewhere else, means less people who have any reason whatsoever to post here. No one actually gives enough of a shit to try to make a difference.
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Anonymous (ID: 316573)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4520

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Ponyville's kind of a shithole with worse issues in many respects than Ponychan. The only real difference is they're devoted to maintaining an illusion over the whole thing.
Ponyville's been bleeding people for years because of it. Those who realize it's all fake promises and claims, and then fall awry of the structure with no aid, inevitably get fed up and go somewhere else.
It won't last in the long term.

For myself... I've just been slower at imageboards generally. I try to poke my head in regularly, but it's more of a bi-weekly thing these days.
Most I ever do on Ponyville is rant on /townhall/ because you get folk who say stupid shit there from time to time.
Here's way cozier. Even if it's slow, comparatively.

Shalissa (ID: 2a89b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4548

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>Anything you do post here, is not because it's your first choice, but rather it's something that isn't allowed on Ponyville.
We are too edgy in their own words for the majority. We're too nice for those who come from other worlds. We're a niche.

Anonymous (ID: eb9d8b)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4549

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Honestly, I don't even think Ponyville has an issue with edginess.
It's just a question of if your presence causes disruption with the locals.
If one of those locals, like one does mind you, thinks that republicans literally want to murder them in the street and will do so any second now, no big issue.
They can rant about how evil white man is all day, without problems...
The problems only arise when there's disruption. And then, when there's disruption, you're the one liable to get punished first.

Shithole site. Ponychan types over there won't last. Save for the ones who're already a part of the 'in' group over there.

Shalissa (ID: 51db58)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4550

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I've almost been killed twice this month. Give me a fucking challenge

(ID: 9dd9b8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4552

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>Ponyville's kind of a shithole with worse issues in many respects than Ponychan.
worse on different issues.
>The only real difference is they're devoted to maintaining an illusion over the whole thing.
I agree.
>Ponyville's been bleeding people for years because of it. Those who realize it's all fake promises and claims, and then fall awry of the structure with no aid, inevitably get fed up and go somewhere else.
To be fair, that's a small subset of would-be users.

>For myself... I've just been slower at imageboards generally. I try to poke my head in regularly, but it's more of a bi-weekly thing these days.

Thank you for stopping in.

>>4548 yep.

>>4549 this X 1000
Case in point, they have a rule against politics, yet it doesn't apply when it's the 'correct' sort of politics.

Anonymous (ID: 0d1624)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4554

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I'm not even sure it's the 'correct' politics, honestly.
I think 90% of it's the person who's bringing it up.
Granted politics might be part of it, but I do know for a fact at least, they aren't policing Andrea when they stir shit and start tossing around insults like hot candy on /townhall/.
Though I grant political allegiance and identity is a likely component to that "who" part.

On an unrelated note, I was thinking about making a craft board; Nothing concrete yet, but I did fancy asking about how one'd go around it.

(ID: 9dd9b8)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  4555

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>>4554 Yeah, being part of the 'in' crowd grants you substantially more leeway.

>I did fancy asking about how one'd go around it.

I'll need a board designation (like /craft/ or /c/ or what-have-you), a title (e.g. "Crafts"), a description as seen on the main page, a user name and password for your mod account, and I'll have to make some minor edits to the site code. Ideally send it to me over Discord unless you want everyone to see your password. If there are any special instructions for the board, I'll need those as well. things like mature-allowed or not, forced anon, politics allowed or not, assuming the options work as intended, or just use the defaults. Aside from that, it'll be up to you to create the board rules as you see fit.
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Anonymous (ID: 0d1624)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4556

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Good to know. I'll keep it in mind.
Like I said it's still in the idea phase, but I'll keep you posted.
The big question is mostly if I want to actually limit it to crafts, include DIY, or just open it to 'creative' things generally... Or even more, if I fancy including things like doing your own counters, chicken coops, or divider walls...

Ah, the woes of categorization... Even a trouble, that.

(ID: 9dd9b8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4557

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>>4556 pros and cons in either case

Shalissa (ID: e1d52d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4558

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>permabanned for the 5th time this week on the same ip
>ban evasion

I'm just your problem.

Shalissa (ID: e1d52d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4559

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People like MK, Toilet, Zeke, Toy, and the rest have never been punched square the nose. I swear to fucking God if they think I am insufferable online they would hate me in person. And I'm actually more meek and patient in person until I get pissed off. Like how my friend who got out of prison is crashing here got crazy with me. Motherfucker is 6'2 and I threw his ass to the floor with my fist cocked back and told him to calm the fuck down or I'd start swinging. My knees were on his chest and shit.. fuck

Then he cried.. I felt bad about that
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Anonymous (ID: 52bc00)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4562

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I might just make it a general 'hobby' board, honestly.
It's still not quite what I want. But I'm aiming for a cozy corner, and thinking about it, I'd like stuff like a book club.

I got Cat into Wings of Fire. Bet I could do it with others, too.

True for a lot of folk, to be fair.
I've not run into such a thing.
But then again, I'm also gigantic, so I imagine that gives pause.

Also growing up in the south... fights happen, but I swear people want to actually kill you when they occur. Dunno. Get more stories of 'I came at him with a wrench' or 'I threw a tire iron at him', in place of the usual 'I beat his ass' or 'I knocked him flat'...

Shalissa (ID: 2a89b3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4563

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You're like the least intimidating person I've ever been around. -- Shut up.

> I swear people want to actually kill you when they occur.

Mhmm. That's how I got a few scars myself.
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Anonymous (ID: 52bc00)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4565

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Well, yes, I've got an air of gentleness about me, but think that only adds to it.
'Gentle giant' is a trope for a reason, after all.
Perhaps both these play their role in it.

sandaryan (ID: 5881d6)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4660


Shalissa (ID: 120a13)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  5206

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I'm not gay. Liking traps is actually the sign of a more heterosexual male due to the emasculation of what normally would be your competition.

Shalissa (ID: ec6bfb)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5237

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I can lift anything

Anonymous (ID: 254778)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8327

You are the pepe-iest frog

sandaryan (ID: 237f58)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8399

Wow this thread lived longer than i thought

Shalissa (ID: fbdbb9)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8480

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Drunk in the bathroom, messing with my skirt. I got hair in my tights and nothing in my shirt

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