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HAY: How Are You? Happy Pupper Edition (ID: cb0b4d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   5083[View All]

People should all aspire to enjoy life as much as this happy pupper.

How are you doing?

previous thread: >>4695
226 posts and 205 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

(ID: 0e0763)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5471

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An S, which is the best. I got all S's in the Zeldas.

I hope you too will be feeling better!

What warrant is there out for her? Stealing copper cables?

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>>5471 That's impressive. Do they give you any help in navigating, or do you just have to know where to go?
Thank you very much.
Surprisingly, no, at least I don't think so. She's had a suspended license and so wasn't supposed to be driving. She got caught, and then failed to appear for her court date. So there might be a warrant out for failing to appear.
After the tornados here, the line crews just dumped the old lines everywhere. And so it was a free-for-all of who could cut up and recycle them. She and her girlfriend spent a lot of time doing that. I have no idea where this other alleged copper is from.
heading back out for a while; have a good one!

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They do offer guidance, but I really didn't need it. I play the game a couple of times a year still.

Ah, I hope she's not getting into too much troulbe.

Copper is still valuable, sometimes they steas it here from the big drums.

Have a good one!

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>>5473 It may be more accurate to say she can't stay out of trouble!
There have been instances lately where people have toppled radio towers just to strip the copper wires out of them.
Has it cooled off at all yet?

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Well, hopefully they don't catch her toppling any towers.

No, still hot. I've been watching some old pony episodes.

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>>5477 She'd probably have it fall on top of her if she tried.
Which ones? I haven't watched any in a while.

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I watched some of seasons six and seven, with Starlight Glimmer.

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>>5481 She's my favorite.

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I think she was a great addition.

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>>5483 anything going on this evening?
our trekville alliance just defended our territory from a very high level lone wolf. it was great practice for our lower level guys. now I'm raiding some fools from my dad's alliance.

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Not much really, I think I'll be lying down soon, I'm pretty tired.

Oh no, not your dad's alliance!

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>>5485 I figured it was about that time.
One of their guys raided me while I was driving back from the vet in Georgia. took about 1/3 of my raidable resources. So now I'm getting it back from their alliance. They're treating it like a learning exercise.

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Have you ever seen your dad in-game?

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>>5487 yeah from time to time. usually when they're running armadas. he's relatively high level.

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Nice! I'll be off to bed now, night night!

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>>5489 good night!

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Good morning.

(ID: cb0b4d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  5502

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>>5501 'morning; how are you today?

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Doing alright, getting ready for work.

How are you?

(ID: cb0b4d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  5504

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>>5503 doing ok; I'm making some spaghetti.
will it cool off today?

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What's in the late night spaghetti today?

It will cool off a little, but it's still at 84 °F or so.

(ID: cb0b4d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  5507

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>>5505 black eyed peas I think.
that's like... a cool day in Florida.

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I didn't know that's an actual thing, I thought that's just a band name.

Well, it's pretty warm here.

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>>5508 they really like singing about beans for some reason.
anything going on after work?

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Got a meeting today, and I should do some contractual things. I guess it could be worse.

Got any plans before bed yourself?

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>>5510 I sense some handshakes in your future.
I was going to drive, but it looks pretty dead. There's been a ton of trekville stuff going on today.

(ID: 0e0763)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5512

Yes, there's lots of handshakes on the way, especially by the end of August or so.

Did you play some more?

(ID: cb0b4d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  5513

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>>5512 the worst month.
Yeah, the lone wolf attacked my dad's alliance during their takeover, and some people over there blamed us for the attack. We talked with them and resolved the issues, came up with a trade deal.

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Sounds like it worked out well in the end!

I'll be off for now, have a nice evening!

(ID: cb0b4d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  5515

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>>5514 thanks; good luck with the contracts!

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>>5519 Done already? How was work?

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It went well enough, the meeting was super short, and I got some things done.

First championship in the Nintendo World Championship game is over, too. I performed pretty well and ranked 353rd in one mission.
This post was edited by its author on .

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>>5521 a productive day
Oh it's a competition, too? How does that work? Do they update the games and challenges from time to time?
Which mission was it?

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Yeah, they pick five games every week and you can compete in them.

The one where I did best was finishing world 1-1 of Super Mario Bros. as quickly as possible. Over 50,000 people took part.

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>>5523 that's a pretty competitive game!
I didn't think you liked speed runs.

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I don't like speedruns that use bugs in the coding to do stuff you're not supposed to do in a regular game.

But just getting from A to B as quickly as possible, that can be fun.

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>>5525 That makes sense. What happens if they have a challenge with one of those glitched levels?

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I'm pretty sure they have removed all those possible glitches from the original NES titles. And the challenges are very specific so I doubt there can be any.

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>>5527 How long does a challenge run?

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You have one week to give the five missions as many tries as you want. I'm already pretty happy with my results. I think at least one or two of them should do pretty well overall.

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>>5529 What are the new challenges?
Have to feed and walk Munchkin.

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The challenges are first level of Kid Icarus, beating a Lynel in Zelda 1, getting the ball in Metroid, collecting all coins in a Mario screen, and beating the first level of Donkey Kong.

I hope you have a nice time outside! Did the houseguest show up?

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>>5531 A lynel? just random lynel? I've never played Kid Icarus.
Munchkin enjoyed herself. She's becoming a lot more active. She jumped off my chair a little while ago. And then when I was feeding her, she made a break for it.
I haven't heard from her since.

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There's a screen up a waterfall with one lynel. You start on the screen and have to kill it.

Kid Icarus is a fun one, one of my favorites. Short but pretty tough at parts.

Nice! Sounds like she is recovering well!

Hopefully she's not in jail already.

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>>5533 So that should only take a few seconds, right?
Yeah but I'm still not supposed to let her do anything too exciting like that. definitely not jumping off my chair.
I don't know. I'd say it's 50/50.

(ID: 0e0763)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5535

Yeah, I did in 6.6 seconds or something. The tricky part is figuring out how it moves, depending on where you go.

Munchkin cannot be stopped!

I'm calling it a day, have a nice afternoon!

(ID: cb0b4d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5536

>>5535 I'm guessing you can do it without even thinking about it.
All in the name of cheese.
Have a good night!

(ID: 0e0763)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5548

Good morning! Looks like the thread has reached its limit again.

(ID: cb0b4d)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5551

>>5548 Good morning!
new thread: >>5550

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