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Play by post Shalissa (ID: 3e51a8)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   5383

So one of my tabletop campaigns has ended recently. It was pretty fun, but that also opens up my roleplaying schedule and figured I'd try something I haven't done in a long time: play by post.

It's simple. Anyone who wishes to join simply makes a character for whatever system we all want to play and posts in response to whatever's happening. I've done PBP (play by post,) games in the past, and I have to say that it has its own advantages and disadvantages. For one: if people are busy with work, the more casual style suits it considering you don't have to dedicate like 4 hours to a session. It allows people to think, and learn the rules better since you don't have to sit there and wait for everyone to flip through the rule books if they aren't as rule-savvy as someone else might be.

I've got a couple of ideas thematically for campaigns and a couple mechanical systems that might work out as well:

Chronicles of Darkness: I'd be rehashing an old idea I came up with where the party would start off as regular human beings only to be transformed into the supernatural with whatever splat (vampire, mage, werewolf, ect, ect) they are interested in. The idea is that the group starts off as human that are part of something like a ghost hunting group/supernatural chasers, or perhaps archeologists or paleontologists and begin to run into the supernatural. From there your character would be turned. For example if I wanted to make a vampire, then eventually I'd run into one who changes me. If I wanted to be a mage, I would awaken, ect, ect.

I was thinking about having that game either set in Mexico where the pyramids are, or someplace within the harsh climates of Norway. Germany or Australia would also be pretty cool.

Mary Loves Dick

Warhammer Fantasy: this would be pretty interesting. I also would love to play around with the lore and how some of the races interact. A number of things could go down that would force different races to work together. Loec decides to play the ultimate prank on the Chaos Gods; deciding that the best way to stop them is to wipe out all life, undeath, and sentience; therefore starving the Chaos Gods of their food supply and ceasing their existence. Where as Nagash wants to kill everyone and make them mindlessly serve in death; Loec wishes to completely obliterate existence itself. Just an idea. I can come up with others. I'd have to read the book, but that won't take long. Not to mention play by post is perfect for learning.

Dungeons and Dragons: I have a few more 'generic' ideas with dungeons and dragons, including an idea inspired by Castlevania. I never got to really play it out, but it would be fun. A duke or powerful noble has their daughter kidnapped and you have to get her back. I also have played in thematic games before where everyone picks the same race or something like that. (Living in a gnoll encampment for example). There also this idea that was pretty cool where everyone is dead and begins their adventure in one of the afterlifes (Like the 9 layers of hell, or the abyss). Which is cool because I feel like other planes aren't used as often as they should.
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Anonymous (ID: 82352c)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5474

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I love all of these. Fantasy is always great, and I want to get into Vampires. Dnd is a bit more basic, but, hell, I always like more dnd

(ID: 6988d6)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5475

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>play by post
How does that work? It sounds like you just do what you're doing whenever you can. Do we wait on you to tell us what happens ("I attack the ogre."), or do we just make stuff up ourselves ("I attack the ogre and kill it.")?
They all sound like cool ideas tbh.
Are you wanting to do this on /chat/ or /rp/?

Shalissa (ID: fb34f8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5479

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The thing about the splats in world of darkness is that they can explain a lot of supernatural phenomenon, even when it normally might be covered under something specific in a different system. Strange snake people that have access to fire magic? Vampires. Eldritch and demonic shapeshifting shark monsters? That could actually be a type of werewolf. It's strange; it almost seems likes it's restricted at first glance due to the 'limited splats' when compared to classes in other games, but each splat cam be broken down and fluffed into sub categories. (A lot home made stuff can be implemented too.) The biggest limitation is imagination, especially when you look at the massive lists of powers each splat gets.

My last party had like 3 vampires (who were all drastically different), a strange doll-like promethaian, a mummy, and this weird spector danny phantom type woman from a more obscure book.

Fantasy sounds fun, but I absolutely would want to slightly tweak some of the racial lore for any players to make whatever character is in their head. (Like having gendered Lizardmen instead of barbie doll biological autonomatons. Or making it so female skaven aren't automatically some bloated and drugged up birthmachine. As to why a Skaven would work with a human for example: maybe they are from some exiled group of Skaven that are so bitter and traitorous that they just want to mess with the others who banished them.)

It's all just thoughts.

Shalissa (ID: fb34f8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5480

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One more thing: the idea of more freedom to the players and rule of cool had always leaned in my favor. Think of it like Conan: he starts off 'weak' and struggles a bit, but by the end he is mowing people down left and right. I like sending tough boss monsters and mini bosses as well, but I also like making custom and very powerful items for people to play with after it's earned a bit. I get the satisfaction of making cool enemies to fight, and obstacles to get past; and my players get the satisfaction of using their unique items to rip those enemies in half.

I describe whatever is happened. I give everyone their chances to do something, and then make you roll dice if necessary. If you kill something, succeed, or fail in a task, you get to describe it. (Or I might, depending on the context)

Anonymous (ID: 7bf8c9)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5493

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When I fiddled with Warhammer Fantasy last time, trying to figure out my lore, the whole 'bloated females' thing was still in place, except that females existed outside of that, and said females weren't really regarded as 'breeding slaves'.

Basically, they were considered living it up, in Skaven culture. Given ample access to the green shit, food, all the cushions and luxuries they desire, young virile males to please them, and all of whom are desperate for their affections.
They had a sort of political control on things, but because of their attitudes and life of hedonistic leisure, this mostly amounted to screwing over 'that bitch Kee-shish' as opposed to, say, macheovelian plots of politic.
I mean, it still was of course. But it's more the "popular girls" style of such things.

Ended up also being why female skaven, generally, don't advance as readily; They're jealous cunts, and will not tolerate any Skaven who enjoys their company mentioning such girls. Add that to the lack of the drive to get with those mammoth temptresses from female Skaven, and you'd find they mostly keep their heads down, avoiding stupid ambitious things, and preferring to make it as big as they can in the 'ranks' as it were.

Really should just cave and make a game for it... I did so much worldbuilding, for so little.

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>>5480 Ok. How long would a typical 'round' last? Are we talking about lots of small things happening in rapid succession, or major things that happen just a few times in a real life day?
I'm fine with either. But I find having to technically 'roleplay' the whole thing somewhat exhausting.
For example, if I say "[character] attacks the Elf" would be preferable to "[character] smiles wryly and says 'That all you got?' before standing upright and preparing to counterattack the Elf and blahblahblah" if that makes sense.

Anonymous (ID: 7bf8c9)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5495

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>As to why a Skaven would work with a human for example
No justification really necessary. Skaven are the single most diplomatic of races. They will, and have, worked with anyone.
Good ol' Nagash was defeated after the Skaven decided his plan of "kill and resurrect as undead the entire world" thing wasn't their cup of tea, and decided to break a guy out of prison and give him a superknife to shank Nagash with.
'Course, said knife was radioactive, but, honestly, the Skaven probably didn't even mean to betray him with that. It was probably coincidence, given all the best Skaven shit is.

Incidentally, this is why the Tomb Kings as a whole are fairly neutral when it comes to Skaven.
Sure, they're a menace who only bring disease and misery wherever they go.
But they did help beat Nagash that one time, so, they're tolerated just a little bit more than the usual Tomb King racism dictates.

Shalissa (ID: 3e51a8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5497

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>How long would a typical 'round' last?
If you're talking about real time, that would depend on how fast people reply. Play by post is a double-edged sword in that regard. It gives people time to come back if they are busy IRL, but you're also sort of stuck if someone else is out. Sometimes I'll let other people roll first and stitch what actually happened right after. That's for a regular text game. I've only ever hosted like one or two play by post games before. They weren't too terrible.
>Have to roleplay everything out
Oh no, you don't have to give some witty response and describe everything in extravagant detail if you really don't want to. Typically, in online games I've seen people make one or two decently lengthy posts to begin with (or if something 'cool' happens like a lot of damage or they kill something, ect, ect) and the rest is just "I'm gonna hit him with my sword again!" And then I just roll and describe what happens.

Personally, I'm a little different in that I give some pretty detailed stuff. It's an old habit from my ERP days. I can type pretty fast, come up with details on the fly, and enjoy spinning stuff that makes players feel cool. (Or stupid if they fuck up horribly in some way. That's always kind of funny too, lol) I do tease people sometimes, and I like having enemies shit-talk the player characters a bit.
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Shalissa (ID: 3e51a8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5498

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I'm not as well versed in Fantasy as some people are, admittedly. The idea of self-hating Skaven who want to get back at some powerful overlord is just an example of something that could be possible. While there are always going to be 'some' hard noes to somethings ("wE kILLeD DA laDy of pAIn!"), I'm always down to bend lore and give people options.

From what I understand, in lore; the Skaven females used to exclusively be described as bloated mice women from birth that were pumped full of drugs and essentially raped for the entirety of their lives. It was in their biology to be fat, ugly, insane rat women. From what I understand today: they are actually born relatively normal (as far as a Skaven can be normal), and are enslaved, and now the reason they are bloated is because of the drugs they pump in them.

Which does suggest canonically that if the females are completely mutated from birth that they can live out a normal warpstone loving life.

Like I said, if someone wanted to play a Skaven female and not be a hulking mindless monster, I'd allow it.

>Really should just cave and make a game for it...

I'm sure you could find a group.

The tomb kings wouldn't have to worry about disease really. (Unless it was a bone disease! Hah.) But radiation would still be an issue.

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>>5497 That's cool.
Would you want to run this here, /rp/, or somewhere else?
don't know if you saw my response there.

Shalissa (ID: 39c7bb)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5516

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I did, but I forgot to reply admittedly. I wouldn't mind. As I've said in the past with tabletop ideas, it depends on if people are actually interested. I don't want to make a thread, pitch ideas OOC, or worse, post an entire detailed introduction and have it collect dust. That actually happened on old voidchan and it was pretty disheartening. So I just figured I'd talk about it, extend an offer to anyone who might find that sort of thing fun over /chat/ and see what happens.

With that said, it would be nice for RP to actually have roleplay going on. I was actually meaning to reply to that doughnut one, but I didn't really get it at first. I got cold feet after some of the previous threads I replied to ended up getting forgotten and then deleted. I guess it's a freeform rp where characters from different lands are in a dark and dreary part of a pony city? I'll probably come up with something ridiculous, considering it looks like the OP abandoned it.

"This is my thread now"
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>>5516 I have no idea who it was or what he was going for.

Shalissa (ID: c9e10e)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5539

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His thread died for our sins.

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