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Deadslop vs wolverchud Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 921ebf)Country code: gb, country type: geoip, valid:   5689


So, we all know the MCU is dead. It's buried. Twenty feet under.

Or at least it was until Wesley Snipes returned as Blade for the first time in over twenty years in Deadpool V Wolverine and carried the entire movie so hard

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Is this movie even considered part of the MCU?

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 921ebf)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5691

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Yes. I mean this is a spoiler thread so I can spoil things here so if you don't want that again LOOK AWAY

Now that's out of the way here's the gist of things for those who don't want to watch the movie but want to know details and the funny bits and cameos etc, once again very obvious spoiler warning for below

So Deadpool after the events of Deadpool 2 uses Cables universe hopping time travel machine to travel into the MCU universe just before the events of Endgame in order to visit the Avengers to try and join them only to get turned down

Deadpool ends up going back to his own universe annoyed by this and retires, until the TVA (from the Loki TV show) turn up and force him into helping them due to the Timelines collapsing thanks to Wolverine dying in the movie Logan (Which seemingly was not supposed to happen but did)

So yeah, it's in the MCU. Features a ton of cameos and references. Here's just a small list of more of the fun ones.. I'm not going to list all of them as there's a TON

Blade from, well the Blade series as played by none other than the one and only Wesley Snipes

Younger CGI'd Chris Evans in a fakeout in which Deadpool thinks he's captain america only for him to turn out to be Jhonny Storm/the human torch from 2005s Fantastic Four movie

There's also Deadpool visiting countless different universes while hunting for a living Wolverine to help him out and so Deadpool comes across a bunch of varient/alternate universe Wolverines with most being from the comics including

Dwarf Wolverine

Classic Comic book Wolverine just prior to the famous Wolverine/Hulk fight

Post apocalyptic Wolverine

Henry Cavill (Aka Superman) Wolverine

Patch/eyepatch disguise Wolverine

Clint Eastwood Wolverine

And most amusingly of all crucified Wolverine among an endless field of murdered mutants skulls from that infamous Uncanny X-Men #251 comic book cover
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⛵☎ (ID: 0f352a)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5693

>>5691 was the story itself good?
That sounds pretty convoluted.

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 921ebf)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5697

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It's alright. Solid 7.5/10 but I'm biased as a lifelong comicbook and supershit shit fan. Still much better than the messes and puke that Marvel have put out in recent years mind.. Although I will say this movie does rather feel like it probably should have been made about a decade ago.

I mean if you're not a Marvel comics fan or just not a fan of Superhero movies in general you probably would not like it as to be honest the entire movie is pretty much just nonstop comic and MCU fan service. It was clearly written by people thinking

"Ok so everyone and all the fans say they want this in the MCU, they want this guy and that guy and him and her and everyone to be in it. Well here you go, they're all here. Happy now? Is this what you want?"
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>>5697 Yeah I'm not opposed to fan service, but it just sounds like a lot of memberberries that would be lost on me.
I liked the Deadpool movies. I remember when Deadpool was just some dude with his mouth sewn shut, so I'm a little confused about the continuity. I also liked the X-Men cartoon from the 90s but never really got into the movies. And I've only watched reviews and people making fun of and dunking on the later MCU stuff. I never saw Logan; just heard it was good.

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 921ebf)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5699

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>"Deadpool was just some dude with his mouth sewn shut"

Everyone hated that. So much so that the post credits scene of Deadpool 2 had Deadpool travel to that universe and kill the mouth sewed shut version of himself (no seriously)

I mean the entire point of Deadpools charecter in the comics (when he gained a personality and was not just a Deathstroke ripoff) was being "the merc with a mouth" as his nickname was and who pretty was just a quipping clown. In the comics was also seriously mentaly ill and believed himself in a meta way to be a comic book character hence him breaking the 4th wall, although in the movies they just dropped that aspect and changed it to him just breaking the fourth wall just beacause he can and beacause why not instead.

And as for Logan.. It's good but it's depressing. Like the entire point of that movie is that it's the semi bad ending to Wolverines character and was meant to be the very last Hugh jackman Wolverine movie before they convinced him to return one last time for Deadpool and Wolverine.

Logan is a take on the "old man Logan" comic series that's set in the future and in which Wolverine is much older, the X men are mostly all dead due to mutants being hunted down and almost being extinct (With general "superhero stuff" being made illegal by the goverment) and charles xavier/Professor X due to the loss of the X men combined with being in hiding, his pyschic powers no longer being under his total control and advanced old age has been reduced to a dementia ridden bitter old husk who hardly even remembers who he is most days and is being taken care of by a jaded, old and uncaring Wolverine whos' given up on being a hero and has accepted that the age of superheroes and mutants is over.

It's a grim, dark and depressing movie but a very good one but not one to watch if you're in the mood for light hearted fun for obvious reasons

21 Fun Salute Bob And George (ID: b1a5f0)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5700

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🦻🦻👉👈 5698 🎸🪓💚💚💚💚
I'd have posed for Sirkowski if he wasn't a the enemy of this three letter word today on Celebrity Jeopardy brought to us by Red Bull. It isn't not a silly pipebomb for the working body!

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>>5699 I vaguely remember that from the 2nd Deadpool movie.
Logan sounds interesting.
I don't watch many movies nowadays; I just watch reviews and commentaries on YouTube instead.

>>5700 Like would know to more you?

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