>>8132I think you should wonder if your mod, shallisha,
>>8135 isn't a transfaggot working for some US govt agency.
Back 20 years ago I used to make maps for an opensource project. Eventually programming. Some of the people in it eventually joi.. defected to google. One became a tranny and they all became feminist anti-loli standard white people (even when some of them were from europe; they were none-the-less converted).
The transsexual who cut his cock and balls off went on to mozilla too. He opposes men marrying cute young girls.
It wouldn't be suprising if they went on to govt jobs.
One thing they might do is gasslight like a fucking faggot piece of shit "durrr don't believe your lying eyes".
You can simulate nuclear weapons in my version of the opensource videogame. If you want. It's a supported feature.