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File: 1728238110545.jpg (180.46 KB, 1008x676, IM DA JOKA BABY.jpg)

I wish I was joking Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: ed2f87)Country code: gb, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8332

I see you liked the last Joker movie chuds, well guess what you were not supposed to like him you were supposed to hate him so we decided to have him get gang raped and then killed off in the new Joker movie haha take that

(ID: c6bd5f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8341

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get wrecked chuds!

but the real joke is that Warner made no money off the original, which they had no faith in, due to a risk/profit-sharing scheme. so when it made a billion dollars, they barely got anything. Warner decided to fix that little problem by assuming all of the risk in Joker DEUX, which cost 4X to make vs the original. and their new middle finger to the fans is a massive bomb. well played. you sure owned the chuds.

(ID: c6bd5f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8363

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Todd Philips is the modern Cervantes. Unsatisfied that his character has become infamous and taken on a life of its own, he set out to destroy his own character's legacy. Both Philips and Cervantes kill off their creations in an ignominious manner, after the characters renounce their ways. But just as Quixote's legacy continued despite Cervantes' best efforts, so will the legacy of Joker despite this travesty of a movie.

Anonymous (ID: ce3439)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8364

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I wasn't planning to watch it. But I did hear they decided against any screenings.
I think it's pretty obvious why.
This wasn't a movie to sell.
This was a movie to apologize, for appealing to the wrong people.

Shalissa (ID: e60e59)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8372

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As much as I love some of Lady Gaga's music, she is a horrible actress and was an awful pick to play as Harley Quinn. As much as I have good memories of Lady Gaga, please stop inserting her into roles she isn't very good at playing. She isn't playing Harley Quinn at all. She's just Lady Gaga in Harley Quinn cosplay. And what's up with the low blood pressure voice the entire time?

I haven't seen the movie yet, but it looks like they fumbled pretty bad with this.

I don't get the narrative of "We did this to own the chuds! How dare you like the first film!" though. Were they like bashing the right wing or something? Am I missing something here?

To be honest, the original, while it had some good scenes wasn't that great either in my opinion.

Shalissa (ID: e60e59)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8373

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Shit you weren't kidding he really Gets "The joker raped out of him" And then dies by getting stabbed to death

What a load of garbage

Spawn Armageddon frame by frame @aircommander-in-stasislock (ID: 4310f7)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8374

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Good to see a member of the darkweb officianado has chimed in. Okay, ladies and gentlemen here's the answer squad.
You have moved from the first film that was an unreliable narration story in past present future tense television to a narrative that's swerved into a casino and plastered itself, no offense to the new alchoholics , across a novelty boxcar dice. This is the first of several films. Once the complete or incomplete as certain tastes may have it films are done, preferably several a year, then part whatever language yeah Joker Trea will hop skip and jump like it's loaded with black powder to the outskirts of China. Sorry Japan, you really should have tried anything except... survey says ignoring you're all actually nocturnal.
May surprises never cease.

@aircommander-in-stasislock (ID: 4310f7)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8375

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Shut your gay rape hole Antonia. The opinions of a mentally splintered duplicate raised by german nihilists is worth as much as a goblin pinto.
Congrats on choosing the wrong team bro.

Shalissa (ID: e60e59)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8376

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Are you constantly high on bath salts or some shit? You can't even form a complete thought; rather just spilling out a jumble of words.

Anonymous (ID: ce3439)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8380

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>Were they like bashing the right wing or something?
More the character, themself.
It was never really 'right' or 'left wing'. But it did appeal to the disinfranchised male audience, whom of course were labeled all sorts of gunk, be it "incel", "chud", and so on.

Turns out in this modern era, there's a lot of guys who have bottled up emotions from an unfair system that actively dissuades them from so much as complaining.
So people empathized with the MC who's life's gone to shit, to the point where he stopped caring, longing to lash out instead.

Movie here isn't so much "bashing" a specific group, as it is thoroughly destroying Joker as a character, torturing him, and generally doing everything they could to spit on what made folk like him.
As I hear, it isn't the first time it's happened. Apparently similar happened with Don Quixote. But I've not yet read those books.

(ID: c6bd5f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8381

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>Apparently similar happened with Don Quixote.
As written, he was supposed to be the subject of mockery - an anachronism - a fool. But people loved him. And another author even continued the story, effectively writing fan fiction of the character. And so Cervantes, wanting the last word and to destroy what people loved about his character, had Don Quixote (in the story) track down the source of the 'fake' Quixote and force the publisher to label the fan fiction as illegitimate (this takes place in the novel). Then as I recall he gets into a fight with another idiot knight (i.e. also an anachronistic fool), but loses and is disgraced, and then dies to an illness or something stupid. and on his death bed, he renounces everything he ever did as Don Quixote and everything that people loved about him in the first place.
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Shalissa (ID: e60e59)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8382

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I don't know why people have to trash and ruin things that people find enjoyable like that. I mean, maybe it was a creative decision that just didn't pan out that well; maybe it was a cheap cash grab; or maybe it does fall into the theme that a lot of directors/creators/artists that bash on their fandom for enjoying their content, but that sort of thing is unnecessary. Still. Head canon is a thing. The second movie just doesn't exist.

Like I said, I don't even enjoy the first movie all that much, but I can see why people would like this rendition of the Joker. My biggest issue on that note is that they took what was supposed to be the newly empowered Joker from the first film and apparently went full backtrack.

Like how they apparently destroyed Luke Skywalker in the 'new' Starwars films. (Not that I care for the movies, it just bugs me if I think about it.) In that example Luke was supposed to be this force of good that would never give into despair after mastering space wizardry and his mind. He went through hell and back with his father but all of the sudden he turns into a huge pussy and hides on an island drinking tit milk from a bug alien? Gay.

Or Ippo from Hajime no Ippo; he used to be this tremendous pussy in the beginning of the series and actually works his way to becoming a world champion boxer. It would be like if they suddenly made a sequel where he is not only getting his ass beat by everyone, but actively avoiding fights and acting like a whining little bitch again

Anonymous (ID: ce3439)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8383

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That's hilarious.
I will have to give the tale a read some time. I'd wager an old book like that, the audiobooks are probably free anyhow.
Sounds like an engaging one.

Man, it's worse than that, with Luke.

Dude saw Super Space Hitler, a guy who genocides the Jedi, who brutally massacres anyone in his way, who was the right arm of the tyrannical super-empire as they blew up literal planets, and said "I can fix him".

But, when it comes to his own grandson, and a few bad dreams he says "THIS KID MUST DIE".

I don't even like Star Wars, but I totally get why people flipped.
Major part of his character was seeing that 'good' and believing it can be drawn out.
Now, he sees a flek of bad and says "Welp, time for murder!"

Shalissa (ID: e60e59)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8384

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I haven't watched those movies in like over 5 years. I watched the first installment of the latest trilogy and that was it. I watched like 30 minutes of the second and just turned it off. It was so fucking stupid.

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