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File: 1729860989522.jpg (161.33 KB, 668x600, YEHAW BROTHER.jpg)

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 012443)Country code: gb, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8637

What in the Kentucky fried Christ is king is going on here?
This post was edited by its author on .

Snowbell (ID: 42f321)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8639

File: 1729887603675.png (648.49 KB, 640x796, 270063758_863803747645586_2009…)

Well I can't be absolutely sure but I suspect they may be praying for President Trump.

Snowbell (ID: 42f321)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8713

File: 1730251014188.jpg (142.9 KB, 1080x1618, 465049041_540139075301713_3726…)

Oh, and while we're on the subject of religion...

Anime has infiltrated the Vatican. Desu vult!

Anonymous (ID: c9bade)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8726

File: 1730379395690.jpg (264.64 KB, 1280x1014, 1655426294296.jpg)

Catholics are getting pretty desperate, huh?

An anon has been trying to convince me that angels were/are dragons...
I admit, I might fall prey if the church came out with a dragon mascot.

Snowbell (ID: 42f321)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8731

File: 1730395163882.jpg (116.37 KB, 1080x1080, 464950710_122169011990102846_7…)


Nah, is heckin' brilliant.

>An anon has been trying to convince me that angels were/are dragons...

Could be, Angels are shape-shifting eldritch abominations so is perfectly possible one or two have turned-up in dragon form before.

Anonymous (ID: c9bade)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8736

File: 1730403546934.png (227.25 KB, 1053x2000, 1722200145069653.png)

He honestly had a rather shocking lot of 'evidence' to back it up. Fair few verses, extrapolations, and the works. Honestly, it really made me wonder...
Unfortunately I've built my philosophy on the 'western dragon' ideal, so it'd put me in a mite of an awkward position...

Shalissa (ID: 4bcf72)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8737

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Unbelievably based

Maroon Auburn!QEUQfdPtTM (ID: 012443)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8741

File: 1730446834601.jpg (239.82 KB, 1080x956, micro.jpg)


I think my favorite schizo conspiracy is the one about microchips and computers trapping and being powered by demons

Anonymous (ID: 42712f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8742

File: 1730465319784.jpg (81.39 KB, 640x483, 1648fad25beb723b3ada7b55061ed3…)

A similar fare, but my favorite is this; The invention of media, of computers, it's a means for the forces of darkness to communicate, to influence us, in spite of God's commandments.

Chain (ID: 28b351)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8743

File: 1730481842317.jpg (206.39 KB, 1357x758, shoggothhh_header.jpg)

I was it was metaphorical, with AI being the demons?

Snowbell (ID: 42f321)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8756

File: 1730514820893.jpg (83.95 KB, 1600x900, Rocks have auras.jpg)


That's not a conspiracy though.

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