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/mode7/ - Site Operations


13 replies
Development This thread serves as a running log of what's being actively worked on, announcements regarding site issues related to development, and notifications on completed tasks.
6 replies
Concerns >Users must be at least 13 years old to use the site.

So with some of the boards allowing porn, (even through spoilers) and the way that people generally conduct theirselves; shouldn't this be an 18+ spot for people to talk on at minimum?

Just saying, you're really adding and inviting a shit show by making the supposed age limit so low.
2 replies
Suggestions Box /Oat/ should be made into a board dedicated to image dumps and links with less discussion focus. Sort of like a combination between a request board, /gif/ and /wsg/ on 4chan.

Discussion is allowed, but the primary focus is image sharing.

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