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/mode7/ - Site Operations

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User Poll on Politics (ID: 5b0f9e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  81

An idea has been presented, and I'd like to hear what people here think before making any changes. I'm personally indifferent, so feel free to tell me either how stupid this idea is, or how much you like it, as the case may be.

The suggestion was to make a board similar to /townhall/ from ponyville.us, specifically for discussions of a serious nature.

We already have /void/ for political shitposts, and we're phasing politics out of /chat/, so this would be the place for political discussions or any other serious discussions. /disc/ or something equivalent.

There's no specific reason why this board would need to be anonymous-only, but #Anonymous could be enabled thread by thread just as it is on the site right now. (This should be a toggle option on all posts, and is one of the things I've got on my list and will be working on soonish, among many other bug fixes and usability updates.)

Since we already have /void/ for the shitposts, I think we can be a lot stricter with the moderation than they are over on ponyville, just for comparison. The sorts of jabs that are common over on /townhall/, especially from those who share the majority view with the staff there, would ideally not be allowed. As it is, this sort of thing is already allowed on /void/ and is perfectly suited for /void/, so there's just no reason to have it at all on a serious discussion board.

I'm not sure if people would want such a place here.

The major counterpoint is that it hasn't worked well on ponyville so there's no reason to expect it to work better here.

If we were to have such a place, I think our moderation style may be better suited for it.

A second major counterpoint to having such a board is that it already exists on ponyville, so there's no reason for another one here. If this is your position, I would ask you to consider a hypothetical where no similar boards existed anywhere else. Would that change your answer?

Do you think this would be a good addition to the site, or detract from it?
If added, how would you like to see it moderated?
Any other feedback or concerns?

And again, I'm completely indifferent on the concept as a whole. I have ideas on how I would like to see it run if added which I've already alluded to, but otherwise this is all up for debate. Please leave your feedback.

(ID: 5b0f9e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  82

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front page bump

poll on new board for discussions

Anonymous (ID: 7f245e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  83

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Good idea if nothing else for political containment. Makes it easy to move threads over without having to send them to /void/, which is obviously gonna be a bit more 'shitposty'. Lets us keep 'high effort' threads with sincere discussion without having to have them on the 'main' boards so to speak.
Solid enough idea.

Shalissa (ID: 20a56c)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  84

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I think we should make porn general threads into /truthandjustice/

(ID: 5b0f9e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  85

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hump bump bump, get bump, now let's go, house!

/democracy/? Your faggot bastard children (ID: 41d518)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  101

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Why not the /democracy/ abd we just call it the /democracy/ where we discuss "serious" politics like trump being president or Russia making lots of bastardisations of western brands (formerly refered to as "knockoffs")

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