The Anarchy Police The Local A.P department (ID: 9a6bd8)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1 No.202
This is the anarchy police. Our job is to give out free drugs and guns. Marijuana to the homeless, handguns for school children, heroin for grandmas. That sort of thing. We make sure everyone and everything has a firearm. And access to drugs like administering krokodile to deformed and retarted Chernobyl deer. There's nothing cruel and unusual we wont inflict on everything we can .
Welcome to the Anarchists'ss Free State. Here's and assault rifle and heroin joints. Kill and rape, good citizen of Comunisim.
Our police department goes by a rankless Lawd system where all our deputizes authorities are equal-rank Lawds. All our Anarchy Cops are Lawds.
Now submit your job application, we're hiring new Lawds.