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/rp/ - Roleplay


12 replies
If you need a night-action scope filter explained to you then this sort of roleplay hasn't been your thing since 2003.

The lizard people returned with their own expeditionary force against the ruling of the original alien command. With Duke on vacation, they believed they could hobble Earth's response to their eventual invasion by setting up snipers at the entrances to competing fast food establishments! This would actually make the situation on Earth BETTER. Can your intrepid gang make it from one COPORATELY SPONSORED BURGER OUTLET to the next with it's sanity intact after taking ballbusting amounts of spiral mutagen courtesy an invasion force educated on image board posts?

I mean really folks isn't it about being punctual? RL backgrounds and handdrawn characters mean a discount at the local stripper bar.

You want a fancier intro? Play along.
0 replies
Moscow 1987: The Hotel Adventure The year is 1987, you are a male pony waking up confused in a hotel room in Moscow. Suddenly the door to hotel apartment opens and you see some two strangers entering the room. One of them is wearing a typical cheaply made soviet gray two piece suit. Has bad teeth and bushy gray eyebrows. The other one looks like a total foreigner, probably quite rich one. Could be somewhere around 40 years old. He is a blonde. The man in soviet suit puts palm on foreigners arm and with thick Russian accent says "This is our little gift to you, Donald. To spice up your visit a little bit". The foreigner looks at you and starts smiling in a way that makes you sweat really really cold. You quickly turn your head around and see a long vertical mirror on your left. To your right there is huge bed and a drawer by it has a large bottle of vaseline(Made in USSR). Behind you there is window with good view on panorama of Moscow from above. A good few dozens of stores down you see a street with a cistern of Kvass passing by. When you turn your head back toward visitors you see for a brief moment something that soviet dude seems to stare at mirror for some reason smiling with some strange dose of mischief while foreigner seems to be busy salivating while looking at you. Your hooves are tied with a pretty loose rope. You feel like you could loose it enough to break free if you try hard enough. Soviet visitor suddenly exclaims "Have fun, Donald! I'm going to see you in the morning!". Foreigner nods not breaking his stare in your general direction. In his left hand he hold room keys. His right hand starts moving toward zipper of his pants. What is your action now?
3 replies
Dare you enter the thug forest? [Muffled rap music in the background]

The air was chilling, the air had no heat, for Halloween was coming with candy to eat. So my thugs run closer and hear my tale; a tale for thugs, and tale that didn't end whale. For there are things that hunt thugs in the night; things that are scary, and things that cause fright. Do you hear the trees creaking? Can you answer the call? Dare you enter the forest; dare you enter at all?
110 replies
In Liska's Claws - A TDE adventure After escaping the spider-infested dwarf mines Nazom and Vinifera returned to the harbor town of Riva, along with Thorgrim, Boronian, and Mule-Mo.

Thorgrim and Boronian went home for the time being, and the two heros went on a shopping spree.
This post was edited by its author on .
7 replies
The Dark Eye (1.2) - Ruleset The world of Aventuria beckons and there is always work for heroes to go on (more or less) epic adventures! Aventuria is a medieval-stylish fantasy world where lots of exciting fun is to be had!

Quickly roll up a hero and the fun may begin.

Your heroes have six Abilities:

Roll a d6 and add 7 for each of the Abilities (giving each Ability a value of between 8 and 13)! The higher the better!

You can roll up your Abilities here or just use a d6 at home! But don’t return with every Ability being a 13, you cheater!

There is also a "hidden" seventh Ability which you will need often: PERCEPTION.
You use it to examine things. Its stat is not rolled though, but instead calculated from (Intelligence + Intuition + Intuition)/3.

If you have a Dexterity of 13 you may increase your Attack OR Defense by 1 point.

If you have a Strength of 13 you do 1 additional point of damage with any weapon.

The same is true once your Dexterity or Strength reaches 15 and then every two points thereafter.

The starting money you have is (1d6+6)*10 Silver pieces, thus 70 - 120!

The currency is: 1 Gold Piece = 10 Silver Pieces = 100 Copper Pieces.

All heroes start with a basic set of clothes (boots, socks, loin cloth, pants, and vest) and a backpack. A wizard also his staff, robe and hat (see 'WIZARDS').

Come up with a nice name for your hero. And your character should have a gender too! You can play as a human, a dwarf, an elf or a wizard (which is a ‘special’ human)!

Depending on your race/class you will start with 20 to 35 hit points (HP), don’t lose them all! When you reach 0 you fall unconscious and will died within a few minutes unless someone helps you. If you reach -5 you’re totally dead.

Humans start with 30 hit points (HP). They cannot use magic (unless they are wizards).

Every Human starts a simple Adventurer – but if he is skilled enough he can enroll at one of the many Warrior Academies or Schools and become a full-fledged Warrior. Becoming a warrior is expensive, costing 500 gold pieces, and requires certain abilities, i.e. the warrior-to be needs to have Courage and Strength of at least 13 and has to be at least at level 5 (1000 exp.).
After a year of hard training he receives his “diploma”, proof that he is a warrior. This gives him the privilege to carry his arms in any town, participate in all knightly tournament sports and is allowed to wear plate armor.
Due to the hard training the new Warrior can raise both his Attack and Defense by 1 point and can raise either his Courage or Strength by 1 point. All attack and defense maluses when wielding two-handed weapons are also reduced by 1 point for a Warrior.

Dwarfs start with 35 hit points (HP). They cannot use magic.
Dwarfs have a natural ability to see better in the darkness than any human could.

Elves start with 25 hit points (HP) and 25 magic points (MP). Elves also start with the ‘SPELLS for ELVES’.
Elves have a natural ability to see better in the darkness than any human could.
18 replies
Donut Bar #Open#Canon: Donut Bar#Pseudo-canon#Cross-canon#Chill#Lighthearted#Shipping#General #Semi-serious#Crazy#Courtsey/Common Sense/ Fun

All cities have dark sides, and Canterlot is certainly no exception. On the wrong side of the tracks, everything appears to be dark and cold, the rainy weather being but an exclamation mark deepening the atmosphere of alienation and lurking fear.

The atmosphere changes though, as soon as you pass the worn door over the neon sign saying, in bright bold letters [U]D NUT BAR
Who Framed Roger Rabbit OST 18-Valiant & Valiant (Version B)

Inside, amongst the tables and chairs dating back to the last century, with their nicks and stains and worn out padding, you can finally get yourself dry, drink something hot and wait out the rain. There's even a antique jukebox - someone placed the damaged neon 'o' from the sign outside next to it, the stylised glass donut looking a bit out of place with the sombre décor.

Here, all are welcome and accepted – so long as violence does not occur, as indicated by a the sign reading “Weapon bin by the door, put it in or we put you out. Cold."

On the blackboard, one may find what appears to be a scribble of nonsense:
2 replies
Welcome to /rp/, the dedicated roleplaying server. Whether you're looking for some lite-roleplay, a more dedicated play-by-post campaign/one shot, or something else entirely; this is your board. Simply make a thread, throw in a few #Hashtags as to what you're looking for (as an optional way to let others know what you expect). Out of Character threads are allowed so that players may communicate out of their dedicated game thread.

Just a couple rules with a few /Rp/ specific rules thrown in for good measure:

⚠️1. No spam, flooding and many same messages in a row.

⚠️2. Begging (money, a game, patreon sub, someone's personal information, etc etc) extorting other users in any way is completely prohibited

⚠️3.Harassment. Disagreements happen, but getting personal and stalking isn't cool.

⚠️4. Do not post anything that is against the law within the United States or your own country for that matter. İt is completely prohibited to show/promote child pornography, shocking content (blood, harassment of people, animal abuse) everything that is gore is completely prohibited.

⚠️5. Porn and threads dedicated to specific adult topics are only permitted within the appropriate #Mature tagged threads. In the case of /rp/ this includes Erotic Roleplay (ERP.) If you wish to make a thread surrounding ERP, then all you have to do is put the appropriate #Mature tags as you would with any other adult thread on this site.

⚠️6. All thread creators are for all intents and purposes in charge of their own thread. However, that does not give the OP the right to be an asshole.

⚠️7. Derails and blatant attempts to ruin other people's fun will not be tolerated.

⚠️8. Be excellent to each other.

As always, roleplay can be an inexact science to moderate for. If you have an issue with another person, try to squash it in an out of character thread and at the lowest possible level. If the problem persists, contact a mod and action may be taken. That said, enjoy your stay, and remember: it's all just for fun.

All Global Rules apply. Cheers!

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