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/rp/ - Roleplay

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File: 1740947118324.jpg (115.77 KB, 823x545, Trump Sex Tape.jpg)

Moscow 1987: The Hotel Adventure Anonymous (ID: 1bc345)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 208

The year is 1987, you are a male pony waking up confused in a hotel room in Moscow. Suddenly the door to hotel apartment opens and you see some two strangers entering the room. One of them is wearing a typical cheaply made soviet gray two piece suit. Has bad teeth and bushy gray eyebrows. The other one looks like a total foreigner, probably quite rich one. Could be somewhere around 40 years old. He is a blonde. The man in soviet suit puts palm on foreigners arm and with thick Russian accent says "This is our little gift to you, Donald. To spice up your visit a little bit". The foreigner looks at you and starts smiling in a way that makes you sweat really really cold. You quickly turn your head around and see a long vertical mirror on your left. To your right there is huge bed and a drawer by it has a large bottle of vaseline(Made in USSR). Behind you there is window with good view on panorama of Moscow from above. A good few dozens of stores down you see a street with a cistern of Kvass passing by. When you turn your head back toward visitors you see for a brief moment something that soviet dude seems to stare at mirror for some reason smiling with some strange dose of mischief while foreigner seems to be busy salivating while looking at you. Your hooves are tied with a pretty loose rope. You feel like you could loose it enough to break free if you try hard enough. Soviet visitor suddenly exclaims "Have fun, Donald! I'm going to see you in the morning!". Foreigner nods not breaking his stare in your general direction. In his left hand he hold room keys. His right hand starts moving toward zipper of his pants. What is your action now?

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