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File: 1727890273041.jpg (59.36 KB, 470x626, thug forest.jpg)

Dare you enter the thug forest? Shalissa (ID: f3a776)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  86

[Muffled rap music in the background]

The air was chilling, the air had no heat, for Halloween was coming with candy to eat. So my thugs run closer and hear my tale; a tale for thugs, and tale that didn't end whale. For there are things that hunt thugs in the night; things that are scary, and things that cause fright. Do you hear the trees creaking? Can you answer the call? Dare you enter the forest; dare you enter at all?

Ayyyyy Rothchild (ID: 35a2c3)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  201

File: 1739942823724.png (245.18 KB, 598x891, Screenshot_20250218-222147~2.pā€¦)

Hi. Im a young warlord about 13 years old. I got raped and tortured by the CIA and now i have nothing but a handgun and my clothes.

>Enters the thug forest

Is there anything to hunt to eat here? Maybe if i lay in a dark corner somewhere i can lay out bait and shoot everything that comes near the bait. Are the creatures in the thug forest edible? How must i adapt to survive

Shalissa (ID: 35a2c3)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  204

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The Thug Forest gives and the Thug Forest takes. Within the woods, signs of life are every where: Gangland hoppers lay in wait for prey within the Crab-Grass and Blood(s) Thorn. Purple Grape-Street militant fire ants trail over the glowing fruits of Trap-House mushrooms deep within the cut. As you decide to take your next course of action and lay in wait with your choice of weapon, moments layer a giant Guap-Billed Stork comes hurdling towards the ground, landing as gracefully as it does recklessly. "WHAT'S GOOD NIGGA?" It cranes its neck and calls throughout the the trees.

šŸ–¤šŸ’™ Little Blue Nigga (ID: 35a2c3)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  205

File: 1739985112325.png (245.18 KB, 598x891, Screenshot_20250218-222147~2.pā€¦)

>L.B.N uses 1911
>It is very effective against the Guap-Billed Stork

It died of lead poisoning.

>*Throws big bag of viles of PCP attached to fishing lines and blacc magick attachments that let me hear you when you fuck yourself at night*

And now we wait
>Cooks Guap-Billed Stork on a fire with sticks and eats the meat šŸ„“ šŸ–

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