The Russian Army (ID: 5fb8ca)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: No.10383
File: 1738982357728.jpg (11.77 KB, 307x164, images (94).jpeg)

Wё спёк ёнглиш, моθерфукер
We speak english, motherfucker
Wε σπωκ ωνγλιш μοθερφυκερ
We speak English Motherfucker
I buy my English from Australia because they write colour right 🔵 and call soccer soccer. But ask him to talk about pedophiles, and you can tell if its a native born american in prison buying brand name shit from australia, or a real australian from this fucked up place called Australia 🇦🇺
In Russia, everything east of the Eural Mountains is a person and everything west is property.
Εαστ ισ περσον ανδ wεστ ισ φαγοτ προπερτυ σλαβεζ
Ин руса, еверёθинг ёст оф θе эро моутинз из пёпол - анд еверйθиг wест из фаготс