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/void/ - The Everfree


8 replies
Soda and Energy drinks Soda and energy drink thread.

What do you like?
37 replies
The Church of Lucifarian-Satanist Welcome to the church of Lusafarian Satanist.

Sing your praise to the literal Devil.

Follow the right religion: religions that worship Satan.
42 replies
Alicorns Рандом θред
6 replies
And I Smoke

31 replies
Random unsolicited praise goes bad. In response to the following message from "Rika":
rika (rika@disroot.org) wrote:
>Don't be so fixated on a disposable address, jew. Having a narcissistic
>meltdown when you realize someone isn't here to lick your boots? You
>thought I was here for free labor or something? Can't even understand
>the purpose of my initial message? Maybe you can go use some of your
>excess time to fix your shitty untested campaign and find a legible
>font, no one cares about your map formats and 200 copy-pasted weapons
>when it's part of this unplayable clusterfuck. I know you're already
>preparing to furiously type out some schizo babble about how your bugs
>are actually feature because you've been denied child brides and you're
>gonna kill the police blahblahblah, no need to bother because I won't
>see it. Bye.

My response:
Dear rika <rika@disroot.org>;

>Maybe you can go use some of your >excess time to fix your shitty untested campaign and find a legible >font, no one cares about your map formats and 200

How your reveal yourself.
Remeber your first email?
Mad I didn't fall for it?

False praise, or real praise, is not the currency I deal in.

>Can't even understand >the purpose of my initial message?

I understood it completely.

>Having a narcissistic >meltdown when you realize someone isn't here to lick your boots?

I didn't contact you, you emailed me. You.
And you were ass-kissing in that email.
You're mad I didn't melt into your hands.


You're the one who emailed me. I did not email you.

>You >thought I was here for free labor or something?

This is an opensource project, if you aren't here to help, get the fuck out.
And yes: free labour is the only, ONLY, value you have to me.
Remeber when you emailed me kissing my ass?
I knew you were fishing.
You ain't getting SHIT out of me.

Mad I asked you to contribute C code to the C engine?

>Don't be so fixated on a disposable address,

You used rika@disroot before. I remeber it from 4chan's /g/ probably
Or 8chan. I think it was 4chan though. You write in the same manner as before,
and are displaying the same "complaints" as then.
I'll find you out.


Hope the "jews" slaughter and torture you, white fucking faggot.
>Having a narcissistic

rika (rika@disroot.org) wrote:
>Don't be so fixated on a disposable address, jew. Having a narcissistic
>meltdown when you realize someone isn't here to lick your boots? You
>thought I was here for free labor or something? Can't even understand
>the purpose of my initial message? Maybe you can go use some of your
>excess time to fix your shitty untested campaign and find a legible
>font, no one cares about your map formats and 200 copy-pasted weapons
>when it's part of this unplayable clusterfuck. I know you're already
>preparing to furiously type out some schizo babble about how your bugs
>are actually feature because you've been denied child brides and you're
>gonna kill the police blahblahblah, no need to bother because I won't
>see it. Bye.
You'll see it.
If I have to dig out your eyes in person: you'll see it.

Note the initial unsolicited email from this "rika" was as such:
rika@disroot.org wrote:
>Hello, you are MikeeUSA, right? I'm a Xonotic modder who was editing one of your map a few months ago, roundel. I happened to find the README you left in the pk3 and was positively surprised, given the sorry state of the average audience for this game. I wholeheartedly agree with your message, and I'm sure you and I both know by now how everyone will have our head on a pike for reaching such a level of awareness.
>Yesterday I was searching about Xonotic on imageboard archives, found some of your posts, and made the connection. SF is very slow so I'm still downloading your game, but I'm shocked there's such a strange-looking fork of Xonotic that's been worked on for 10 years and seems to contain so much content, yet no one has ever mentioned it.
>I've only been playing since 2019 so I don't know about all the drama, but it seems like you're been persecuted for your beliefs. Unfortunately, you have to choose between having any online presence and revealing them. On top of that, developing in these obscure niches is a lonely road, it's unlikely you will ever get the help you seek. I'm baffled by the level you've reached myself, and am clearly far below in term of skills. At my level, I struggle daily to make sense of Xonotic's code base, and the code for new features I implement on top is far from being clean.
>My server's gameplay differs far more than any other server on the list, but no one cares and I barely manage to assemble some games on some nights. Despite living in the EU like most of the player base, I have zero chances to grow there because I'm not in the big two club, and thus I have to host for NA and wake up at 4 AM, profiting from the fact that the only other established NA server is full of drama and bans most newcomers. Given the trouble I have even though I'm working with a game that has some players already, I can really feel your pain. I know it's not much, but I'll remember you.

As you can see: it's full of blowing-smoke-up-your-ass praise.
Anyway, this "rika" seems to be an enemy.

I asked the unsolicited "fan" to contribute code to the (opensource) game.
This caused an uproar, now the game "sux" and "is shit"
But I didn't make it for him? her?
25 replies
Dumb stupid monkey people

The russians are apes and speak savage monkey language like apes
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20 replies
>ayo whats good motherfucker today we is gonna be harassing random ass niggas in public and stealing they food BUT ISSA PRANK BRO
8 replies
I hate Kadence. Shit mod, no freedom of speech

6 replies
Nonny is gay
9 replies
31 replies
Loli's require love
8 replies
2 replies
Nuzzles through door HELWOO! HALOOOW!


1 reply
You have 5 seconds to prove you are not gay
4 replies
7 replies
666 I want these things
These four things.

Because im a real people person

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2 replies
Iran Read This And This - The American People Do Not Want A War On Iran!!! Iran Read This And This - The American People Do Not Want A War On Iran!!!

I am surprised. It is amazing how quickly his core support did a back-flip, as I stated in my letter to the Iranian embassy
"The American people do not want war on Iran" and I told them in that letter that this web site was the focal point that
started it all 13 years ago.

I Think I Just Found The Real Reason Why The United States Is Now Blowing Away Yemen

Iran Read This And This - The American People Do Not Want A War On Iran!!! Download archived files here:



143 replies
Voidchan had a good run >pours one out for the homies
12 replies
I hate cisgender white males

Because we could have been still ruling the world with an iron fist if we hadnt given niggers and women freedom and rights.
9 replies
Favourite pony? Who's your favourite pony? Mine is Star Tinkle-Tinkle Butt-pee Sprinkle
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4 replies
>b-b-but he killed a father!!!
Don't care still supporting luigi
>b-b-but he's a brownoid!!!
Don't care still supporting luigi
>b-b-but he' a commie!!!
Don't care still supporting luigi
>b-b-but he's a republican!!!
Don't care still supporting luigi
195 replies
Mid or Cyka
52 replies
Would you eat a human turd for 1 million dollars?

Pic notrel
17 replies
Im gay
77 replies
Hello. First time posting here. As far as I can tell this is a board for randomness (though not too low value). Not sure what this community thinks about threads which are not particularly conversation-focused (in a way). Nonetheless, I hope this thread goes well enough.

In this thread, I guess I will post a list (sometimes with an image) of everything in my area. Will take a long time to fully do, but I feel like doing it at least partly. Also useful for organization and seeing what is digitized or on the Internet or not. Format:
- Item name
- Description or text on item

I do have like three physical My Little Pony items nearby. I like ponies, and they can be beautiful or sexy.
12 replies
Art & Life How long until the world's artists finally invent total VR experiences that allow regular types to make love with hot babes?
11 replies
Who is he? Why is he all over the internet?
2 replies
Mikie, why did you abandon your pink wife?
5 replies
What is your deep, dark childhood story that turned you evil? Elon’s Teachers Thought He Was Dumb
7 replies
S.S.S - the Super Straight Sexuality Specteum This is the thread for the Super Straight Sexuality.

Post here to show that you are or are an ally to the heterosexuals everywhere. Straight pride awareness.
2 replies
🕸️ Cigarettes For the Homeless™️ is the world renowned NPO organization that provides cigarettes and marijuana for the homeless and the incarcerated and those in hospitals and other places where they might have restricted access from tobacco or cannabis.

They also work with their sister NPO, Guns For The Retarded™️ , a nonprofit organization that provides firearms for the mentally disabled and other persons with mental retardation.
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45 replies
Nostalgia is a strange, contaminating thing I remember when I was younger and I wanted to have been able to grow up in the 70s.
2k kids these days are feeling nostalgic for the 90s.
(No image)
10 replies
It's tha first We havin a celebration
16 replies
Everything we say is jokes games bullshit and lies.
37 replies
Guns and Firearms What do you guys think about the idea of transparent clips think it's one of the smartest ideas that is ever come out because now we can just look at our clip and find out how much ammo we have left.
1 reply
This is what a hyper carnivour apex predator looks like

You might not like it, but this is the perfect predator
74 replies
Meatless Monday Skip meat once a week
7 replies
Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
1 reply
9 replies
Do your dailies Wake-up sheeple and work
14 replies
Bicycling Two wheels good.
Four wheels bad.
That is all.
135 replies
Porn thread #Mature
Dump all the porno here
2 replies
Everypony loved.

Everypony equal.
38 replies
Void's Kitchen Nightmare All of you! Come here! Grab a VPN.
*Bang! Bang!*

Look at this thread. What is that? What does it need?

There's no webms, there's no PNG's, and it's just bland!
5 replies
Atleast we don't speak german, am i right?
11 replies
My Wifey Is out of goddamn control again…..how dare “She”.

3 replies
I need more IRL warhammer friends
1 reply
16 replies
Game Night: anal edition Boat 🚢 was suggesting a game night within the next week or so.

Who is down to join and what game are we playing? I'm open to suggestions.

I've got a PC with tabletop simulator and a Nintendo Switch for cross play shit. I'm open to suggestions.
11 replies
What is your love language?
71 replies
Hentai 🍑 Softcore hentai thread.

5 replies
93 replies
Correct opinions Glasses are not hot.

Except for the occasional exception, glasses make most people about 20% less attractive than they actually are.
37 replies
testing The body was too short or empty.
4 replies
Megyn Kelly reveals she's battling Covid vaccine injury... leaving doctor horrified #Politics


Megyn Kelly has sensationally claimed she was injured by the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

On the latest episode of her podcast, the conservative commentator said she developed an 'unspecified autoimmune condition' after getting two shots and a booster.

She told Dr Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist with ties to RFK Jr, that doctors were unable to determine which specific disorder she has, but that they said it could be linked to the vaccine.

The 54-year-old told an audibly shocked Dr Malhotra: 'I asked the rheumatologist if it could be linked to the Pfizer vaccine and booster, and she said "Yes, and you're not the only patient I have who's had this sequence of events."

'I wish I hadn't done it [gotten vaccinated], but I did.' Kelly also revealed that thinking the Covid vaccine was safe was 'the number one thing I've been wrong about.'

The CDC still recommends the vaccines for children and adults, saying the protection against Covid still outweighs the tiny risk of side effects.

It comes after a bombshell Yale University study found mRNA Covid vaccines are linked to a previously unknown condition called 'post-vaccination syndrome' (PVS).
1 reply
We are the Improvised British Democratic Army.

We are worse than provisional can ever be. We're Improvised. Like explosive devices.

Remember to rob an Irishman for st Patrick's Day. Micks are a pest on earth. Gaylick taíge fags.
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7 replies
I'm cumming in kadys mouth
I'm learning love and tolerance
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6 replies
Favourite brand name [resident] Evil™️ viruses Mine is the Uroboros Virus

Its the updated version of the Las Plagas virus. It's the same parasitic concept but updated so that the zombie forms with humanoid adaptations or forms can and are able to shoot guns straight. Implying better eyesight and coordination. It's like Las Plagas but better. Shooting a mature condensed infection body in the head or skull just brings out the worst and most evil™️ of it and basically makes it more powerful.

Zombies with guns. I call them soldier Mahini soldiers, but the Biohazard video geam instalments called it majini soldiers.
3 replies
Kady is gay and should be banned for being gay
9 replies
Sex sex sex
3 replies
>All of /void except me
2 replies
22 replies
/weed/ #Politics
Marijuana thread.

Nip edition. How do we get the nip-onese high? The nips need to get high.

The Yakuza have been doing good devil work, it seems. Granted I wouldn't be surprised if most of the weed coming in there comes from the Aussies. Fucking warlord Bluey, man. The weed better be good and cheap. At least affordable. But damn, plant-based cannabis being available at every convenience store in Japan would be really cool. Pre-rolls, rolling papers, blunt wraps, all that cool stuff.

In the meantime, tell the world that Japan needs one more bomb. Two bombs wasn't enough. And maybe soon we'll have plant-based weed everywhere in Japan (legal).
29 replies
I wish I had alcohol right now. It’s been too long since I’ve had it
65 replies
Would it be that bad if Kady got rid of us losers at life for good left the site and got their shit together or did one of you sociopaths make them believe that they owe us?
Does it even work to just leave or do they need to slowly fade away into the wide, blue yonder?
1 reply
5 replies
Love yourself. Do your dailys. Health, Wealth & Relationships in a SMART way.
13 replies
What makes you angry?
24 replies
indian men gang-raping a white woman indian men gang-raping a white woman
12 replies
Post species and races you want to see propagate the planes of existence I love Arachnoids.

Breed me, senpai Angel.
8 replies
>walk into work
>the place looks like shit
>everything is backed up
>crew consists mainly of new employees

8 replies
Sucking dick is a form of dominance on void
7 replies
>nonnys cock
1 reply
Korea gooks - k gooks Come to my attention that some of the things that I thought were nips were actually gooks. unironically this confusion has left them speaking a language that is sorta like nippory, but is more like gooks speaking like spic'd up nippery. Its gookery .

So since the gooks of the north exist, we do one clear thing. We murder the South Koreans for being capitalist and we create an anarchy state for the North Koreans. We love best Korea. Communism is great!

Murder capitalist and eat them. Hail Satan. Korea belongs to communism.
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(No image)
12 replies
Muslimes deserve death
5 replies
I don’t know who I can trust anyone man
1 reply
Historically, slavery has been a racist institution. However, in minimizing the racing around here, we aim to create a slave trade that includes the white race. An all inclusive and multicultural slave trade. Where the species and colour of the buyer doesn't matter and neither does that of the slaves being traded or bought or stolen.

Everyone should be free to buy any type of person they want and white people should never be excluded from the cotton picking for free rent programme.
3 replies
Smith Your Will or Manifest You're Reality #Politics
Do you prefer to "manifest your reality" or "smith your will"?

I make it no secret that I'm on team Will Smith Magick, as I "will" something, with a will of my own, and project that 'will' through forging fires to smith my will into reality.

Manifesting is for people that like fests of man, and festival bukaka cocks of men in a man-fest. If you like to manifest your reality , it means you can't stop gurgling on cum long enough to have a will of your own. People that 'fest men' all the time dont have wills of their own to smith, therefore, Smithing Your Will is for real nigga gangsters while Manifesting Youre Reality is for those gangster's cum rag whore pets.

People that Smith Their own Will have a will of their own and are automatically master race tier trancendental gangster soldiers

while "people" that Manifest Their Reality drink cum from tea cups with their pinkies in the air because they have no will of thier own, like property and not people. Disposable fuck slaves who's lives don't matter. Black lives Matter, but these things don't.

So what do you prefer? Smithing Your Will like a real man, or Manifesting your Reality like a cock-taking hoe bitch?
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7 replies
"Everfree oh Everfree, take us home to everfree." #Politics
Anybody want to go home?
1 reply
The Democratic Republic of the Congo People in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are the happiest people on planet earth. Its an absolute paradise on planet earth. Everyone is happy and smiling and having an enjoyable time with life. Everything is good and rainbowy sunshine in the DRC.
49 replies
17 replies
I herby declare myself king of /void/(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
1 reply
I thought the cops were good people I am from A Gang Called the Police

You can see all of our police themed stuff? So clearly we are good people.

So empty all your pockets into the bag and unhand all your jewelry and relinquish ownership of your women to us, sir
1 reply
3 replies
should I shave my pubes? I got that burning bush if you know what I mean
72 replies
This is the face of no mercy.(USER WAS Systematically RAPED BY LIBERIANS)
65 replies
It is long past time for many people to address these matters seriously and effectively. Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What arguably should easily be considered incriminating behavior worldwide is commonly featured in public pornography, in many cases being sold for profit and far too often serving as an example to be copied. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.
0 replies
I am what is called, in league with Satan himself sir, and he is above the Lawd.

You're a deputized in this Precinct but that gets revoked at Satan's word. Always.
14 replies
The russians give 100 men no armour and 7.62x39 mm kiloshnikovs

But a 4 year old russian girl child soldier has an iphone gun (an M4A1 in 5.56x45mm). And it's too heavy for her to cary plates in her jacket and her level 3s are too big and heavy for her smol child body
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52 replies
/food/ /food/
58 replies
Discussion of Minor Attracted Peoples This is the open discussion about MAPs or Minor Attracted People.

You see?


You have to have sympathy for the pedophile. You must let a pedophile have private touchy cummy time with your children and kids and hound. It's an honer for a pedophile to rape and kill your child. We love pedophiles..
8 replies
Satan Its not what you can prove, its what you know
13 replies
You a bitch if your drum for your Thomson is under 200 rounds.

Always in 45 ACP

Takes care of stray niggers, humans, human like things, women, and children. Handgun kills stray niggers perfectly. Entire races of civilians die with the 45 ACP submachine gun Chicago typewriter with the foregrip and 300 rounds in the drum
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1 reply
AntiFa wins Germanic races tribes and family.

My german is all rommatall and prison kant. I dont sprek that shit you call German. I was a nazi. Im sorry, so i joined AntiFa. Bring Back Obama.
9 replies
In Bluey we trust.

The thin Bluey Line protects us all. Warlord Bluey is so much more frightening than Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, God, and Satan Himself.

However, the Australians speak "war with shit that's not human" and it is a birthright, life right, and basic right from and till (as it was and ever shall be") for them to have the right to guns and firearms.

So remember kiddies: the Australian Mafia was (is and ever shall be (((hail Satan)))the 💜victorious winners💜 of World War 3
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12 replies
I tried spicy, fried noodles for the first time. I understand why Nikocado almost killed himself with these. So fucking good.
5 replies
I wish this based motherfucker had won. We could have had a world free of Niggers and Trannies
10 replies
/lit/ what are you reading?
0 replies
Begins eating voidchan 2 Steps Ahead - Nikocado Avocado
12 replies

Θε εβερφρω
Θе еверфрё
The Everfree




Everything we say or post is jokes, lies, games, and bullshit.
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