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If you think cisgender white males are the problem, have I introduced you to the abomination that is homosexuality?
Well it is true that out of all of the races that exist in Christendom represented in the myopic view that is planet earth, white people are cancer and should be eradicated.
How fucking ever.
The homosexuality class of whites is much scarier.
They tend to start out like garden variety and common gayman caiman, where they are typically oblivious to how threatening scary and or predatory they look.
Then they grow into all-gay-gay aligatros. Where they thrive on fresh water and we can harvest them for their meat and their meat is delicious.
An adult faggot is like a crocodile and at that point it's a complicated time space continuum interdimensional war race war issue because they're smart enough to communicate. Advanced lifeforms. Not always civilized, but advanced.
If you see one or two faggot whites in your household,, call the nearest Hattian for extermination duties. They're pretty good at dealing with white faggot infestations. Or just white infestations in general.