saccharine!cyanidetgc (ID: 578ed1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: No.1729
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I see. You made it very clear that you're not asexual, I'll tell you that. Good luck with your endeavors at getting a better occupation.
As for myself, Jesus, I feel quite tired and worn sometimes, but I'm working on getting my cybersecurity certifications to get in the door for an entry-level position as an analyst. Eventually, I aspire to be a sysadmin. It's more of a passion, really. If we're talkin' about money, investing is where it's at my dude. Short term trading is still quite difficult, but I have a good amount of knowledge with anything long-term in that regard. I like to say I've improved a lot, but I believe I'm just getting started. Things are pretty good here and I'm doing what I normally do with my games and pool maintenance and other debauchery. Though my somewhat entitled ass feels like I should do a lot better than my current circumstance. So I'm piling up some unnecessary stress on myself I suppose. I have some friends telling me to take breaks, even. But yeah, I'm trying to do much better on this side of Southern Nevada. But if I can complete my goals, holy shit dude, it's gonna be awesome.