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File: 1740197628287.jpg (92.49 KB, 563x797, c023efe54d792b3ad3fcc5d1644b12ā€¦)

ShalissaCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11233


AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11243

File: 1740245690417.png (1.54 MB, 1200x1440, 1626193299_22-kartinkin-com-p-ā€¦)

Of course not. If you have ever said no homo at any point in your life ever, it doesn't matter how much cock you suck on, you are never gay.
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AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11252


Look all I'm saying is that while it is sort of like an IRL magic cheat code, that there are other ways to get around it without saying "No homo." For example, if you're thoroughly sucking that dick from the back after beating someone's ass in order to assert your dominance over them. That's how we do it on the streets. You have to suck that dick while looking them in the eyes and slowly rubbing their toes. If your fingers don't smell like feet by the end of it then that could be seen as a bit suspicious as per code of the hood.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11253

File: 1740252543923.png (273.28 KB, 581x402, Screenshot_20250222-122701~2.pā€¦)

I don't know, im circumsized and thus don't have a hood on my dicc so im not sure if any hood rule apply. Im all about taking the hood off the tip and seeing a head to licc so maybe im circumcising your everything and collecting foreskin like im King David paying Saul.

But your hoodoo vooddoo tribespeak interests me. Tell me, does cum work as a child support payment?

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AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11622

File: 1742465049377.mp4 (1.16 MB, 1280x720, kuroniku_BlankaSUPER.mp4)


SnakeCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11623

File: 1742500124719.png (2.56 MB, 1536x1536, 1000003824.png)

If you have to say "I'm not gay" you're probably gay.
If you were straight you wouldn't even need to say it 'cause there'd never be any doubt.
You could suck another man's dick and say nothing, because obviously you don't have any attraction. You're straight. So why would you need to specify?

ShalissaCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11624

File: 1742515974475.jpg (59.1 KB, 402x464, 20250320_180902.jpg)

Look, I'm starting to get real mad at all of these accusations thrown at me. This thread was meant as a declaration that i will not be tolerating any further slander against my public image. There's going to be some serious consequences from now on if you all don't settle down. And let me tell you: consequences will never be the same

SnakeCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11625

>t. Nonny

AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11628

This is the gayest thread I have seen in my entire life.

ShalissaCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11629

File: 1742588498945.jpg (35.48 KB, 817x1203, Sallie_May.jpg)

Let me paint you all a picture. Let's say you're hanging out with your friend and you're watching a movie or something on the couch. The lights are dim and your friend is wearing a crop top and some shorts because, you know, it's starting to warm up in the year and he's trying to stay cool, and you're chilling in your boxers. Then he's like "Damn, I'm pretty thirsty. I'm gonna get something to drink." But then he trips and as he's falling his mouth accidentally lands on your dick through the hole of your underwear, and you're like "Damn that's kinda cute."

Is that gay?

Naw, I'm just clarifying. If I say I'm not gay then I'm not gay whatsoever.
You better watch your mouth anon. I will not be called a furry

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