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File: 1739462384387.jpg (103.09 KB, 750x1149, Will_Smith_(Fresh_Prince).jpg)

Smith Your Will or Manifest You're Reality Anonymous (ID: 392ea3)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10838

Do you prefer to "manifest your reality" or "smith your will"?

I make it no secret that I'm on team Will Smith Magick, as I "will" something, with a will of my own, and project that 'will' through forging fires to smith my will into reality.

Manifesting is for people that like fests of man, and festival bukaka cocks of men in a man-fest. If you like to manifest your reality , it means you can't stop gurgling on cum long enough to have a will of your own. People that 'fest men' all the time dont have wills of their own to smith, therefore, Smithing Your Will is for real nigga gangsters while Manifesting Youre Reality is for those gangster's cum rag whore pets.

People that Smith Their own Will have a will of their own and are automatically master race tier trancendental gangster soldiers

while "people" that Manifest Their Reality drink cum from tea cups with their pinkies in the air because they have no will of thier own, like property and not people. Disposable fuck slaves who's lives don't matter. Black lives Matter, but these things don't.

So what do you prefer? Smithing Your Will like a real man, or Manifesting your Reality like a cock-taking hoe bitch?
This post was edited by a moderator on .

Wool Smooth (ID: 82a8d5)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10885

File: 1739502802487.jpg (23.1 KB, 474x536, OIP.jpeg)

I will that every man woman and child is given a free kiloshnikov with lifetime access to free ammunition

How must we smith this will together to happen?

(ID: 751861)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10888

File: 1739508124595.gif (182.57 KB, 220x165, lets-get-it-dance.gif)

smith slap reality in the face and bend it to your will

Adolfiena Hitleria (ID: 80de54)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10892

File: 1739543816781.jpg (12.42 KB, 259x194, images - 2025-02-14T073630.785…)

>Slap cris rock
>Slap cris christal
>Slap chris christan
I'd like to solve the puzzle
¡Slap a Christian and all of your will will be smithed!"

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