Moony (ID: 555bd4)Country code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1 No.198
Something that weirded me out about the guy was how happy and calm he was. For stalkers it's always the same. They watch a guy and then they get angry when nothing happens. There is always aggression. There is always an attempt at gaslighting to make something happen. Not with this guy though. He simply told me that he's been watching me work and that I did a good job. Maybe I'm selling him short. Maybe he thought I was paranoid so simply mentioning that I'm being watched would, in his mind, freak me the fuck out. He did bring some backup so he wasn't completely in his element. Maybe he heard someone say something and wanted to check if it was true and he was relieved when, according to his logic in his test, it wasn't. I know that it works the other way around than we think when it comes to paranoia. That it's the stalkers who are truly paranoid ones and their victims who are just occasionally spooked by them. Maybe I'm over thinking the encounter. Maybe he was just affected by some drug an actually enjoyed watching me work. Maybe he was a police officer. I was flattered never the less.