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/void/ - The Everfree

Everfree, Oh Everfree, Take me home to Everfree

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File: 1707592048959.jpg (551.53 KB, 750x563, DOTA.jpg)

ShalissaCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  206[Last 50 Posts]

Mid or Cyka

Kiff ChatterleyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 212

I use a pillow or just roll or curl up the covers into a ball to masturbate. It's hard for me to ejaculate using my hand. I tried to do it for 30 minutes but failed.

Kiff ChatterleyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 214

File: 1707596942467.jpg (325.09 KB, 1920x1080, GF_PDWvacAAZs65.jpeg)

I think I am good. That is just completely weird. /void/ is weird.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 220

Curling into a ball might be your problem

Kiff ChatterleyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 223

File: 1707611111507.jpg (681.9 KB, 1920x1080, GF_MLguagAAl1xp.jpeg)

Anon, that's not really the problem; I ejaculated after an hour or two of masturbating. The medication I'm on is the problem. (I'm on lexapro).

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 229

Do you eat your own cum?

Kiff ChatterleyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 230

File: 1707616118526.gif (2.35 MB, 800x450, 1707606729437487.gif)

No, I am unable to drink alcohol & other stuff. I'm in the United States. The medication I'm on keeps me from self-harming or accidentally killing myself. Why would I drink any alcohol?
Yes, anon. Yes, I do eat my own sperm. You have a problem with people eating their own sperm?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 232

File: 1707617394556.jpg (95.21 KB, 945x846, human_maud_pie_by_lucky_jj-d7a…)

>>206 Top
>>207 Aro?
>>209 made is USSR
>>210 Android
>>211 Both?

>an hour or two
>Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: decreased interest in sex, changes in sexual ability, ...
I would recommend talking with your doctor

AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  250

File: 1707624827986.jpg (469.65 KB, 1404x1217, Red goblin.jpg)

>Taking an SSRI/antidepressant

Oof. Do you think it actually helps?

>The FDA recently approved escitalopram for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder in both adults and children aged 7 and older. Escitalopram is also used off-label for conditions such as social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and the management of vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause.

I hate pharmaceutical companies.

AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  316

File: 1707761458937.gif (3.37 MB, 640x640, SCREAM. BLOODY. GORE. (It's ju…)


AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 328

File: 1707782750519.png (18.79 KB, 650x1024, lil__bird_of_doom_by_08__n7r6_…)

Okey..... Are you a kid? That's what I was really trying to ask when I asked if you drink. Do you mind divulging your age?

And heyyyy, I take meds, too, we're all a lil weird here.

What's Aro? I asked if anyone liked Edward or Jacob.

Kiloshnikov are cool and I love my android Google phone.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1386

File: 1711103578435.jpg (42.07 KB, 850x1202, 20240324.jpg)

Spice must flow......

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 1408

File: 1711141487543.jpg (91.03 KB, 648x718, fexa_remake_by_sleepysxftiee_d…)

I want to feel the inside of your throat.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2407

File: 1713481838966.jpg (41.96 KB, 656x361, 20240418.jpg)

Chunli or Juri?

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2410

Juri. Without a question
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Irma VepCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2415

File: 1713511820458.png (1.66 MB, 2160x2160, juri han stretching.png)

There's no competition. Chun Li and Cammy are hot. They have some interesting things going on for them lore wise as well; but they can't even begin to compare to Juri Han. I'm not even a footfag, but I would let that dommy mommy psuedo goth angsty queen step all over me.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2418

File: 1713518026054.jpg (155.68 KB, 1201x2048, allofusaredeadkoreansubs.jpg)

Irma VepCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2420

File: 1713518673360.jpg (3.39 MB, 2369x3421, Juri.jpg)

Juri Han is toxic, but instead of saying "My man is gonna beat you up" She is just going to break someone in half for you. Besides, it comes down to trauma. I can't fix her, but dammit, I don't care. All praise Juri Han, the Korean who probably had facial plastic surgery and makes foot fags nut world wide. I would totally impregnate this bitch and you're a damn liar if you said you wouldn't do the same
This post was edited by its author on .

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2422

File: 1713530396324.gif (6.63 KB, 169x118, 2025.gif)

Dick hate her.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2434

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2441

File: 1713596382121.jpg (97.94 KB, 904x615, arara.jpg)

>Not korean

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2452

Irma VepCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2480

File: 1713804627890.gif (3.37 MB, 640x640, SCREAM. BLOODY. GORE. (It's ju…)

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2541

File: 1713922491118.jpg (846.36 KB, 1920x2688, elle-baker-chun-li.jpg)

Chun Li I think.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2542

File: 1713922580624.jpg (74.73 KB, 786x559, spiderman_vs_deadpool_main_img…)

Spider-man Or Deadpool

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2556

File: 1713931000265.png (48.67 KB, 310x280, 1713816614373261.png)

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2557

File: 1713931256968.gif (1023.72 KB, 306x218, 1501958670891.gif)

>the soys got to Simon
It's never been so over.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2561

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2562

Should be Deadpool or Wolverine
Deadpool & Wolverine | Trailer

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2582

File: 1714008562003.png (456.17 KB, 600x560, Мемы-дэдпул-Marvel-фэндомы-802…)

Deadpool or Wolverine

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2591

Batman or Superman?


ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2599

File: 1714072832095.jpg (8.4 KB, 252x233, CRIIIIIME ITS THE WAY I FLY TO…)


ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2629

File: 1714096373558.gif (1.23 MB, 498x277, Laughing anime girl.gif)

Dude, my feet are not pretty. You don't wanna see that.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2634

File: 1714096854109.jpg (185.08 KB, 724x1024, a90f1f03a0f2eeefbe1a475649647d…)

: ~ :

Sir DaddyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2638

File: 1714097941289.jpg (56.2 KB, 750x923, Chibi like style.jpg)

Not a chance. <3

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2662

File: 1714166658204.webp (77.36 KB, 450x675, 284202.webp)

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2664

File: 1714168238411.jpg (152.06 KB, 1063x752, Neco arc ak 47.jpg)

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2670

File: 1714170815575.jpg (126.06 KB, 1245x700, Listen carefully.jpg)

I'm tired of all of this FOOTFAGGOTRY. All of this TOETYRANNY. All of this BUNIONBULLSHIT. All of this HOOFHANDLINGHERESY. All of this SOLESHITPOSTING

The next person to post footfaggotry is gonna get their bottom lip nippled on slowly while I look them in the eyes.
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ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2685

File: 1714175984046.jpg (80.18 KB, 638x655, njlvzw5tqjb41.jpg)

Oh, that's it! Now you've got me really mad! I told you there was going to be some consequences: Now I'm gonna have to resort to sucking them toes and spanking that ass with a spatula.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2693

File: 1714178049881.jpg (48.96 KB, 373x476, Neco arc cat fox.jpg)

I dare you to say that to the tip of my dick and see what happens. It's like when someone's caught smoking cigarettes and they have to smoke the entire carton. By the end of this your gonna be knocked unconscious with your head leaning back in your eyes rolling in the back of your head. You're gonna be like "Ahhhh, Goddamn Nonny sucks good toes," as I massage and whorshi-- I mean uh,assert my dominance. That's what we do in the street. If a nigga is talking shit, we beat that ass and resort to sucking on them toes aggressively until those hooves are dripping, steaming wet, and pooling on the floor.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2822

File: 1714529558227.jpg (120.8 KB, 800x985, foxicube-artist-Black-Cat-Marv…)

Black cat or catwoman

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2823

File: 1714529777979.jpg (43.24 KB, 640x480, 1ycbrifh61p71.jpg)

Mario or Sonic

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2829

File: 1714567361215.jpg (204.59 KB, 850x1042, 20240502.jpg)


AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2890

File: 1714643577058.jpg (40.54 KB, 544x420, 2024.jpg)

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2922

File: 1714698566877.jpg (19.11 KB, 300x200, honeyvssugar.jpg)

Sugar or honey

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2923

File: 1714698658648.jpg (6.31 KB, 228x128, descărcare.jpeg)

Bow tie or tie

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2924

File: 1714699325037.jpg (54.82 KB, 903x885, Neco missile.jpg)

Never saw the movies.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3333

File: 1715746069795.jpg (86.29 KB, 519x680, GFseUHJa0AEUufX.jpeg)

Ghost Rider or Spawn

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3367

File: 1715823207907.jpg (179.43 KB, 2000x1414, mOptELNqrzoIdUFfHUQ3Q8fx8Vfyzp…)

Wrist or pocket watch

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3369

File: 1715823755059.jpg (31.83 KB, 414x423, she_gonna_eatcha_by_riviel_d1g…)

Mermaind or cecaelia

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3380

File: 1715853246439.jpg (584.43 KB, 1280x800, flashfrying.jpg)

F 16V or J 10C ?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3529

File: 1716166201381.jpg (73.57 KB, 350x400, 002 (1).jpg)

Raven or starfire

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3531

Looks: Raven
Personality: Starfire

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3532

File: 1716166671567.jpg (481.45 KB, 1047x920, Ashley graves.jpg)

Metalocalypse: Dethklok | Murmaider | Adult Swim


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C00mette SyliconDreams AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3542

Ford or GM?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3773

File: 1716696470012.jpg (28.13 KB, 599x468, 20240527.jpg)

Boeing or Airbus?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3774

File: 1716696524428.webp (359.31 KB, 512x1024, 20240526.jpg)

Mig or Sukhoi?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3917

Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3920

File: 1717077632816.gif (1.85 MB, 764x526, burgers.gif)

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3954

File: 1717208260683.jpg (71.47 KB, 459x680, Fbj-DO9UcAA9HnV.jpg_small)

Sonic or knuckls

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3955

File: 1717208388080.jpg (1.18 MB, 811x1161, Greg-Hildebrandt-artist-Deadpo…)

Punisher or deadpool

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3956

File: 1717208541586.jpg (163.61 KB, 649x800, 163344134251.jpg)

Batman or joker

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3957

File: 1717208606179.jpg (177.9 KB, 719x1112, Aang And Korra Colors by Fanta…)

Aang or korra

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3958

File: 1717208693359.jpg (348.07 KB, 811x1231, Wolverine-Marvel-фэндомы-Preda…)

Predator or Wolverine

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3959

File: 1717208776521.jpg (160.69 KB, 800x566, alessandro-almeida-batman-vs-h…)

Batman or ironman

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3961

File: 1717208953813.jpg (474.29 KB, 1200x800, deadpool_vs_venom.jpg)

Deadpool or venom

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 3962

File: 1717209025673.webp (83.2 KB, 495x729, 1_Ifh1pZAnQTOKYemdnmB7-A.webp)

Batman or Spider-man

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4395

File: 1718327770816.jpg (944.68 KB, 811x1167, Dave-Dorman-artist-Batman-DC-C…)

Captain America or Batman

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4396

File: 1718327868873.jpg (59.92 KB, 413x561, punisher_vs_wolverine_by_peter…)

Punisher or Wolwerine

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4397

File: 1718328019127.jpg (196.46 KB, 612x950, личное-Deadpool-Marvel-фэндомы…)

Deadpool or Captain America

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4398

File: 1718328097356.jpg (65.38 KB, 540x473, 6rd47csr8wu81.jpg)

Daredevil or Deadpool

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4402

File: 1718332679970.jpg (45.95 KB, 540x605, goat demon.jpg)

UrdaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4403

File: 1718334190745.png (424.88 KB, 800x1100, A344C1E6-C10A-48C2-A07D-BFC5AD…)

Hi Kady 🤩

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4404

File: 1718334583817.jpg (164.56 KB, 1080x800, Rikimaru fan art.jpg)

I am not Kady.. And for that mistake, You shall die!

Japanese AMOGUS but with a yooooo sound effect at the end

Ayoooo, we gettin' high tonight boys
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AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4421

File: 1718414350361.webp (311.65 KB, 512x512, w2.webp)

China or Russia?

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4423

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4429

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4444

File: 1718518305911.png (86.36 KB, 3368x1144, 3.png)


AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4465

File: 1718584425887.webp (10.5 KB, 270x270, 1912744_full.webp)


A bratwurst and a croissant

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4525

File: 1718789498756.jpg (2.22 MB, 6000x4000, missDARWIN2.jpg)

Chicken or beef?

Chicken is the yellow-ish one after marination with a coriander/turmeric/chilli/lemon-grass spice mix.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4534


AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4583

File: 1718885864882.jpg (218.71 KB, 965x935, 20240620.jpg)

Frieren or Marcille?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 4878

File: 1719567309078.jpg (72.39 KB, 596x689, V.jpg)

Ariel or Ursula?

Marcille. Hee-hawwwww.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5487

File: 1720779051057.jpg (54.7 KB, 462x595, 20240714.jpg)

Satur(n's)day or SUNday?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5535

Sunday, bloody sunday....

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6020

File: 1722508387441.webm (2.71 MB, 240x241, coffee.webm)

Coffee or tea?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6791

File: 1724407151717.jpg (137.01 KB, 1017x758, 20240822.jpg)

Thunder or Lightning?

Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6957

File: 1725031936595.png (302.68 KB, 851x1061, 1546645__suggestive_artist-col…)

serve truth and justice or anorectal violence?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6958

Isn't this World of Warcraft?
Mid for sure.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6959

File: 1725032822403.png (108.54 KB, 800x1200, ENJLLpxXkAMVPBZ.png)

Werewolf guy always seemed the better choice from what I remember.
Vampire guy's loyal, but he's also barely sane.


As much as I like the AK, gotta go with the AR pattern.
Way easier for modern necessities.
No fuss for mounting optics.


Android, easily.


Both? Typically right.

Neither, they're both gay and cringe.

Marrio, but my heart says Sonic if they just had a half-decent game.

It's magic.

Chicken. Easily.
Chicken is the best.

Coffee, but it's close.



Hair is gay.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6966

File: 1725075641462.jpg (201.89 KB, 713x716, Cracker.jpg)

It's dota 1. I was playing it on WC3 for a little while, but it's not the same game at all.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 7350

File: 1726372899630.jpg (154.52 KB, 850x737, y Shinohara Emi.jpg)

Capcom or SNK?

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 7351

File: 1726384747397.png (231.22 KB, 546x634, adam SMASHER.png)

Let me just go down some of my steam list of games:

Gaylien: Isolation
Homonesia: The Gay Descent
Gaypex Legends
Battle for Gaysnoth
Gay Bowl 1 and 2
Call of Gaythulhu
Century: Gay of Asses
Gayvalry 2
The coffin of I'm Gay and Gaygay
Gay of Fear
Gay Hook
Gayber Punk
Gay Deception
Gay Space
Gay space 2
Death and Gayness
Deep Cock Gaylactic
Gay Daggers
Devil May Gay
Gay 3
Gay 3: BBC edition
Gay 3: Ressurection of gayness
Gay Eternal
Gayta 2
Dragon Ball GAYz
Dragon's Dogma: Gay Arisen
Dungeons and Faggots OnGAY
EverGay Free-to-Gay
Fagout 4
Fagout: New Gayness
Gaylo: The Master Queef Collection
Gaywarts Legacy
Gay Wheels Unleashed
Hyper Faggot
Killing Gay 2
Gay 4 Head 2
Legacy of Gay: Defiance
Lycanthorn 2: Gay of Beasts
Gayness: project nexus
Gaywarrior online
Men's Club Gay
Metal Gay Rising: Revengence
Metal Gay Solid V: The Phantom Gay

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8194

File: 1728537051753.jpg (408.5 KB, 2048x1886, 316002__safe_artist-colon-appl…)

applejack or rainbow dash

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8195

File: 1728537782841.jpg (80.94 KB, 1024x768, 160120__safe_artist-colon-gold…)

Princess/Queen Celestia or Princess Luna.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8196

File: 1728537854924.jpg (653.92 KB, 1000x1065, Fancy-Meeting-You-Here-disney-…)

Rapunzel or Spider-man

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8199

File: 1728549979958.jpg (66.85 KB, 660x1000, 20241007.jpg)

Queen Celestia > Princess Luna

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8223

File: 1728612008497.jpg (99.58 KB, 736x622, IMG_20240130_002002_263.jpg)

Jinx or The Collector or Discord or Spinel

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8225

File: 1728614174125.jpg (80.64 KB, 540x470, tumblr_28c9f9aeb02aca3e3ba7953…)

starlight glimmer or trixie lulamoon

Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8226

File: 1728622698677.jpg (158.8 KB, 898x889, chief_prosecutor_of_the_pie_fa…)

>>8194 Rainbow Dash
>>8195 Princess Luna
>>8196 Rapunzel
>>8223 Discord
>>8225 Starlight Glimmer

sandaryanCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8227

File: 1728630194032.webp (16.23 KB, 300x300, joseph-stalin-1939-office-krem…)

Rainbow dash

I don't care about the others

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8281

File: 1728785077664.jpg (133.18 KB, 835x900, tmh98qtvsklc1.jpeg)

Chun li or Rumi Usagiyama aka mirko

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8288

File: 1728818965121.jpg (5.2 KB, 128x128, GX8WtfXX0AABpeh.jpg)

RD. I just don't really care for Applejack, like, at all. She's so much of nothing to me, I'd pick RD, and I hate me some RD.

She was my first ponycrush.

Trixie. Though it's mainly because I don't like the later stuff.

ShalissaCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8290

File: 1728824487444.jpg (113.85 KB, 896x1152, Goth Bastet.jpg)

Left for soft mommy dommy, right for hard mommy dommy

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8330

File: 1728903663413.jpg (41.13 KB, 850x428, 20241014.jpg)

Top or bottom?

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8331

File: 1728908269260.jpg (93.34 KB, 988x733, applejack skeleton dance.jpg)

I top

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8355

Canada or Mexico?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8380

File: 1729128578481.jpg (33.25 KB, 759x494, GettyImages-1138441076.jpg)


AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8384

File: 1729134119950.jpg (73.11 KB, 424x600, IMG_20240128_233004_525.jpg)

Discord or Bill Cipher

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8385

File: 1729134307030.jpg (218.22 KB, 1280x1173, 1727999676401.jpg)

Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash

Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8386

File: 1729134413360.jpg (143.15 KB, 1200x550, Monitor-VS-Merrimack-FEATURED.…)

Monitor or Merrimack?

Ice Milk Shower Buddies "What sort of name is 'Mike'?" *8*"<"Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8394

File: 1729190162524.gif (720.01 KB, 900x636, Twin Ion Engine Interceptor Oc…)

>> 8386
Monitor. These insect bites are getting painful, much like your insecurities. Now behold as they don't respond linearly.


AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8574

File: 1729683851263.jpg (137.78 KB, 1293x1071, 20241028.jpg)

Rose or Sakura?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8577

File: 1729730776298.jpg (60.84 KB, 640x375, goku-black-vs-anne-boonchuy-dr…)

Goku or Anne

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8578

File: 1729731439587.png (216.92 KB, 640x638, goku-hanging-with-naruto-dall-…)

Goku or Naruto

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8579

File: 1729731926292.png (250.07 KB, 800x495, medium.png)

twilight sparkle or sunset shimmer

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8603

File: 1729808508578.jpg (111.98 KB, 1448x1526, angry huntress wizard.jpg)

40k or fantasy?

Warhammer 40K Slander

ShalissaCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8637

File: 1729895110580.jpg (39.82 KB, 564x561, Everyone is so mean to me.jpg)

That's a hard one actually.. Umm, as far as an eldritch being goes, Bill. As far as likability and shipping, Discord.
Twilight Sparkle. 100%
No idea.
Goku overall, but when Anne first transformed that shit was extremely emotional.
Twilight. But Sunset has a cooler design.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8688

File: 1730104748118.jpg (72.15 KB, 600x600, 2025avatarthelastairbender.jpg)

Bending ~ Air, Water, Fire or Earth?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8697

File: 1730169134346.jpg (797.49 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_20240126_223403_409.jpg)

Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8698

File: 1730169773739.jpg (204.15 KB, 980x1024, IMG_20240202_000904_008.jpg)

Candace, Mr.Krabs, Miss Heed, Amity, Sans, Jenny Wakeman/(XJ-9),
Peridot, Fluttershy ?

Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8699

File: 1730179324597.png (131.91 KB, 429x337, 139525139435.png)

>>8574 don't know who these are
Goku, as much as that pains me to say
>>8579 Twilight
>>8603 generic fantasy?
>>8688 water
>>8697 Rainbow Dash
>>8698 Fluttershy

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8704

File: 1730212679547.jpg (159.4 KB, 995x1024, A dmt clown.jpg)

I meant 40k vs Warhammer Fantasy. But I'll accept and answer of Sci-Fi vs Fantasy settings.

The Hotel Treasury 🥨 Cash And Bob FlowertonCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8706

File: 1730235065702.png (242.93 KB, 554x459, Cut the wedding cake with a gu…)

Two hundred plus years is it PowerGirl? By now you do in fact hear that loathesome Captain of the Science Division in my voice I suppose. Francais, parle vous vox latin? There was a stipulation about wasting time.

But that can wait for Vivzie's dramatic heroic gut punch. That's how it be fools.

You should know, being someone who's grasp of cryptology would be at home in Eurasia, that there is a small by law inscribed in the Ruins oF Aleph, been awhile for you as well huh, that states the black swordsman must not come to loathe the princess of he who is named Arkanfel, and Bob may as well play more baseball as a career.

That said, I mean to tell you as a fragment of a fragment aligned only to Antonia's delusions and a fair bit of paladin comics for internet paladins such as ourselves (after I put a frying pan to my arm for writing that) I am under no compusion to indulge you. At best you'll be getting Sega Genesis games for your blasphemous french whore murderers birthday.

And now a lesser known nintendo secret! Do you own an NES emulator mini nintendo? You'll be hornswoggled to learn that each continent got there own version of Ninja Turtles Two! Collect them all and have a tumblr schizophrenic moment!

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8707

File: 1730238511459.gif (38.42 KB, 640x640, cozy-glow-mlp.gif)

Person making sense in their posts.
Voidchan: Bah! Take your anal nonsense elsewhere.

Person with obvious neurological damage posts.
Voidchan: You're a good friend.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8708

File: 1730238960475.jpg (63.74 KB, 680x510, Trump cat sword.jpg)

Literal nonsense from anal anon.
People may be damaged, but they are friends

hashtag free civvie eleven On A Very Special WebisodeCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8710

File: 1730241072881.png (198.37 KB, 590x404, Now with boxes of fries in two…)

8707<< <<
Don't you also think what Gilgamesh the adjunct french puppet just posted now was necessary for everyone with a perceptual bias on the internet to know? Just like the good old days, dumb idiots blathering opinions that the army they ascribe loyalty towards would have put them against a firing squad. Show them what four, super sanderson legendaries!

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8711

File: 1730242598229.jpg (165.6 KB, 1982x2048, 1729804270311371.jpg)

Gilgamesh as a Sumerian king. I don't think he had anything to do with France and I'm not even sure France existed by the time of his rule.
When people do something wrong they usually start building an army to help themselves convince themselves that they haven't done anything more wrong than the wrong done to them.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8712

File: 1730246148229.jpg (115.57 KB, 900x727, derpibooru-3057998.jpg)

Rainbow Dasha or Pinkie Pie

Steel Ball Run Eleven Whole Episodes @nuclear-nightterrorCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8713

File: 1730247580422.jpg (11.41 KB, 227x222, Hate You the divergent SGRUG d…)

>>8711 No offense, but shut up and stop using a locked down tumblr blog to alleviate your migraines. Not every single thing I do needs to be met with the sass of bitchy panic attacks. I'd change it if I could.On that!

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8714

File: 1730250283312.png (1.93 MB, 1744x2248, 1729620553082029.png)

Why aren't all your posts like this?
Why is the bear in the Mesopotamian Son-Goku in the Nintendo boob vagina heroes of the dark world in the nothern lights of the fahrenheit?

AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8715

>why aren't all your posts like this

Why are you a delusional internet armchair psychologist?

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8716

File: 1730252392230.jpg (42.24 KB, 550x550, b139f981186bf6dd1e8c65441c2b44…)

Let me rephrase that.
Why are you trying to be as incomprehensible as possible when you clearly have no reason to do so?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8717

It's a spammer. The question is whether it was not blocked.

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8720

File: 1730257363432.png (89.79 KB, 469x468, 1724880660626996.png)

Considering my newly given role as an armchair psychologist it could be a severe case of paranoia.
They can't figure me out if I don't make any sense.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8721

File: 1730259908115.jpg (75.68 KB, 1000x564, IMG_20240703_011917_894.jpg)

I don't know if it's paranoia. But I think he wants attention or something.

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8722

File: 1730263731574.png (1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1721753798239889.png)

A need for attention doesn't change as easily as someone's trust.
Paranoia doesn't make you want to be unnoticed. Rather, paranoia makes you believe you are always noticed no matter what. So you make yourself more complicated. Harder to figure out. Not worth the time and effort.
It's common KBT. A feeling of always being watched makes you act... weird when a healthy mind is the other way around. Acting weird makes you feel strange.

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8723

File: 1730264191493.png (151.79 KB, 435x286, 1711062868526460.png)

Eh CBT..
Sorry for Swedish.

AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8724


Im a different anon you fucking retards

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8725

File: 1730273866991.png (1.11 MB, 7320x7320, 1722000081568370.png)

You are feeling that we are missing the mark but you are completely missing the point of anonynism by saying: I am me! I am not them!
We know that you are you, Anon.
You Are Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons)

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8731

There is more than one anon in this thread

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8732

File: 1730288844817.png (208.87 KB, 520x520, large (2).png)

They are legion.
Expect them.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8734

File: 1730297427357.gif (1.45 MB, 540x304, Bleeeegh coffee spit.gif)

Moony quit being a fag.

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8736

File: 1730298493148.jpg (42.24 KB, 550x550, b139f981186bf6dd1e8c65441c2b44…)

It was I who was the Anon all along. Moony and Kady assumed I was the spamming Anon. How foolish of them.
Such mistakes of the simple minded *sigh*.
They just see Anons. I see an intricate web of pawns to be played. *sigh*
How blind the foolhardy are.
I was the villain all along and this has been a great social experiment.
If only they could understand a fraction of the machination but THEY DID NOT KNOW! They did not realize that there were more than a single pawn in my twisted, machiavellian game of my amusement and mine alone.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8737

File: 1730298705292.webp (57.79 KB, 1510x1077, Jack Horner.webp)

Little did you know that was all apart of my plan

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8738

File: 1730298799717.gif (635.42 KB, 400x160, SQsHXAJ.gif)

I planned that it was your plan all along.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8739

File: 1730298916426.jpg (426.14 KB, 1482x2620, wolf.jpg)

Little did you know that I was taking that into account and in this game of 4th dimensional chess, I was allowing you to believe you were the victor.

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8740

File: 1730299152418.png (328.23 KB, 640x400, ae859cbae9518d17a4b9958f8102fb…)

For me it was always a game that none could ever win. I took me years plotting but I always managed to stay two steps ahead.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8741

File: 1730299433935.png (1.21 MB, 1041x1226, 3 steps ahead.png)

I foresaw your plan decades before you even could muster up the electrical signals within your brain to even conjure such a pedestrian and simplistic plan. Every loss you perceive me to take has been a carefully and meticulously calculated step towards my grand machinations.

MoonyCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8742

File: 1730299556191.jpg (174.83 KB, 1024x1024, 1726405113600791.jpg)

This is exactly what I want you to think. I have you right where I want you.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8743

File: 1730299832007.png (496.72 KB, 493x497, Excalibur.png)

It would seem you fell for my Trojan Horse; all according to plan. You never stood a chance.

ShalissaCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8769

File: 1730385448298.webp (440.69 KB, 512x768, daemonette.webp)

Wars that are so fun you never want to win
This post was edited by its author on .

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8772

File: 1730391488392.jpg (1.16 MB, 1920x2269, Liquid kiss - armored daemonet…)

Ranged or melee?

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8773

File: 1730392180068.jpg (291.31 KB, 1920x1080, kawaii keeper.jpg)

Cock or balls?

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8797

File: 1730474850421.jpg (709.84 KB, 1467x1833, Tentacle octopus keeper.jpg)

Length or girth?

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8798

File: 1730474902613.png (876.89 KB, 811x1081, Blazbaros Keeper of secrets - …)

Anal or anal?

⛵☎️Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8799

>>8712 Rainbow Dash
>>8772 ranged
>>8773 cock
>>8797 length
>>8798 truth and justice

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8800

File: 1730479531611.jpg (51.11 KB, 850x478, Pomni screaming.jpg)

>truth and justice

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8801

File: 1730488179382.jpg (72.88 KB, 800x891, Exaulted daemonette.jpg)

Truth OR Justice?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8803

File: 1730505642065.jpg (53.66 KB, 483x600, hamlet_212159.jpg)

to be or not to be

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8804

File: 1730505736597.jpg (118.86 KB, 700x800, IMG_20240130_001934_678.jpg)

Joker or Discord

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8805

File: 1730506078421.jpg (215.25 KB, 900x747, derpibooru-3126563.jpg)

Maud Pie or Pinkie Pie

Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8806

File: 1730510364590.gif (2.23 MB, 500x350, 3389920__prompter+needed_safe_…)

>>8801 truth
>>8803 not to be
>>8804 Discord
>>8805 Maud Pie

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8818

File: 1730594840434.jpg (23.44 KB, 449x252, 1730255834765.jpg)

Shego or Kim

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8820

File: 1730595396102.jpg (93.86 KB, 640x572, tumblr_pa7tq7PnP91rim7aro1_640…)

Velma or Daphne

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8821

File: 1730595777745.jpg (165.36 KB, 900x835, deviantart-kirasunnight-943786…)

Twilight Sparkle or Pinkie Pie

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8822

File: 1730595960298.jpg (93.16 KB, 900x620, derpibooru-3048386.jpg)

Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8833

To be
T Sparks

Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8835

File: 1730681479723.png (298.73 KB, 1100x885, dance_like_nopony__s_watching_…)

Lyra or Bon Bon?

>>8818 Kim
>>8820 I was going to say Velma, but now that Velma exists, Daphne.
>>8821 Twilight Sparkle
>>8822 Pinkie Pie

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8837

File: 1730683924871.jpg (47.75 KB, 564x409, 25d8885e94d520dc7a659fd51c515a…)

stanford pines or rick sanchez

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8838

File: 1730684215997.jpg (43.28 KB, 500x383, Desene Animate.jpeg)

Vanessa or Candace or Stacy

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8839

File: 1730684429621.png (191.63 KB, 480x480, 3.png)

Octavia or Vinyl

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8842

File: 1730691032353.png (2.43 MB, 768x1280, alternative pomni.png)

To be
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie in small doeses, Fluttershy for longer periods of companionship
Both are garbage, but Rick Sanchez if you could befriend him.
None of them.
I feel like Viynl would be cooler to hang out with if you could catch her with her headphones off

ShalissaCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8894


In what regard?

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8898

File: 1730847918102.jpg (469.57 KB, 2737x2022, Come to me - keeper.jpg)

I'm asking now.

ShalissaCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8902

File: 1730850392603.png (1.72 MB, 811x1106, Our song is the song of victor…)

everyone from around the worlds
gonna drown in the juice from my ass

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9126

AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9271

File: 1732849623485.jpg (133.34 KB, 580x681, IMG_0885.jpeg)



Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9282

File: 1732914572161.jpg (6.97 KB, 225x225, brooks and dunn.jpg)

Kix or Ronnie?

Blackjack! Dragonball Super Hero Gemini 2 advertisementCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9284

File: 1732921661436.png (634.82 KB, 967x686, The best quotes of Magneto.png)

Does anyone care? I ask this not as an inquiry. Not that your generation knows what an inquiry is. I recall you once begged for an elder to admit their generation didn't know what they were doing. These aforementioned phone posted touho facts should slot together nicely with already established.
Why? Because I had to. The golden light of fear is inferior to enlightenment, but in the era of the one eyed screaming child holding the articles of IngSoc to their heaving beating bleeding chest it might work.
I said once I washed my hands of this weirdness, this ghoulish dance of silver and bronze. And I meant it. Your entire generation, across every possible timeline I or my children have interacted with are going into indentured servitude for the next oh thousand years? The trick in a post nuclear society is to know you don't know, but trust you can deduce. For any grayliens who stalked me in the old days, that was how many Sherlock Holmes adventures.
How many fan stories?
How many chances to step off the stage and grab the purple rose of Cairo?
My words have meaning.
Your words are a flightless parrot.
Says here you're gay. What's that like!?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9285

File: 1732926419025.gif (46.01 KB, 112x184, 167697939462.gif)

Does Nf3 care? I ask not as a check. Not that your generation plays e4 with inquiry. I recall you once played d5, begging for an elder to acknowledge that their gambit was misplaced. These phone posted facts should connect Qb6 with established moves. <== [S] Why? Because I had to shuffle. The golden light of fear is inferior to enlightenment, but in this era of the one-eyed king holding the IngSoc articles to their heaving chest it might play out. I declared once I would resign from this game, this ghoulish dance of pieces. And I meant it. Your generation, across every opening, is stepping into a long endgame of servitude for the next thousand moves? The trick in a post-nuclear endgame is to know you don’t know, but trust your calculation. For any grayliens who stalked me in the old days, those were the crucial tactical adventures. How many fan variations? How many opportunities to play the purple rook of Cairo? My words have value. Your words are a blunder. Says here you’re on e5. What’s that like!?

Doth any soul care? I pose this not as an inquiry. Not that thine age dost know what an inquiry be. I do remember thou once beseeched an elder to confess their kin knew naught of their path. These spoken phone posted facts of touho should fit together well with what is already known.<== [S] Why? Forsooth, 'tis because I had to. The golden light of dread is less than enlightenment, yet in the age of the one-eyed wailing child clutching the tomes of IngSoc to their throbbing, bleeding breast, it might suffice. I did declare once I had cleansed my hands of this oddity, this ghastly dance of silver and bronze. And verily, I meant it. Thy entire generation, through every conceivable timeline I or mine progeny hath engaged with, art bound into servitude for the next thousand years or so? The ruse in a post-nuclear age be to comprehend thou knowest not, yet trust thou can discern. For any grayliens who did stalk me in days of yore, that was akin to many an adventure of Sherlock Holmes. How many tales of fandom? How many chances to depart the stage and seize the purple rose of Cairo? My words bear weight. Thy words be as a flightless parrot. It is stated here thou art gay. What doth that entail!?

MoonyCountry code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9290

File: 1732953192156.png (3.83 MB, 2741x2016, 1732812105869317.png)

One of these days you are going to hit spot on with what you are saying and it's going to be a 'creepy as fuck how do you know unicorn moment'.

Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9291

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9753

File: 1736657041797.jpg (13.82 KB, 300x170, science_fantasy-300x170.jpg)

SF or Fantasy or Science Fantasy

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9831

ponychan or mlpol

AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9845


AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9880

Ford or FerrarI?

Ghost Cobra LuciferCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9903

File: 1737563487270.jpg (305.96 KB, 1200x1309, 1000000136.jpg)

Lots of Khajiten niggers. Armys and parades and droves of khajiten niggers and nigressess and oddities.

Satan himself ## ModCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9904

Oh hey, kid.

Merry kristolnocht.

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11275

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11288

Spider Crab
This post was edited by a moderator on .

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11424

File: 1741085314758.mp4 (2.73 MB, 640x360, zrain.mp4)

French or USA?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11443

File: 1741229423949.jpg (108.77 KB, 850x868, 20250309.jpg)

Raven or Starfire?

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11444

Cum on them both?

Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11492

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