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/void/ - The Void

That emptiness will always stay in your heart.

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File: 1721601652740.webp (1.32 MB, 985x1267, F1B86A81-7D55-4C02-A8B7-5AE7E3…)

Manic moonday Anonymous (ID: 7b4221)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5789

Rush rush

⛵ (ID: 91f449)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 5790

File: 1721618830797.png (510.75 KB, 1024x1024, ytryyryr.png)

Hurry, hurry lover come to me

Anonymous (ID: c4abdb)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6024

File: 1722513825803.jpg (59.71 KB, 511x639, 20240729.jpg)

Fry me to the moon

Anonymous (ID: 1fd4a1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6030

File: 1722519423916.jpg (303.32 KB, 2300x2100, Fn5wdqAWAA8kYA3.jpeg)

And claim it as a US territory.

Moony (ID: c5ef77)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6031

File: 1722519919944.jpg (4.46 MB, 3929x3967, Buzz_salutes_the_U.S._Flag.jpg)

Let's face it. The flag was kind of cringe.
On the other hand we don't exactly have a flag representing earth and the we-vs-them tensions were very high at the time.

Anonymous (ID: 1fd4a1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6032

File: 1722520360329.png (83.18 KB, 300x680, FVgSrcNVEAAbMtd.png)

Global co-operation is a better direction than the cold war era we vs them. I guess we have the 🇺🇳U.N🇺🇳 flag.

I don't know. Lately I've been getting really irritated with my reality because everything is so fucked up, but I keep my head straight by remembering America and the union worth fighting and dying for. It helps me keep straight when my brain turns to bad or confusion or life is raping me too hard. I guess I have evil moods, it's worth taking some of schitzo rants with a grain of salt because I'm frustrated and don't want want to feel helpless or be a victim of someone's bullying.

America 🇺🇲 yay. Gotta be a good American.

Moony (ID: c5ef77)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6033

File: 1722520680453.png (180.24 KB, 680x1483, ed2.png)

Don't let the voices win. As a matter of fact, don't see them as voices. See them as a machine that signals out the most retarded thoughts known to man. The RRTGA or the Random Retarded Thoughts Generator Apparatus.
Careful when tuning into that thing.

Anonymous (ID: 1fd4a1)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6833

File: 1724500249754.jpg (31.8 KB, 512x399, 2dc190c61ddf9066aa6d26d71c09ca…)

Did someone call for sluts? I think someone called for sluts. Let's all cum to an understanding.

The grass is always greener on the other side. That's why you become someone who's free to move between the different sides, profiting from bringing things from one world to another.

Anonymous (ID: fe5f34)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 6840

Lost in space
NASA will give a Boeing Starliner update on Aug. 24 and you can wat...
The Saturday announcement is expected to include NASA's plan to return its two Boeing Starliner astronauts to Earth.

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