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File: 1729128161172.jpg (268.08 KB, 1489x2048, IMG_0469.jpeg)

Anonymous (ID: b51043)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid:   8379

Are we guilty of the crime of believing that reality could be more than human?

Anonymous (ID: db621f)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8382

File: 1729129076308.jpg (17.22 KB, 250x249, GW-ZaHKa4AALMlf.jpg)

I don't know what that means, but I want to be a dragon. Or maybe a kobold. I'd settle for a kobold.

(ID: b6efec)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8387

File: 1729134649401.png (144.72 KB, 922x1140, 3412903__safe_artist-colon-bat…)

a simulation of a simulation

Shalissa (ID: d546c8)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  8391

File: 1729170519002.jpg (88.36 KB, 800x566, Stocking and Godzilla.jpg)

Kobolds and dragons aren't so unalike, especially in line with the chromatic scales of their previous heritage. It is possible to possess the heart of one, with traits of the other.

Anonymous (ID: fe0049)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8399

File: 1729205600330.png (840 KB, 848x848, whitescales bookbold bookwyrm.…)

You're not wrong. They might hold some different sway, different feelings here and there, but the core is much the same. Though many might not appreciate it.

'Settle' was a strong word anyways. In all honesty, I'd feel more comfortable as a kobold, and while I would still wish to one day be a dragon, being a kobold would feel as a more natural stepping stone towards that direction.

Shalissa (ID: d546c8)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 8402

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Dragons are majestic beasts as kobolds are their humbler counterpart. In a way their fate is tied to one another.

Interestingly enough, depending on the setting; both can use magic to turn into the other. A powerful caster can make a kobold take the form of a mighty dragon while a mighty dragon can transform into that of a more approachable and adorable kobold.

I'd say that while similar in personality there are differences. Due to being humanoid and having true thumbs, I feel that the kobold is more likely to be familiar to that of labor in all of its forms, adding character, whether it be crafting tools, cavernous homes, or even exquisite piece of fine art. Whereas a dragon is more use to its position of near royal authority; making it more suited as a collector, appraiser, and connoisseur of such fine pieces of armor, weapons, gold, and fine art.

It is a ying and yang that are as similar as they can be different. Two sides of the same coin. Similar, yet distinct in a way that is hard to place a finger over. Every kobold needs their dragon; and nearly every dragon has a special kobold that they place above all others.

But -- That's just my personal take on it outside of popular belief.

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