Anonymous (ID: c0b15d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1 No.8963
File: 1730969598036.jpg (188.86 KB, 449x549, IMG_0626.jpeg)
Is this related to how living stars work? Some stars are alive, and living stars tend to be very popular all around the time space continuum as an integrated part of a (you)s build system, but I’m not sure what purpose connecting a child you’re raising to a living star would serve. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that inorganic rock is not alive or sentient, until actual stars get involved and ingredients come together and make a live running star. A living star is a life form and a (you) or integrated part of a you that is literally living and conscious rock. Living rocks, that’s what a star is. Rocks tend to not come alive unless actual stars are involved. Then, matter that has nothing to do with earth organically can achieve consciousness and be alive. I would build an android that’s integrated with a living star if I wanted to take a form that is meant for deep space travel or transportation across outter-Afghan parts where gravity and other normalities of earth aren’t a thing, just pack up my (you) and just be a live star in a suit. In fact, I don’t think having communications with seriously evolved (you)s would be possible or easy without a living star connection. I’d also believe that there’s just some simple things like empathy and other “being alive and sentient is special” things that having a star integrated in your setup would help with.