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File: 1732849039528.jpg (349.67 KB, 1271x1600, IMG_0883.jpeg)

Anonymous (ID: 558f4b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9270

May there be 666 glock handguns. And 1,998 clips for them. Each glock has three clips, two of 18 round and one of 40 rounds. May there be 666 glock switches.

The glocks will be chambered in 13mm. Unlimited ammo for all that regenerates in a bag

For the 666 glockmen of the new Hevan Hell

Moony (ID: 42eefd)Country code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9330

File: 1733128142418.png (116 KB, 844x1030, 1716083894380862.png)

Don't break the law unless you have decided to crank the difficulty of your life up to ultra hard, guys.

Urda (ID: 30f5fe)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9332

File: 1733136064636.jpg (129.08 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0620.jpeg)

>>breaking the law

Love Jesus instead.

Moony (ID: 42eefd)Country code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9333

File: 1733136886725.jpg (157.97 KB, 1216x832, 1733075160836563.jpg)

The system pretty much gives up on you when you break the law. The same thing doesn't apply when you stop liking imaginary friends.

Urda (ID: 30f5fe)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9335

File: 1733141270796.jpg (276.85 KB, 791x1024, IMG_0760.jpeg)

Imaginary friends take better care of you then the cops do if you break the Law.

Imagine that.

Moony (ID: 42eefd)Country code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9343

File: 1733185166254.png (292.67 KB, 545x446, 1712513825980795.png)

Who gives a shit about cops?

Urda (ID: 30f5fe)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9344

File: 1733186274786.jpg (57.5 KB, 400x500, IMG_0924.jpeg)

Good 👍

Moony (ID: 42eefd)Country code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9345

File: 1733190004497.png (237.75 KB, 1200x1200, 1732544476270044.png)

I don't think you understand. Cops aren't scary. Being abandoned by the system that supports you is scary as fuck.

Anonymous (ID: 535aed)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9347

He doesn't understand because he is American and you are European. Policing is different in Europe and the US.

Moony (ID: 42eefd)Country code: se, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9348

File: 1733194347876.jpg (242.71 KB, 918x918, 1732394569166678.jpg)

I figured as much. Non-existing safety nets vs safety nets for safety nets.

Anonymous (ID: 67322b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9349


Anonymous (ID: 535aed)Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 9620

...Ms. Kay attempts to portray advocates for peace as naive and idealistic, but the data shows that the large majority of armed conflicts in recent decades have been ended through negotiations, not military solutions. In the contemporary world, violence is less effective than diplomacy in ending armed conflict. Nothing is 100% effective to reduce tyranny and violence, but domestic and foreign strategy needs to be based on evidence, rather than assumptions and misconceptions from a bygone era.

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