⛵ (ID: 9fe4f1)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1 No.9680
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>>9679 Here's the gist of it.
1) Moderator (as well as other positions) is not a status symbol. Unlike Old Ponychan, we don't flaunt tags. If posting as a moderator, make an effort to remain anonymous.
2) Less is more. If it doesn't break the rules, leave it. If in doubt, leave it. (This includes some of the things reported as "spam.") If still in doubt, confer with another mod or me.
3) Unless it's CP, avoid using perma-bans.
4) Try not to do anything that requires the server to be rolled back. (No power trips, etc.)
5) If you decide you want to do it, I'll need for you to set a user name and password in order for you to access to mod tools. which would need to be given to me either via Discord, or Steam, or e-mail.
Any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to ask or let me know.