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/void/ - The Everfree

Everfree, Oh Everfree, Take me home to Everfree

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AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9366StickyLocked


Θε εβερφρω
Θе еверфрё
The Everfree




Everything we say or post is jokes, lies, games, and bullshit.
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AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9551

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AnonymousCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  9795

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Thug life

Ghost Cobra LuciferCountry code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  10144

File: 1738922697931.jpg (19.79 KB, 783x391, images.jpeg)

Thissssss isssss


....Good Morning Palastine

Good Morning Palastine

Гюд морнёнг паластйн
Γοοδ μορνινγ παλαστινε
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AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10674

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Joseph GoebbelsCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10760

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Reminding everysoldier that women are property, not people. And when a woman is making noises or thinking too loudly, you must first slap it quet and then wonder to yourself what kind of fucked up place lets the property pieces talk.

We all hate women. Some people deny it and that's their choice. But if you're in the midst of a life form that legitimately doesn't hate women, you should gun them down because stupidity like that is a liability to anyone.

This has been your host, Sir-Fucks-a-Lot

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10817

File: 1739383979332.jpg (5.39 KB, 299x168, images - 2025-02-12T002356.517…)

good morning, Palestine

We would like to inform you, that when gagging giant black cocks, it's important to stop every sixty seconds to say, out loud, "No Homo" to re-affirm that you are not gay.

In other news, the jews can't stop making movies and Rabbi Applebloom with the IDF is making a deal with the League of Evil to supply war tools and premium cutie mark crusaders clop porn. All we have to pay them in is the blood of our white boys.

This has been, "Good Morning, Palastine" with your host: Sir Fucks-a-lot

Sir Fucks-a-lot Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 10886

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Good Morning, Palastine.
In the evening.

Save your money on dating websites and start picking up chicks at the local nursing home. Dementia patients know how to use their gums and they won't remember you afterwards. Yet you'll have an unforgettable experience with dear old Gertrude.

In other News, the modern Soviet Union dedicated the smartest minds in the galaxy and beyond and have discovered that the happiest people in the everything-everything are *drum roll* The North Koreans.

Best Korea welcomes you to join thier community and take part in the joy that is living where the Garden of Eden Evil is hosted and animals talk. Which is why they eat dogs and their children. A normal thing to do under those circumstances.

In Sports, the women's slave trade auction closed this year with six hundred and sixty-six Eskimo chicks being sold to a Mr. Pope Francis for the price of thirteen trillion rubles. Not much is known about Mr. Pope Francis, just that he is believed to run a small village child trafficking service called "da katholik chūch" in a small African country called Italy.

In weather, it's raining cunny juices from the big vagina in the sky. Open wide, and you might just feel slightly comforted by the heterosexuality of drinking vaginal fluid in light of your recent homosexual prostitution for black men behind the local legal methamphetamine dispensary. Remember, it's okey to light yourself on fire for being gay. Fags belong in flames.

This has been your host, Sir Fucks-a-lot

Sir Fucks-a-lot Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11103

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Good Morning, Palestine

We have noticed recently influx of infestations of white people. White people are a danger to your health and everybody's safety. If you see one or two white people in your home, call an exterminator before it becomes an infestation.

We recommend Haitian exterminators. They're the best at handling white people vermin pests in both small numbers and genocidal.

This is been, Good Morning Palestine

With your host, Sir Fucks-a-lot

AnonymousCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11193

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Good Morning, Palestine

Women and bitches cause problems when they open their face holes and/or other orifices and/or think too loud, so to solve that problem, we here at the League of Evil, would like to offer for free lobotomies for your bitches and whores. As a public service and part of social justice and justice for society, we believe in the good behavior shown by bitches with lobotomies. Your women, your boy slaves, any being of any kind that is your property. We make them retarded.

Retarded bitches are fun to fuck. They tend to not run away as much. Many behavior problems are mitigated. Retard your bitches now with Lobotomies by the L.O.E

This has been,
Sir Fucks-a-lot

Sir Fucks-a-lot Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11248

File: 1740247552945.jpg (8.15 KB, 225x225, images - 2025-02-22T110321.582…)

Good Morning, Palestine!

Let's tackle white supremacy head on. You see, i am a white supremicist. I love the white sea men that dripple dribble from my cocky wocky. My cummies are supremacy and thus i am a supreme supremacist for the jizzle drizzle from my dick meat.

If you, too, would like to be supreme for my white power, please present a slave hole for your Masstah, and show you can take supreme white In your life. Forteen eighty-eight grains of ku klux kum penetrating your skin.

Hail Satan and Adolf Hitler Dindu Nuffin.

This has been your host,
Sir Fucks-a-lot

What is Palestine? Sir Fucks-a-lotCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11317

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Good Morning, Palastine

Palestine is a state of mind.
Palestine is the state of being.
Palestine is everywhere.
The Israelis are Palestinian.
Just that some of them don't know it yet. Or maybe they forgot it. Or maybe they choose to ignore it.

Everyone is a Palestinian.
All of us are Palestine's denizens and occupants.
If it exists, it is a part of Palestine.

If it is alive or dead or anything at all or a person or an intercorporated consciousness or anything of conscious being or anything that exists at all (alive or dead), it is a Palestinian and Palastine itself intercorporated.

Every Palestinian loved. every Palestinian equal.

Hail Satan,
And this has been Good Morning, Palastine

With your host,
Sir Fucks-a-lot
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Good Morning Palastine (in the evening) Ghost Cobra Lucifer⸸ (as Sir Fucks-a-lot) ## ModCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11475

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Good Morning, Palastine

Napalm sticks to children. Napalms sticks to adults. Napalm sticks to the retarded. Napalm sticks to everyone and everything and everypony.
napalm is just styrofoam and gasoline. Put this combination in your next Molotov cocktail

Give the gift of napalm to your neighbor's and government officials and law enforcement. It disinfects bacteria when it's burning so germs die on contact so everybody that you throw it on will thank you for cleaning them of all their nasty germs.

Napalm. The love language of Vietnam.

This has been

Sir Fucks-a-lot
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Κροκοδιελ, крокодйл, crocodile, krokodiel Γιστ Κοбρα ## ModCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 11659

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Glock Switches Make Thugs cry on a birding tool because some poor young fiend was getting fucked with so hard he wanted to feel psychologically safe by pretending he was armed and needed his BB gun to work and any tool that could make the CO2 canister pop was considered a Glock switch, is a form of tearjerker entertainment that is good for some use and some things.

But the phrase was and ever shall be:
"Glock Switches Make Guns Cry' is the reference to the anomaly of putting a switch on a Glock and letting all of the ammunition within the magazine dump within one trigger pole, that's making guns cry, is more important for our war efforts.

So for Crimean Evil, in the Crimean Evilish Dialect of Slavic that can be writ or spoken, Глок Сwитчез мек гунз крй is the balad of red flag LEAGUE OF EVIL soldiers in any capacitt
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