@thechozo-modified-deathstar (ID: 722338)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1 No.9699
File: 1735848433191.jpg (126.41 KB, 1280x720, Rev doesn't have it in him to …)
If you're going to whore around as a gothic version of は縦 姫街道 you'd better be willing to put those words coming out of your mouth in the form of truth. The thing about being a man is that if you have a pair, you have to sometimes learn not to care. Even if you need to use a cellphone and metabolism interrupting drugs to do so. Also, for a young woman with such a deep voice, I'd expect, as is the point of this era approaching Aquarius and leaving Capricorn, put down that fresh cooked strontium meat sandwich, you would publicly post a video in opposition to any video with a strongly worded opinion. You know, like a smart person who isn't trying to quantum suicide out of the deal would. But then, you are a light beer Lilian Orchard, so I suppose I should filter every meme word out of your mouth through a carcinogen and nicotine accent? Oh who am I kidding, known pyromaniac. Hey guys, early movie fan character! RING ANY BELLS?
Unless you got a bullet in your mailbox then zip the lip. Feel that good burn!