>>10990 How many pizzas do you get?
It hasn't all melted; maybe a third of it. Munchkin didn't like the ice. I tried walking out into the re-frozen snow with her, but even that was too slick for her to walk around on. My toes got a bit numb because I wasn't wearing shoes! fun stuff. might go again in a bit.
>If you don't like the weather in Oklahoma, wait a minute, it'll change. — attributed to Will RogersIn the dream,
I was helping a farmer (I think) transport some things on a trailer, possibly taking them to market. but it was a super long trailer in segments. I was riding on one of the back segments, the farmer was near me on another on, and someone else was driving. It was extremely windy, and we were moving fast, and somehow the trailer caught the wind and catapulted us into the sky. probably about 200 feet in the air. And once in the air, the wind caught us as well so we were flying sideways and then flying and falling. And as the countryside approached at ridiculous speed, I tucked my head and braced for impact. But not seeing anything at that point, I realized that something had broken my fall. And then I realized I wasn't dead, but also not really able to move. After a few minutes, some first responders came to me and started assessing the situation, and found I wasn't too badly injured. Some witnesses had seen the whole thing and said that I had hit a deer and the deer broke my fall. The deer seemed to be ok and had run off. The farmer wasn't so lucky and died instantly. And though I wasn't badly injured, I said I thought my hip was broken because it was hurting pretty badly. And then I woke up, to find my hip hurting from resting on the metal bar of the cot I'm sleeping on while here.