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HAY: How Are You? Vacation Edition (ID: 3366e6)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11765[Last 50 Posts]

How are you doing?

Have you been on any trips lately? Are you currently away from home having a good time, or are you ready to be back home? Or are you looking forward to a staycation instead?

previous thread: >>11436

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11767

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I got home from my trip to Indiana about 3am this morning. After checking-out from my motel Sunday morning I had several hours to kill so I eventually found the Mall at Fairfield Commons in Beavercreek Ohio. Malls are an endangered species around here so it was nice to find one that was reasonably intact. I had Gyodon at an anime themed bar/restaurant call Izakaya.

It was a nice distraction, but then I had to drive an hour and half back to Indiana and then a further 7.25 hours back to Pennsylvania.
This post was edited by its author on .

(ID: 12f77d)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11769

File: 1739246103683.gif (1.52 MB, 576x324, dash67.gif)

Good morning, hope you're doing well everyone.

(ID: 3366e6)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11770

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>>11767 That's a long drive for Gyodon and anime! Was it worth the side trip? Those neon lights are pretty cool. Where's your next trip going to be?
>>11769 Good morning; how's it going today? When's your next vacation going to be?

(ID: 12f77d)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11771

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Still tired, but I have to head to work in a few minutes.

I really have no vacations planned right now. I'll just take a day off here and there as usual.

Talk to you later.

(ID: 3366e6)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11772

>>11771 Have a nice day!

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11773

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>Was it worth the side trip?

I think so.

>Where's your next trip going to be?

Probably my usual runs down to Lancaster PA. Not terribly exciting but they pay the bills. I netted $1000 on this Indiana trip which sounds impressive until you factor in the cost of gas, food and motel room. Multiple short trips generally have less overhead than one long one. but then they also offer fewer chances to get out and see the sites too.

(ID: 3366e6)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11774

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>>11773 looks pretty good!
Do you prefer the long trips, the short ones, or a mix?

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11776

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A mix is best I think. I'm also not as young as I used to be so driving a thousand miles a day is not so easy anymore.

(ID: 3366e6)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11777

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>>11776 I hope you get to relax for a bit. I have to get ready to drive a ways as well. Have a good night!

Shalissa (ID: 275710)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11778

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I'm in the zone

Anonymous (ID: 9faede)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11779

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Okay, finally starting to be less sick. Have been coughing and laying in bed for several days, not the worst illness but has been annoying and draining.

an old relative, endchan not 8chan.moe (though we have contemplated going there). You'll need >>11778
eye blench from the fences images that are still stuck on the front page if you dare even take a peek.


Have a good night and nice trips.

(ID: 5de3e6)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11780

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Back from work, hope you're all well.

(ID: 2c5643)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11782

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Good morning... I barely slept for four hours.

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11783

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I slept for almost 12 hours last night. Had some wacky dreams too. The details are lost now but at one point the dream got so out of hand that I became lucid for a moment and was like: "Oi! Tone it down a little!" and then went back to dreaming passively. Then I was trying to punch somebody in my dream but couldn't and I got so frustrated that I woke up punching my pillow.

⛵☎️ (ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11785

>>11778 ready for your trip?
I took a look at it when it was mentioned previously. I was instantly reminded of ratemypoo.com. very strange. I did not bother looking past the front page, but I might give it another look when I have time.

>>11782 good morning; why so little sleep?
>>11783 that is pretty wacky. Who won between you and the pillow? Why were you wanting to punch them in your dream?

(ID: 71c154)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11786

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First I couldn't fall asleep, then I woke up again every other hours... then at 1:30 a.m. I couldn't fall asleep anymore, so I just stayed up.

Hope things are well with you.

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11787

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>Who won between you and the pillow?

The pillow I think.

>Why were you wanting to punch them in your dream?

I don't remember now, I just know I had to punch him.

(ID: 71c154)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11793

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Good morning.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11794

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>>11786 Hopefully you got more sleep last night!
>>11787 Are you going to train for a rematch?
How often do you have vivid dreams?
>>11793 Good morning; how are you doing? What do you have going on this weekend?

(ID: 71c154)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11795

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Oh yeah, slept for nine hours last night.

Got a birthday party on Saturday, so there's that. But it's only Thursday now.

How are you?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11797

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>>11795 way to catch back up!
beer and pizza? cake and wine?
not bad, tired though.

(ID: 71c154)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11798

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There'll be cake, and maybe whisky. Beer and wine are available, too.

Did you have a busy day?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11799

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>>11798 you can bring the pizza and become the hero the party needs! and then accept your just reward in alcohol.
kind of. I'm back at my mom's again, and it started off with a full day of therapy for my stepdad and doctor's visits for them both. I slept for about an hour last night after dropping Kady off.

(ID: 71c154)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11800

Since it's my birthday, I'm the one who will provide everything.

Oh, you're back again! That was fast. Will you work on the rehab IT some more?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11801

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>>11800 Ooo, Happy Birthday! Force them to pay tribute to you. What are you going to do besides food and drink?
Yeah I wasn't gone for long. some, but probably nowhere near as much as before.

(ID: 71c154)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11802

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Thanks! It's only next week, but we're celebrating early.

I guess we'll play some games, not sure yet what though. Maybe Uno.

How long will you stay this time around? Is grandma back in the apartment?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11803

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>>11802 Happy Early Birthday!
How about Monopoly, or Risk! or Twister.
about 3 weeks. yep. and apparently one of her drug-addled acquaintances was there last night, banging on my door and yelling at them.

(ID: 71c154)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11804

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Risk! takes way too long and we're too old for Twister. Maybe Monopoly.

Oh great, hopefully that won't cause any issues.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11805

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>>11804 If you're too old then be sure to stretch before playing Twister!
only if he comes back. I'm heading to bed; good luck with work!

(ID: 71c154)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11806

Sleep well!

(ID: 71c154)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11807

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Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11809

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>Are you going to train for a rematch?


(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11811

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>>11807 Is that from the show? Why is blank-flank Applebloom as tall as Applejack?
>>11809 Who is that anime girl, and does she seek out boob pillows or is that just an accident of some sort?

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11813

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That is Laffey from Azur Lane, also known as "The Wargod of Solomon" she is a Benson-class destroyer most famous for 1v1ing the Battleship Hiei during the third battle of Solomon. When not punching far above her weight class in battle she enjoying resting, napping and sleeping(in no particular order) and, if separated from her pillow she will seek out an alternative.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11814

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>>11813 a cursory google search suggests this is an anime based on a game?

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11815

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Yes, Azur Lane is a mobile game featuring anthropomorphized warships from early to mid 20th century. Laffey is one of 4 potential starter destroyers you can select at the beginning of the game. There's a spin-off game Azur Lane Crosswave for the PS4 and numerous colabs with World of Warships.

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11816

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Good morning.

Yeah, it's from show. She was belping in that pic, so they stretched her head for more effect.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11817

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>>11815 What are the collabs like? Do you play World of Warships?
>>11816 good morning; how's it going? ready for birthday shenanigans?

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11818

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That's tomorrow! I have to check it the bakery got my cake order.

I'm still a bit tired; how are you?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11819

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>>11818 good; you order it, and make them pay for it!
why tired?
I'm also pretty tired. I slept for about 4 hours, got up before 6a.m. to drive an hour to meet Kady and Nonny for breakfast. and then a full day of errands and driving people around after that.
This post was edited by its author on .

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11820

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Oh no, that'd be uncouth. I guess I could have slept some more, but it was seven hours still.

Are they living closeby? At least Kady isn't, right? Was it Uber driving?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11821

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>>11820 that's a pretty good amount. what's on the agenda for the day?
No, they left and drove 700 miles west after breakfast. And no, I was driving my step-dad to his appointments and back, plus other errands.

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11822

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Work at first, hopefully it'll be a quiet day. A friend will come over in the afternoon.

Are they on a long trip? I thought it was just errands. Is at least all the repair work done?

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11823

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Azur Lane features several "Priority" ships which are ships designs created by Wows' developer Wargaming. Priority ships have a damage bonus against Sirens who are the game's principle antagonists.

In WoWs the AL collab Premium ships have unique skins, commanders, commander skills and voice lines. This is my AL New Jersey:

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11824

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>>11822 What are you and your friend going to do?
Kady is moving to Nonny's; they were driving back to Nonny's place. driving him to PT and back is an errand, with a 5 hour minimum turn-around-time. No the repair work isn't done.

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11825

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Continue Silent Hill 2. I guess we'll start somesthing else too, dunno what though.

Ah, alright. 700 miles is quite a trip.

Five hours? That's a time waster. What else needs repairing?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11826

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>>11823 interesting; is either game well balanced?
>>11825 spooky.
They made it in earlier this evening.
It was more like 7.5 hours today when coupled with all the other errands I had to do down there and on the way back and forth.
A bathroom sink needs to be replaced. The light fixture over it needs to be replaced. A switch needs to be replaced. And then since I left last time, the cats have wrecked the back room, which again needs to be cleaned.

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11827

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A neverending circle of work! How long will you be staying this time?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11828

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>>11827 oh yeah and I have to shampoo the carpets with their broken-ass barely-functioning shampooer. ~March 3rd.
Are you going to play PT next?

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11829

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If I'd try that with my carpets they'd literally fall apart as old as they are.

PT was never released, so no chance to play it. Maybe we'll play F1 on the SNES again, or we'll find something else.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11830

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>>11829 what's under the carpets?
Bubble Bobble!

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11831

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The layer of carpet that was sticking to the actually floor and has started to separate due to the age.

My friend was never a fan of that one. But I'd play it.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11832

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>>11831 it's carpets all the way down.
Top Gear 2 then

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11833

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Carpets falling apart and separating.

I don't have that one.

Work's starting, have a good night!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11834

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>>11833 time for some emulation.
good luck; don't work too hard

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11836


Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11837

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I think so, some people will buy high-tier premium ships in WoWs thinking it's pay-to-win and then get their ass handed to them by players who actually know what they're doing.

Kinda like this:
Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya devastating strike

Also: Happy Bismarck launch day!

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11838

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(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11839

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>>11837 What's the ultimate goal of the game? level your way up to better ships or something?
Are they running special events for Bismarck launch day?
>>11838 It's the weekend! How did work go?

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11840

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Had a meeting, but all in all it was very quiet afterwards.

My friend just went home. We played through a game on the switch, Carpathian Nights starring Bela Lugosi.

How was your day?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11841

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>>11840 a suitably easy Friday.
What kind of game is that?
I just woke up. about to go get lunch with my mom then run some errands here in town.
all ready for the party?

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11842

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It's like the old Castlevania games, featuring Bela Lugosi as Dracula. He played Dracula in 1931 in a famous movie.

Did you sleep well?

Nothing's ready honestly, I have to get the cake and sandwiches tomorrow morning.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11843

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>>11842 Interesting. I do know that movie. Is the game any good?
pretty decent.
You're going all out on this party! How many people are you expecting?
gotta go; have a good evening!

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11844

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It was pretty good. Castlevania is better all around, still it was a nice time playing it.

Should be five adults and two kids.

Have a nice afternoon!

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11847

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>level your way up to better ships or something?

Pretty much yeah, as mentioned you can buy premium ships but unless you grind your way through the tech trees you're probably not going to have the requisite experience to make use of them.
>Are they running special events for Bismarck launch day?
Dunno, I haven't logged-in in a while. My desire to game, especially in multi-player games waxes and wanes quite a bit these days.

⛵💻 (ID: 33c58b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11851

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>>11847 What do you think of War Thunder?

Snowbell (ID: d5639d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11852

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I love how people on the WT forums keep leaking classified documents to win arguments however the last time I played it the aircraft controls were inverted and I couldn't for the life of me figure out to fix them so I ended up quitting out of frustration.

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11853

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Good morning.

⛵💻 (ID: 038b3f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11855

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>>11852 That's interesting. I found the controls to be incredibly frustrating as well.
>>11853 Happy Early Birthday! How are the party preparations coming along?

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11856

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Good morning, thanks! Preparations are going well, I still need to get the cake and sandwiches, the mall isn't open yet.

And I need to buy groceries too.

How are you?

⛵💻 (ID: 038b3f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11857

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>>11856 How long until people start showing up? Are you still planning to play Uno? Are you well rested?
I'm alright. spending the night at the rehab center, working on their network and server.

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11858

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Still six hours, so I've got a lot of time. I really don't know. I rather not, we play it way too often.

Making any progress? What's Munchkin doing in the meantime?

⛵💻 (ID: 038b3f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11859

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>>11858 some more Bela Lugosi in the mean time?
Twister it is!
Yes and no. I've figured out a lot, but I haven't solved anything yet. kind of depends on what the boss wants to do with the info. I'll find out tomorrow morning. think I'm about done for the night.
She's in an office sleeping. I need to prepare her dinner.

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11860

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Nah, we played through that, not much more to do in it. I guess I'll do some RPG work

Have they sent any payment yet?

Cheese and more cheese.

⛵💻 (ID: 038b3f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11861

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>>11860 You could host a one-shot RPG for everyone
We're out of cheese! it's a tragedy.

(ID: 7edd41)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11862

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Only one of them has ever played it, so I really don't think that's a good idea. Maybe we'll play some board game.

Send them an invoice for services rendered.

It's a disaster!

I have to get groceries now, have a nice night!

⛵💻 (ID: 038b3f)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11863

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>>11862 Risk and Monopoly, at the same time
I think they're just waiting for my info at this point
Thanks; have fun at the party!

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11866

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Good morning.

⛵💻 (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11868

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>>11866 'morning; how was the party? what have you got planned for today?

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11869

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Hey, it was fun, though not as many people came as expected. Some had fallen ill.

Nothing planned today, just relaxing.

How was your Saturday?

⛵💻 (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11870

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>>11869 sorry to hear that. are you going to have another get-together at some point?
what are you going to do to relax?
was a very long day. I fixed most of the network issues, and I'm spending another night. there's a few more things I need to try to do.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11871

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No, but I see them regularly anyway. Well, I still have some leftover cake for myself.

I'm not just taking it easy today. Maybe a friend drops by - not sure yet.

Sounds like you're making excellent progress there.

⛵💻 (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11872

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>>11871 don't let anyone take your cake!
what games did you end up playing during the party?
I guess so. just seems incredibly slow while you're doing it. I finished repacing the dying hard drives in the server. Then I reset their modem to work as a pass-through, installed a new router, tried to configure their firewall box to work with the router, but it wouldn't work regardless of what I tried, and then a factory reset bricked it. Then I dropped DHCP from the server and moved it to the router, and finally I removed DNS from the server and moved it entirely off-site. So the network is a lot cleaner now, and the whole thing doesn't go down any more if the server goes down. But I still don't have any control over the old wifi, and I'm not sure if printing and scanning works properly.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11873

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I'm having some right now!

We played Betrayal at House on the Hill, we hadn't played that in quite a while. It was fun.

I only understood half of all that, but it sounds like the setup is much better now than before. Will you work in printing and scanning next?

⛵💻 (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11874

File: 1739688021334.jpg (73.02 KB, 330x528, 66_block.JPG)

>>11873 save some for later, too!
who got betrayed?
I think so. Some of their network shit is 60s-80s era tech. 66 blocks like > with cat 5s stripped and splayed out between them like some sort of telephony nightmare. And somehow the biggest surprise of all is that it works and is just as fast as the hard-wired cat6. Next I'm going to take a sponge-bath since they don't have a shower here, and then I'm going to lay naked in a red-light non-tanning bed for a while. and then maybe try to figure out the wifi issue.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11875

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There's still three slices left. Enough for tomorrow as well.

One guy always becomes the 'betrayer' at some point and tries to kill the others or has some other sinister goal. But we won and managed to defeat him.

Kinda sounds like a botched job that still manages to work. Or someone really knew what he was doing in a way.

⛵☎️ (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11876

File: 1739688853327.jpg (3.06 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20250216_005201833.jpg)

>>11875 they must be pretty big slices
You stopped Béla Lugosi!
Look at this and tell me any of it makes sense

⛵☎️ (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11877

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(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11878

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They are big slices!

We actually stopped some kind of ghost who wanted to take over our bodies.

That looks like what someone would do who knows exactly how it works, but doesn't know any of the shortcuts to make it more efficient.

You should make a drawing of the cable setup.

⛵💻 (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11879

File: 1739690555355.png (134.18 KB, 960x540, Untitled.png)

>>11878 I ain't afraid of no ghosts.
here I drew the wiring diagram for you
I'm clean now; time to go get naked

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11880

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I meant the wiring when you're done fixing it!

Enjoy the red-light bed!

⛵💻 (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11881

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>>11880 Oh, I'm not sure they even want me messing with most of that. If it ain't broke...
It was very cozy and relaxing. I think I fell asleep.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11882

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True, if it works well, no need to touch it.

I've never used red light or tanning bed.

⛵💻 (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11883

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>>11882 3 of those wires going up to the ceiling on the left are actually being used. I have no idea which 3.
I hadn't either until yesterday. Some people say red light is the best thing since sliced bread. Some people think it's quackery. I don't really care; I just like being cozy and naked.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11884

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Cozy is always good.

I'm off for now, hope you have a nice night!

⛵💻 (ID: c3165d)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11885

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>>11884 I'll be heading off as well and going to bed in a bit. Thanks; have a nice day!

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11891

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Good morning.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11893

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>>11891 now that you're all relaxed, it's time for handshakes and contracts

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11894

I rather relax some more!

How are you?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11895

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>>11894 why don't you?
not bad

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11896

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Cause there's several meetings today and calls to make.

How are things on your end? Did you get any more work done?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11897

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>>11896 Tell them it's your birthday and get them to leave you alone. Also happy birthday week!
I finished, except for the copier/printer, which will require a company technician to fix whatever its problem is.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11899

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Officially it's only tomorrow.

Good job! What brand of pritner/scanne are they using? Is it one of those big ones on wheels?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11900

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>>11899 The week of Tuesday!
Yeah it's a Ricoh. fax/scanner/printer/copier. I got as far as getting it on the network, but I couldn't figure out how to get it to save fax's as files on the server at it's new location on the network.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11901

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There'll be lots of people calling.

We use HP ones at the office. Most are badly maintained and the color printing is really wonky. Always a bother when I want to print RPG stuff.

Tell them to stop using fax, it's not 2000 anymore.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11902

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>>11901 sending you offers over the phone.
HP is a scam. You're lucky they work at all!
They don't have a choice. Doctors and insurance often have to submit paperwork via fax.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11903

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They are, but I'm not the one who bought them.

Have to... that's so antiquated. Scan that garbage in and send it by mail.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11904

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>>11903 you should use all their toner and blame HP.
That's too slow if someone needs a referral. And also way easier to forge.
time for bed; have a good day at work.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11905

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I better not, or they'll check who's printing so much.

As if faxes aren't easy to forge. I've done it plenty of times.

Sleep tight!

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11911

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Good morning.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11912

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>>11911 good morning; you're up early. How's it going?

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11913

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I woke up hourly so I just decided to stay up.

How's your dasy going?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11914

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>>11913 did you get enough sleep? have some coffee?
long and boring.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11915

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I guess so, was about six hours. Yeah, I'll be having some coffee to start the day. Heading to th office later on.

Time for a relaxing evening?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11916

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>>11915 do you still have a bunch of meetings this week?
there's no relaxing here.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11917

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Actually I think only one. At least only one planned meeting.

What's on the agenda?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11919

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>>11917 that's not too bad.
trekville and then bed, and hopefully nothing else

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11920

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There'll still be some things to do I guess.

Anything new in trekville?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11921

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>>11920 like printing out maps and stuff!
another new loop that's incredibly inconvenient to the point of being impossible, we had several people join the alliance including one high level mini-whale, and we lost our territory to another alliance.
I'm not in a great mood. I am probably going to take a break from this site for a while.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11922

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If only! Extend some contracts and start a tender more likely.

You'll get the territory back though, right?

Did anything happen?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11923

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>>11922 need a contract to start some chicken tenders.
not a chance. they have a whale bigger and more active than our largest guy. the best we can do is go for another territory. but our big can't commit to being on when we need him, so it's like he isn't even part of the calculation. we're just shit out of luck right now.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11924

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We call them 'chicken sticks' here.

Timing issues are a thing that just happens unfortunately. What's the downside of having no territory again?

Well, you can always take a break.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11925

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>>11924 I wonder if that's like chicken fries or fish sticks.
tldr: less rewards and we fall behind further.
There's a "battle pass" that gives rewards for time spent in territory takeovers. When you don't have territory, it's a lot harder to get any points, since you have to coordinate with another alliance (if they let you sit for points at all without just blowing you up). We're generally not well liked in the server so coordinating to sit for points is no trivial thing. So we've basically missed out on all those weekly rewards. Our isogen refineries (needed for certain research and territory credits) slow down since we won't have the territory boosts. And we'll be missing out on any number of other perks or bonuses, which vary between territories.

Yeah I need one.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11926

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Well, yeah, kinda like fish chips. But not that evenly cut.

Hm, that's quite a few downside there. Didn't you say you'll get territory again when the server resets or something like that?

Maybe you'll feel better if you let the forum rest for a day or two.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11927

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>>11926 What kind of contract do they require?
It just reset. And everything got reshuffled. And the mega alliances all coordinated to leave as little additional space as possible for the rest of us.
Maybe. I doubt it. Nothing's going to change while I'm here.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11928

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Contracts for all kinds of well services. And a pointless tender for log digitalization.

Are they just capturing all the territory?

I doubt anything will change if you aren't.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11929

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>>11928 Should log digitization be automatic at this point?
Each alliance can have up to 5 territories. There are 54 territories total. The big 6 alliances together have 30. The remainder of the top 10 have another 15. That leaves 9 total for everyone else. And we can't win against any of the others in the top 20 without our big present.
Yeah that's true.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11930

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It is now, but we want to digitize tens of thousands of old logs that are still in hardcopy form. And you can't just scan them. They need special AI-assisted software to bring them up to internal standards.

Wow, that's not a lot of territories.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11931

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>>11930 weird, what do you need the AI for? should just be simple algorithms at worst.
Yeah. and we're fighting in the arena right now, against random groups from other servers, and we got matched with a group from our own server in the alliance of big spenders. We're just sitting it out and not even trying.
Have a nice day at work.

(ID: 629556)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11932

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I have no idea, I don't know enough about the subject. But it's a project taking over two years, so I don't think it's that easy.

Thanks, time I head to work!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11933

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Is this Ponychan?

(ID: f0fec6)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11934

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It says so on the website!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11935

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>>11934 hmmm

(ID: f0fec6)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11936

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Did you have a nice day so far?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11937

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>>11936 kind of weird. I'm still not in a great mood. but I'm resisting the urge to flood this thread with things you don't want to hear again.
how did your day go?

(ID: f0fec6)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11938

File: 1739907427804.jpg (32.73 KB, 198x258, celes23.jpg)

It was good, went to the mall with a friend after work. Had steak with pepper sauce.

About to head to bed now.

I hope you'll feel better soon!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11939

File: 1739907533305.jpg (113.52 KB, 854x935, beatnik_maud_pie_by_gonzaherme…)

>>11938 that sounds pretty good.
thanks; sleep well

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11942

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Good morning.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11943

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>>11942 Hi there; how are you doing?

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11944

File: 1739940101400.gif (1.39 MB, 800x450, dash130.gif)

Doing okay, still feeling a bit tired.

How are you?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11945

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>>11944 That sounds like something that coffee can fix. Are you heading to the office today?
I'm doing generally better.

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11946

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Having some right now, yes.

No, I'm working from home, got a long meeting though and need to ready through some contract papers.

Good to hear! Did you have a nice evening?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11947

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>>11946 I'm saving some for in the morning. It's hard to find good coffee around here.
Don't let me keep you from it; I'm busy working on stuff as well. What are the contracts for?
Not too bad. It was a slow, rainy day, and everything's about to freeze. The low tonight is supposed to be 16F, and tomorrow night it's supposed to get down to 12F. I slept, did a lot of Trekville, helped my mom with some computer stuff, and now I'm sort of working on the site.

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11948

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Bad coffee is just sad.

I'll start looking at it in an hour or so. The contract's for permitting services.

It's very cold here too right now, at night ta least. What are you working on?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11950

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>>11948 not even worth drinking in my opinion.
you have to pay a service to get permits? can't you just get the permits directly?
speaking of which I should check the heater. I'm researching Ponychan history/timeline for a new Ponychan wiki, since the one Zeke runs is worse than useless. Your statement
>I doubt anything will change if you aren't.
inspired me somewhat.
Do you know who TPWPAF is and/or what that stands for?

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11951

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It's permits you need in order to enter someone's ground, like to move an oil rig over it, onto it, check the pipelines going through their land, etc. It's a lost of people and a lot of work and we aren't staffed anymore to do it ourselves.

A timeline sounds interesting.

I think I've heard or seen TPWPAF before, but really can't think of what it means now.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11953

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>>11951 Is that for public lands? Can't you just get permission from private individuals directly?
He was admin with Mikie in late 2017. just came to me ...The Poster Who Posts As Fluttershy? seems to be what I recall but I'm not 100% sure.

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11955

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No, they are private lands, and permitting is getting the permission from those individuals.

Ah, right, the name sounds familiar.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11957

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>>11955 How much are they getting paid to use their land?
I just found an instance of the person posting with the name; that's the right person!

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11958

File: 1739942699077.png (199.24 KB, 444x310, disc13.png)

I really don't know. I only know what the company gets that is dealing with the private individuals.

Well, there you go!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11959

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>>11958 and of course some grease for yourself.
Did you know that Ponychan had an official Discord ~2016-2017 that syphoned users and activity away from the site, was shut down, and then replaced by Toybox's unofficial Ponychan Discord, that also syphoned users and activity away from the site?

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11961

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That'd be nice.

I know that it had a Discord for a while that then suddenly disappeared.

And I know Toybox's current Discord, it's pretty much dead.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11962

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>>11961 it's that early Christmas bonus.
Yeah I'm just reading posts about it from years ago. interesting stuff. I never knew about the official one.
That doesn't surprise me.

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11963

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A very early one!

I'll start work now, have a nice night!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11964

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>>11963 good luck; don't work too hard

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11965

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It's a start.


Ponychan was founded on February 8, 2011, as a refuge for My Little Pony fans who were banned from 4chan's /b/ board during what became known as the First Great Pony Purge. Created by Orange Blaze, Ponychan sought to establish a community distinct from 4chan, enforcing a culture of "love and tolerance." Over time, the site experienced various internal conflicts, leading to staff and user departures. Notably, in 2015, Ponychan merged with MLPchan, incorporating aspects of both sites and revitalizing the community for a time.

Decline and Shutdown (2020-2024)

Following the merger, the site saw various leadership changes. Administrators came and went, each leaving their mark on the culture and structure of Ponychan. Despite multiple shifts in administration, interest in imageboards waned as users migrated to other platforms such as Discord.

Under the administration of Toybox, which began around 2020, Ponychan experienced a profound cultural shift. The administration's approach to moderation increasingly emphasized personal loyalty over adherence to the site's founding principles. This led to widespread accusations of favoritism, selective enforcement of rules, and a general decline in transparency. Additionally, much of the site’s active user base was funneled into a private Discord server, further diminishing engagement on the imageboard itself.

Toybox's tenure also saw an erosion of the site's historically open and community-driven ethos. Decisions were made unilaterally, and attempts to solicit feedback from users were largely ignored. This disregard culminated in the controversial decision to shut down Ponychan permanently. Unlike previous administrative transitions, no effort was made to pass the site to capable successors or engage with the community about its future.

On December 8, 2023, an abrupt announcement declared that the site would close in one month. The stated reasons for this decision were widely disputed, with many users viewing it as a betrayal of the community's trust. A press release was sent to Equestria Daily marking what was declared the official end of Ponychan, and the administration refused to make an archive of the site publicly available, erasing years of history.

Successor Sites

Following the announcement of Ponychan’s closure, community members began organizing efforts to preserve the imageboard format. Initially exploring other platforms, users discovered the open-source Ponychan repositories and sought to establish successor sites.

On December 20, 2023, user ⛵ announced the creation of Not Ponychan, hosted at www.notponychan.net. This site faced substantial technical difficulties at launch. Shortly thereafter, on December 25, 2023, an anonymous user launched a separate instance using the same repositories under the domain www.ponychan.org, which managed to avoid many of the technical issues of its predecessor.

The existence of multiple successor sites led to confusion within the community. The former Ponychan administration, while not acknowledging these efforts in official statements, declared that any sites other than www.ponychan.net were unofficial. Additionally, a separate alternative pony imageboard was promoted by the previous administration, further fragmenting the remaining user base.

Eventually, notponychan.net rebranded and moved to the domain ponychan.co. Once the major technical difficulties were resolved, ponychan.org shut down and redirected to ponychan.co, consolidating much of the remaining userbase under one platform.

This is also why you fucked me by moving Story to ponyville, which damn sure didn't need yet another serial thread. Because it was the one and only thing that could have been said to demonstrate the legitimacy of this site. Because Story was always on Ponychan, even when it was just you and me on there. You could have moved it to Ponyville at any time during the past decade, but you didn't. And so you waited until Ponychan shut down, when my shit was barely working, when I needed literally anything to prove the legitimacy of this site, to kick me in the teeth. Hope it was worth it. /rant

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11966

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(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11967

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Looking good!

I remembered that Ponychan was founded in February, there was a poll back then on 4chan where a lot of people asked whethere they'd join Ponychan or some other site.

I joined up before my birthday back then, I was still 33 at that point.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11969

File: 1739973324322.png (302.45 KB, 1280x796, asssadff.png)

>>11967 How was 4chan back then? Do you get on there much any more?

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11972

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I think it was 'funnier' back then. It was the time of those Anonymous raids and stuff. I never posted, only read the threads. Then I saw ponies and I just had to check the show out.

When Ponychan was created I stopped going to 4chan.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11973

File: 1739981317501.png (149.55 KB, 329x321, 139523317232.png)

>>11972 I did hear about the stuff like the Habbo Hotel raids. I thought those were hilarious. I was less amused in the mid/late 2000s by the /b/tards who came to the game I was working on.

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11974

Oh, I remember you showing pics of the game. Didn't you mention once you were still hosting it?

⛵☎️ (ID: 21cb6e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11975

>>11974 I don't think I ever got it back up. I got the forums back up which are integral to the game and then I think I got distracted by real life.
How did your day go?

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11976

File: 1739985715076.gif (2.94 MB, 600x338, bg145.gif)

It was alright, work was pretty slow beside a long meeting. No more meetings till next week now.

Ah, I thought you showed me the game, but that was years ago. Maybe it was just screenshots.

⛵☎️ (ID: 21cb6e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11977

>>11976 have you got RPG this weekend? Speaking of RPGs, Google's Gemini does an admirable effort at running a sort of single player puzzle RPG.
it was probably an ancient video I made, if it was the one with ponies.

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11981

Yeah, got RPG on Saturday where I'm DM.

Oh yes, it was a video!

⛵☎️ (ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11982

>>11981 are they going to burn down the fire bug's houses?
That was a fun video to make, but it looks awful. I made that on a Pentium 4 HT.

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11983

File: 1739993998401.jpg (16.9 KB, 629x356, dash97.jpg)

They are starting something new, marching towards another big battle as part of an army.

Bed time, night night!

⛵☎️ (ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11984

>>11983 it's payback time
Good night!

(ID: 907a76)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11989

File: 1740021470398.jpg (72.4 KB, 431x326, dash82.jpg)

Good morning.

⛵☎️ (ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11991

>>11989 good morning; how did you sleep?

(ID: 104190)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11994

Sleep well, at the office today.

Hope you have a good night.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11996

File: 1740069663756.png (54.36 KB, 500x500, h88648918.png)

>>11994 how did work go?

(ID: 77f842)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11997

File: 1740071379742.jpg (2.98 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0442.jpeg)

First busy, then super boring.

Mall time!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11998

File: 1740071695031.gif (547.74 KB, 576x324, 575943.gif)

>>11997 now it's over and you can focus on the adventure that awaits.
Is that apple? looks good

(ID: 9f4095)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  11999

File: 1740073852988.gif (3.2 MB, 1280x759, celes67.gif)

Yeah, on Saturday. No, it's pistachio with vanilla ice.

How are you?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12000

File: 1740074260895.gif (928.97 KB, 700x394, 579056.gif)

>>11999 Who are they on their way to fight?
How does one make pistachio look like that? I do like pistachio ice cream.
I'm doing ok; how are you? Heading to bed soon?

(ID: 9f4095)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12001

File: 1740074632936.gif (926.39 KB, 826x462, celes69.gif)

One of the armies of the evil demi-god wizard. Alas, the heroes will lose again!

The green sauce is pistachio. Pistachio ice cream has alway been one of my favorites.

But the main part is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaiserschmarrn#:~:text=Kaiserschmarrn%20is%20a%20light%2C%20caramelized,be%20prepared%20in%20different%20ways.

I guess in two hours or so. I might play some Castlevania.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12002

File: 1740074913062.gif (1.23 MB, 322x253, 1395292818783.gif)

>>12001 He's just a demi-god, it'll be fine. What if they don't!
Is that kind of like a funnel cake? I thought that was apple. I think I might have had that before.
Which one are you playing?

(ID: 9f4095)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12003

File: 1740075397201.png (64.55 KB, 322x193, bonlyra21.png)

It's rigged so they can't win!

I really don't know, we don't have funnel cake here.

Lament of Innocence on the PS2 (though really on an emulator).

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12004

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>>12003 they're going to surprise you, nat 20s all day er' day
don't know anything much about that one

(ID: 9f4095)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12005

File: 1740075938956.jpg (55.07 KB, 929x558, bg179.JPG)

Well, even if they do that, all those other guys they are fighting alongside with won't be so lucky. Also, in TDE 20s are critical failures!

It's a 3D one, like Devil May Cry in a way. The best of the 3Ds!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12006

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>>12005 So how are the other guys going to run into problems?
I was hoping you wouldn't notice that.
Have you tried Google Gemini? I don't know if you saw what I said previously about its puzzle/adventure capabilities, but it's actually pretty decent compared to the other "AI"s I've tried.
ah yeah, so I heard. I've never played a 3D Castlevania. or Devil May Cry.
I should get Munchkin taken care of then see what my mom needs help with. have a good night!

(ID: 9f4095)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12007

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They get mostly killed by demons and a huge undead dragon will rise all dead fighters and flood the grounds with zombies.

I don't know anything about AIs... never actively used them for anything.

Give Munchkin lots of cheese! Night night!

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12008

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Good morning.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12010

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>>12008 'morning; ready for a relaxing day?

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12011

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Pretty much, yeah. Not sure yet what I'll be doing though.

How are you?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12012

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>>12011 coffee first, plan later. get enough sleep?
pretty tired from dealing with my mom's self-imposed computer problems all day.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12013

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I had some coffee just now, and enough sleep.

Oh, did she delete the internet?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12014

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>>12013 that's a good start. how did Castlevania go?
She uses Linux exclusively, but she's hellbent on using this obscure desktop called Budgie that doesn't work properly with all distributions, and isn't fully updated on others. So we've wiped this new computer 3 times today reinstalled things, just for her to decide she doesn't like, it, and we have to start all over. because of the desktop.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12015

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I didn't play it much, I'll do more of that today.

That reminds me of the late 90s when I had to re-install Windows 95 and MS-Dos every couple of months cause shit stopped working.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12016

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>>12015 so you do have a plan!
nothing like that new Windows smell

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12017

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Yeah, playing it now. A friend will come later in the afternoon.

It had its charm back then.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12018

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>>12017 fun stuff; I'll leave you to it then
I do get a similar feeling from a clean Linux install

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12019

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Game's pretty hard at the final level.

I never used Linux.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12020

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>>12019 are you on the final level?
it's generally not very good for gaming.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12021

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Yeah, trying to clear everything up, also trying an optional super boss later on.

Yeah, so I heard.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12022

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>>12021 Completionist Clarity
boost your gamer score!

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12023

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It's a shame you always get the good stuff at a point when you don't really need it anymore.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12024

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>>12023 but you said the last level was hard, so maybe you do need it!

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12025

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I could finish the game now and I have way too many healing items.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12026

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>>12025 you should pass some along to the army going to face the evil zombie dragon.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12027

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Healing is too slow in TDE.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12028

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>>12027 You could fix that

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12029

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That would be cheating!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12030

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>>12029 It's not cheating when the DM does it, unless that DM makes an unwinnable scenario for his adventurers.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12031

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No, the rules must be the same for everyone! If the heroes could quickly heal, so could the enemies.

Also, it's classic story telling.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12032

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>>12031 shenanigans!

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12033

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Lots of downer moments to show the strength of the enemy.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12034

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>>12033 shenanigans

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12035

File: 1740120558334.gif (3.15 MB, 400x225, bg146.gif)

Bah! Time to take on the optional boss.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12036

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>>12035 good luck!

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12037

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I died.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12038

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>>12037 I told you that you needed those healing items

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12039

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He took half my energy with a single hit at the end.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12040

File: 1740121694919.jpg (70.03 KB, 682x961, 30_min_chalenge_maud_pie_crava…)

>>12039 who's he?

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12041

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Some large man-made monster called "The Forgotten One", locked up under the castle. I died in the final phase where you fight its head.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12042

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>>12041 the big bosses just look slow. that's how they get you.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12043

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They are slow, the issue is evading their attacks.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12044

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>>12043 not slow enough for you to evade the attacks!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12045

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I was going to try to work on the site some more, but I'm too tired so I'm heading to bed. hope you have a nice day; good night

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12046

File: 1740124227302.png (132.38 KB, 945x945, hh23.png)

Sleep tight!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12048

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back to work

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12050

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⛵☎️ (ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12051

>>12050 how did your afternoon go?

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12052

File: 1740163264913.gif (1.92 MB, 500x281, dash24.gif)

It was nice, friend just left. We played the PS2 Castlevania and Cult of the Lamb afterwards.

How's your day?

⛵☎️ (ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12053

>>12052 Which one's cult of the lamb? Ready for RPG? Also happy birthday week!
My mom got her new computer set up how she wanted finally.
Also Granny got arrested last night. Again.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12054

File: 1740164236920.png (388.38 KB, 1280x720, dash143.png)

CotL is a mix of simulation and hack 'n slash where you manage your own cult.

No, not ready yet. But I start setting the tables and stuff.

Thanks! Birthday was on Tuesday, it seems a long time ago already.

Good job on the PC! What did granny do this time?

⛵☎️ (ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12055

>>12054 oh yeah, gotta spread the message of mutton
She and her girlfriend were dumpster diving and pulled out a couple of purses. I guess some cops must have come upon the two of them and asked what they were doing and searched the purses, and there were a couple of pills inside. Seems like a ridiculous thing to get arrested for but she's got a history, so...
This post was edited by its author on .

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12056

File: 1740164937083.gif (686.05 KB, 318x216, dash420.gif)

That's right! Gotta worship the lamb.

That's unfortunate, I hope she invoked the fifth and got a laywer.

⛵☎️ (ID: d731d1)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12057

>>12056 how many people did you recruit?
Of course she didn't, she's stupid. She can't keep her mouth shut for 5 seconds. But supposedly someone may be hiring a layer for her, which is surprising since she could just get a public defender for free.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12058

File: 1740166544027.jpg (80.7 KB, 609x339, cmc14.jpg)

I think we got 23 or so right now.

Would have surprised me... Well, at least she got a lawyer now.

⛵☎️ (ID: 4ce362)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12059

>>12058 it's a good start, but you've got a long ways to go
I wonder if she'll still be in jail when I get back
My mom and I are heading to west Arkansas to get a computer peripheral for her.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12060

File: 1740168791098.png (736.17 KB, 1366x768, dash90.png)

Hopefully she won't.

I'm off to bed, night night!

⛵☎️ (ID: d9e79e)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12061

>>12060 good night!

Malt Shoppe Commentary ≥Blackheart (ID: 2d168b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12062

File: 1740173063163.png (662.39 KB, 1016x454, You asked C3P0 about it didn't…)

You know the rules Lex, you use the ring the scientific impossibility in the lounge singers suit gets to enact the results. Drink the prune juice!🤳

youtube.com/watch?v=HHgzwmFN1F4 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qho44MULG98≥Blackheart (ID: 2d168b)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12064

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(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12065

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Good morning.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12066

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>>12065 'morning; are you ready?

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12067

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I think I am! How are you?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12068

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>>12067 doing alright; how are you?
Ft Smith was pretty cool as usual. We ran our errands, then ate at the oldest family-owned restaurant in town which was really good, and then we went to grab some coffee before coming back. I got one called the "True Grit" named after the movie, which was also pretty good.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12069

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I'm fine, thanks. Having breakfast.

What did you have for food?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12070

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>>12069 What's for breakfast?
It's an Italian place. We had fried mozzarella, ravioli, and calamari for appetizers. I had Sicilian linguini and lasagna with cannelloni; my mom got the fettuccine alfredo and manicotti with tiramisu. great stuff.

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12071

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Bread with cheese, it's what I always have. Or rather had, cause I ate it.

That all sounds great! Except for the calamari.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12072

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>>12071 what kind of bread and cheese did you get?
he no like-a the squid!? he no like-a the squid!
when do people start showing up today?

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12073

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It's Edamer, I always have the same cheese.

I don't like fish or anything from the sea really!

They arrive in 4 - 5 hours.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12074

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>>12073 I'm not sure Munchkin would approve.
more for me then.
Have you gone shopping yet?

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12075

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What's Munchkin's favorite cheese?

Oh yes, you can have it all!

No, I'll go shopping in 90 minutes. Before that I need to start cleaning the apartment.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12076

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>>12075 she really likes sharp cheddar and mozzarella.
who's bringing the beer?

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12077

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Hm, I don't have either of those cheeses often!

I have all the beer that is needed, easily 30 bottles.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12078

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>>12077 what's the world coming to.
...party at Clarity's!

are you going to be fair to your players?

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12079

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There's always plenty to drink around. I guess we'll have wine today though.

I'm always fair. Not that it will help them in the battle.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12080

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>>12079 wine... and cheese. classy!
it's not fair if they're guaranteed to lose!

(ID: ae4d38)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12081

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I'll be very fair in my decision whether they too will die or if they will make it out alive!

I have to be off now to and do some work, have a nice evening!

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12082

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>>12081 nat 1s all day er' day
thanks; have fun!

(ID: ab7e96)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12099

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Good morning.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12100

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>>12099 good morning; what happened? I need details.

(ID: ab7e96)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12101

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Not much happened honestly, we made much less progress than I thought. So the heroes are still sitting in a town, talking to lots of officials.

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12102

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>>12101 did y'all have a good time?

(ID: ab7e96)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12103

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I would say so, yes. We also drank a lot and had lots of food.

How was your day?

(ID: d2e789)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12104

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>>12103 kind of like a second birthday party. continuing in a week? when's the other game continuing?
doing alright; how are you?

(ID: ab7e96)Country code: at, country type: geoip, valid: 1  12105

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I guess you could say so. The other one will be continuing next weekend.
Today I'll just be taking it easy though.

Did you find some time to relax?

I'm having coffee.

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