Anonymous (ID: 417a90)Country code: us, country type: geoip, valid: 1 No.8510
File: 1729468368738.gif (1008.4 KB, 400x300, Daft punk.gif)
I don't know, and to be honest I don't care what you do with your life. I'm not your therapist or life coach. I'm just pointing out how it's unlikely that it's gonna happen ever.
Most women want a man as a baseline and on top of that, most people want someone who isn't a pathetic slob who consistently relapses into a mental and financial mess. Women want excitement and stability. Most people don't want to be seen as objects that you can just drop at the bat of an eye with and upgrade; or run too if you feel desperate. Your biggest issue from what I've seen is that you don't actually respect people. You treat them more as objects of entertainment, desire, or support. Everything is transactional to you, and you don't even have anything really to offer in return.
I mean, think about it this way: would you want to date you? Better yourself. Good luck.